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Author Topic: Super Power  (Read 17347 times)


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Super Power
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Super Power includes the exclusive Storm Pro-Thane LT Particle cover
stock. Pro-Thane is comprised of softer, more flexible particles than other
"particle" cover stocks. These particles compress under the weight of the
ball, giving a wider footprint for SUPER traction in the oil and SUPER
contact on the backend. This means SUPER reaction and SUPER pin action for
SUPER scores. Internally the Super Power features a modified and inverted
Fire Power two-piece weight block with Power Ball Technology. A large slug
has been added to the top of the weight block for added flare potential.

The specifications of the Super Power are: Coverstock: Pro-Thane LT
Particle; Factory Finish: 1,000-grit Sanded; Color: Sapphire Blue/Lush Green
two-color; Hardness: 76-78 Rex D-scale; Weight Block: Modified two-piece
with Power Ball Technology; Radius of Gyration: 2.55 (Medium-Low);
Differential: .055 (High); Flare Potential: High (6"plus); Hook Potential:
18.5/15.5/Dull/Shiny on Storm's scale of 1-20; Length: 5 on a scale of 1-10;
Backend: 8 on a scale of 1-10; Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Heavy



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Re: Super Power
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2002, 03:33:42 PM »
See my profile for my style.
This ball is much stronger than I expected.  I had an HPD particle, and the SP is much stronger.  With my medium speed (15-16) I have to have head oil or the ball burns up, and usually can only use it for a game on fresh league shots, so I pretty much have it as a tournament ball.  If you throw under 16 mph and have decent turn on the ball, this ball is great on heavy oil with medium or week backends.  If you have shorter oil or lighter oil, the SP will be too strong.  If you are a higher speed player, i.e. 18+, the SP would work well on medium to medium heavy oil.  I would imagine you would want a higher particle load/lower RG for the heavy stuff.  Good bargain, as you get a lot of power for a medium price.  But, like with any ball, look at your speed, and what conditions you want it for to see if it matches up with what you need.


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2002, 12:30:49 AM »
I'm back....Ok, I finally picked up my ball.  I've read everywhere how this ball hits hard....and it does!!  I've only thrown a few games on it and this ball is just awesome.  Mine is set up 4 1/2 pin placement.  Goes long and this baby snaps.  Incredible.  I was only able to use it so far after a league night so I haven't had it on fresh oil, so I can only imagine what that will be like.  Anyways, I love it!!  Great job Storm!!



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Re: Super Power
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2002, 04:58:19 PM »
I'm a lefty (also a 'no-thumber'), for this ball, I have the pin 1/2 inch left of my ring finger.  I don't really like it as a strike ball.  Granted, the 1st game I shot with it was a 203, but I left too many back row pins, along with a couple 7-9 splits.  I mainly use it for right side spares (10 pin, 9 pin, 6 pin, 6-10 combo, etc....)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Super Power
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2003, 06:41:24 PM »
This ball never really impressed me much. I only bowled about 10 games and got rid of it. More than the ball it was probably the drilling I had on it.

It was layed out stacked, pin and cg right below the ring finger, and only a 1 1/2 inch pin out. This ball did not hook much throughout the entire lane. It kind of rolled early and stopped. I played with the cover a bit, and nothing.

i give it a 7 out of 10 mainly because the way it was layed out is probably the fault with this ball, and that is my fault.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Super Power
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2003, 02:37:22 PM »
This ball has been a total enigma to me so far. I know that it was designed for medium to heavier oil back in the day. Now, I have mine drilled up sort of strange, so that certainly has something to do with my assessment. However, this ball is just too wierd to read. So far the ball just seems very flat. It reads the lane early but offers absolutely zero in terms of backend movement. Plus, the carry is fairly weak as well. I don't want to bash the ball too harshly, as a different drilling might help the cause. However, from what I'm seeing this ball is a 4 out of 10 so far.

Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2003, 01:56:46 AM »
-I've had this ball for a little while now but figured I'd still write something about it here...

