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Author Topic: Super Power Pearl  (Read 19988 times)


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Super Power Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
CoverStock: ProThane LT+ Pearl; Factory Finish: Factory Polish; RG: 2.55 (Med-low); Diff: .055 (high); Flare Potential: 6" + (High); Length: 7 (1 - 10 scale); Backend 7 (1 - 10 scale); Hook Potential: 20; Availabel weights: 12-16; Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Heavy Oil


Jeff Mop

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2001, 04:14:57 PM »
Came with 3.5 top and 3.5" pin. Drilled with pin above and right of ring, CG on midline slightly right of ring finger, and Mass Bias ends up just below thumbhole, a bit off to the right.

This is a weak drill pattern for me because I track very close to the thumbhole. I was hoping that the drill pattern would result in a strong arc, but somewhat flippy reaction. I was shooting for halfway in-between the two.

I guess I'm getting better at mapping stuff out because I was dead on. The ball revs up very nicely in the front of the lane, but the pearl coverstock has NO problem getting through the heads at all. Reminds me of a Pearl Thunder Road in that respect. The ball loses no energy in the backend and I get as much recovery as I need in the backend. The ball squirts a little bit on oil, but 1) if you're using a pearl ball on a flood you need to rethink your strategy anyway, and 2) because the ball revs up a lot and retains energy well, you can still get some movement on the oil...enough that you won't washout or 2-8-10 all the time.

The ball is not a flippy Trauma-type ball, which means you get exceptional control. The Super Power weight block gives the ball plenty of hitting action, though.

I love this one, can't wait for more Storm balls using this new coverstock...

P.S. - It smells like Banana Walnut Bread...don't know what the "official" scent is because it doesn't say on the box.  I was told that it supposedly is Watermelon, but I still think it's banana nut bread  

Mike Austin

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2001, 01:17:13 AM »
This ball had the pin out 3" from the cg with 3.82 top weight.  I drilled this ball for one of Houston's best female players, Donna Conners.  Donna is tight with Storm Staffer Carol Norman.  The drill pattern was suggested for Donna by Carol and Rachel Perez.  I did not agree with it at first, but worked pretty well.

Carol reported that her first couple Pearl SP were very flippy.  Donna is a high speed player with a smooth tweener type release.  We wanted to get this ball into a roll quickly to try and eliminate some of the over/under reaction.

Donna's PAP is 4 1/2 over and 1/2 down from the center of her span.  We put the cg on her PAP with the pin at 10:00 position from the pin.  Because of the large top weight, I had to use a 1 1/4 hole pretty deep to get the ball back to legal, about 3/4 positive side.

This ball is pretty impressive.  Donna had no trouble clearing the front of the lane at any time during our long session.  She could move left and bounce the ball off the track area, with much control of her break point.  Almost no over reaction.  I would attribute this to the particle shell material and the very calming early rolling layout.  YET, she was able to come around the ball a little more than usual and open up the lane very well.  This is not one of her strong points, as she is more comfortable playing up the boards.  This ball hits very hard.

This test was done before and after the daily oiling of the lanes, on Brunswick synthetics.  This house is not noted for having big back ends, but this ball was very nice.  Popped that 10 very well.  

I think this ball will be a very nice, versatile ball.  Being a particle ball, don't be afraid to put some surface on it for more oil.  Hope this helps ya....

Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2001, 02:36:09 PM »
We will first saw this ball when the Storm rep walked into our shop, it has a Watermelon smell, which isn't that strong.  A week later we recieved some of them in our shop.

We drill one of them for one of the shop guys.  I bowled with him on the same pair.  The lanes were fresh oil for first shift.  Drier outsides and Heavy oil in the middle.  

The Super Power Pearl was able to get down the lane without a problem, and then made a strong controlled move to the pocket.  This ball is able to play in the dry with early hook, where the Original Super Power wasn't.  The Pearl was controlled and smooth at the breakpoint, making it easy to read.

If you like the Super Power, you will like the Super Power Pearl.  When the lanes dry up and you have to put the original Super Power away, you will be able to grab the Super Power Pearl.

The ball was laid out with a 5" by 5" drill for this ball.  We didn't need a weight hole.

On a scale of 1-10, I would give this ball a 7.5.  We should be able to throw this ball on Medium-Light Oil without a problem.  The Pearl is able to get down the lane further than the El Nino 2000 and more controlled at the break point that Power Bolt.

If you have any questions, please email me at
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"

Paul Meyer

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2001, 10:39:17 PM »
Drilled mine with a 5 1/2 x 3 pattern with an extra hole on my PAP. Finishing weights were 1 oz. thumb, and 1/2 oz negative. I drilled this ball to play on a house shot which is extremely wet/dry which lots of backend. I was hoping to get the SP pearl to get into a smooth transition off of the dry outside but still maintain some carry.  Well I must say that this was a good combo of drill pattern and ball selection. This ball was cleaner through the front part of the lane than the original SP. Backend reaction is just as strong but the pattern allowed me to control the reaction while still keeping the hitting power. Overall I feel this ball will be more versatile just for the fact that this ball will clear the heads even during the later shifts of league/tournament play. Another great ball by storm.


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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2001, 08:55:09 AM »
Axis coordinates are: 5-1/4 right and 3/4 up.
Pin distance from cg: 2-1/2"

Ball Layout: Pin is 5-3/4" from axis and c.g. is 6" from axis. No weight hole was needed. Surface is box finish.

I drilled this ball 5 weeks ago.  I drilled this ball specifically for a drier shot ( very little oil) in particular a "sport shot" where you needed to stand way left and throw the ball way right and have the ball recover.

With this layout, the ball really clears the heads very well and recovers very nicely to the pocket. As the ball is going down the lane it looks like it is not going to recover, then when it hits the dry backend of the lane, the ball has a nice strong arc to the pocket.  The carry with this ball is absolutely great. As long as there is backends this ball will recover.  If the there is oil in the back, you need to put this ball up and throw something different.

The super power pearl impresses me enough that I must drill another one with a stronger layout.  


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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2001, 10:23:31 PM »
This ball is awesome!!!

Style=Almighty Righty, Stroker with average revs.

Lanes=Guardian (synthetic), oiled 40/42 feet, bone try 5 out.

I was having problems with the extreme over/under that I was having with my equipment on these lanes/ I finally drilled the SP Pearl.  The ball started with 2" pin, 3.25 ounces top weight.  I drilled it 1200 stacked, with the pin about 1/4 to1/2 inch to the right of the ring finger and 1/4 inch hole needed.

I tried several lines with this ball and the most successful was standing 23 floating it out across 12 out to 6 (barely clipping the dry).  This ball provided and very strong, but controllable arc to the pocket.  If I lost one and got it out too far, of course because of the dry boards it came storming back but not over reacting.  If I tugged it a tad it still held nicely.  

If you are looking for control with a SMOOTH finish...this is the one for you.  I five this ball a 9 out of 10.  Another great ball by Storm.  Hope this helps.


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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2001, 09:29:19 PM »
15 lb ball.  Drilled using layout # 2 on the Storm drill sheet.  Used the ball in two different houses, both sets of lanes are synthetic.  One house has heavy oil, backends fairly dry, other house has medium oil with carry down.  As the drilling states, with this drilling the ball makes a defined move half-way down the lane and a heavy roll into the pocket.  Doesn't over-react.  Rate it 71/2, to 8.  Ball drilled this way is better in a house that is medium with carrydown, or on a wood house with stripped backends.  Have thrown a few 270+ games with it.

Bradley Hay

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2001, 09:22:22 PM »
Well, it's been a very long time since I've posted a review for any ball, so here goes -

Personal stats -
very high rev rate
0 - 50 axis tilt
high speed rate

The Super Power Pearl -

I haven't had much success w/ pearlized particle balls, but this one has me hooked.
This was drilled:
pin at 12 o'clock (pin was out 5") (blem, yes)
2 oz top
cg 2" right of thumb in thumb/pos quadrant (cg on thumb cut line)
no hole necessary for now (5/8 oz thumb, 1/2oz pos)
Lane conditions - your typical house block (wood lanes), synthetic (12-12 late league carry down)

This ball goes VERY long and just an unbelievable amount of recovery if sent wide on certain conditions.
I've thrown the ball on wood and synthetic lanes with no favoritism towards either one with this ball. It gets through the heads with ease on both types and the converstock doesn't make it overreact or underreact.

frank marino

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2001, 09:57:58 PM »
super power pearl
   all you need is a back end
    and the ball will do the rest
   its a great ball.
   from  1 to 10 i give this ball a 10.


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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2002, 01:42:51 PM »
This ball is fantastic... i have mine drilled medium RG-strong.. (go long with sharp backend) ..sometimes i have a lil trouble controling the backend cause its so freakin strong.. and hits like a truck.. my Too Hot surpised me too.. but you hafta put alotta hand in it to dig.. but the Super Power Pearl straight out digs even when you dont have the right amount of lift on the ball.. its great.. i give it a 8 outta 10.. great ball Storm


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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2002, 05:36:30 PM »
Bought my Storm Super Power Pearl on 1-21-02 and have bowled about 20 games with it so far to date.  17 of the 20 have been over 220!  I have used the ball on freshly oiled lanes all the way to dry, heavy carry downed lanes.  I have used this ball on both synethic and wood lanes with the same reaction.....10 in the pit!

This ball will go from gutter to gutter with lil effort as long as you keep your hand under it......this ball is more of a crankers or a person (like me) who doesnt play many boards.  I basically stand with my right foot next to the middle dot and release it out to the second arrow and it comes back full strength shot after shot.  

The ball also doesnt hold oil like many other balls.  This ball has replaced my Track Champ as my main ball.........also this ball can replace your spare ball!  This ball replaces all of your bowling balls!

I give it a 10 out of 10!

15yrold_columbia roller

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2002, 09:28:05 PM »
Wow!! This ball really shocked me. I was reading the drilling specs. and they all really said that this ball was for medium to light oil patterns, and let me tell you they are wrong! This ball has the most backend I have ever seen on a ball before. Also this ball hits like a SEMI!! The pins dont have a chance. My first series I bowled with this ball I threw a 696. Which isnt bad at all. I carry a 196 average and I see that going way up. This ball has great recovery, I threw some balls to far out but this ball still came back. I drilled this ball 1 1/2in strait across from my ring finger. I would have to give this ball a 11 on a scale of 1-10. This ball just amazes me. O by the way GO BUY THIS BALL

         any ?'s email me at

Quid Novi

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2002, 11:06:30 PM »

Got this ball before Christmas time, 16lbs, PAP out, 3.54 top weight, 4-4.5 pin placement.  CG in palm between thumb and ring (finger).  Pin 2 inches above ring (finger) at 1'oclock and 4 inches from axis point. No weight hole.  Bowled in three leagues one with Anvilane (first league in the evening), one with old fashioned AMF wood (late league)and one with Syn (sub).  Bowled approx. 20 games -lowest game 196 highest game 260.  Ball reacted very much the same on all three lanes.  Am righty with med-rev, standing on 2nd dot from left (left foot) aim 3rd arrow from right and ball travels toward pin 6 and pin 10.  Snaps real hard and bang with authority.  Can leave pin 10 standing, correcting this by move back by 3 or 4 inches.  Very reliable and readable.  When I throw and miss the aim by probably 3 or 4 board, it will recover by itself.  Rate 10 for this ball.  Big bravo to Storm!

Will try on medium to light oil (long pattern).  Get back to you in a few weeks.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Super Power Pearl
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2002, 09:23:57 PM »
This is a very condition specific ball in my opinion, but it could just be the drilling I have on it. Pin is above and between the fingers to get the ball down the lane.
I think the perfect pattern for this ball is the Christmas Tree pattern. If you can send it out through oil and have dry backends then this is the ball to have. It does respond very well to differences in hand position and ball speed. The backend reaction is very sharp, but the breakpoint is very readable.

The ball does what I wanted it to, so I have to rate it high. I will say that I like this ball much better than the SP solid.

I like the ball overall, but condition specific equipment is too common these days. I give this ball a 7.5
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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