Great Ball! Revs up early and has a very strong a continuous roll. The cover is actually pretty lenghy for a particle and has a very controllable, strong, and continuous backend reaction.

It's a great ball to pull out for most league conditions with any backends, or on a spotty carry down.

Again it is an older ball and hard to find now...if you come across one in a shop or on ebay I would consider picking it up if you would like a ball with good length, strong and continuous backend that is still very controllable.


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2003, 09:17:25 PM »
pin 2-3"

Drilled:  label leverage

This is my favorite ball of all that I have thrown.  This ball has seemed to perform well for me on all conditions except when the midlanes are dried out.  This ball hooks a little in oil and does not overhook on the back end.  This ball works very well for me on fairly heavy oil.  It allows me to play a little deeper than everyone else and stay ahead of the oil changes.  I would recommend this for anything except for dry lanes.
AIM:  phippsk813
ICQ:  81438986


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2003, 09:19:19 AM »
Since gone, but had numerous games on it!

See profile for my info: Had this ball in box condition mostly, drilled 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 and 4x2 1/2.

Had my first 700 series with this ball in Feb. of 03!

Great, smooth, strong, med-medium heavy oil ball.  I used this ball primarily on brand new Brunswick Pro Anvilanes on a fresh medium heavy shot with screaming backends.

Had great recovery when I missed right, and had substantial hold if I tugged it a with most balls, if your entry angle is correct, it was 10 in the pit every time, a touch off would carry well to, but every once in a while I'd ring some 10s, and sometimes stone 9's when she was really driving!

Did'nt swing this ball much so I can't comment much on playing deep, but moderate swing and up the boards on fresh shots, this ball shines!

Nice overall medium to medium heavy ball from Storm, great read on the mids, nice smooth but strong and predictable movement! + Wintergreen!


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2004, 06:33:56 PM »
Ok, I'm going to drop this out how it is because this ball is just unbelievable. When I throw i often have problems with 7 pins if i throw a line that holds, but until i got the super power, i couldn't afford to throw the ball out to the gutter because it just failed to come back. To me, there is no limit on what to do with the Super Power. I don't know much about the technical things such as pin, PAP, weight holes, ect. because they drill 'em i throw 'em.

I started experimenting with the Super Power on a stretch span. Not sure of the specs on it but with the super power i can throw many different shots. I've bowled on a sport pattern (3rd arrow shot) I've played on a few different custom house shots (a few second arrow patterns and a few 1st arrow patterns) i have NEVER had to put any kind of buffing or hooking agent on this bowling ball because it just always finds a way to hook to the pocket. its like a homing missile. A homing missile that hits like a freight train. I have had several games in which I've strung the first 10 strikes and then make a mental error in the 10th and leave a bucket or a 10 pin.

I also used to have problems with 10 pins because if i scoot over and throw a "down-and-in" shot, i often come back a little bit different and i leave a 10 pin. With the Super Power, i leave MAYBE 5 10 pins a month (and i bowl 3 nights a week) The Super Power is a predictable ball, that hits like a hammer, and very versatile. To answer any questions about if the Super Power can be thrown in heavy oil or not, well YES IT CAN. On drier shots you may switch to a more mild ball or gloss the hell out of the Super Power, if you gloss 'er up, you'll Get 'ER Done! Thanks and Good Luck. I would recommend the Super Power for all bowlers, crank or not.


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2004, 06:46:11 PM »
I have a few more things to say about the Super Power and i need to clear a few things up because i've ready a few reviews that disgrace it. First off, the Super Power has about the most backend as any ball ive ever owned. However, i am left handed, i use a stretch span in order to max my lift rate on my fingers. The Super Power should, in no way, be described as "flat" or "weak carry" The Super Power Should Be Praised not bashed. Its a great ball and just because it is an old ball doesnt mean its OLD. I have an El Nino 2000 that i dont leave the house without, I have an old SUMO that i throw occasionally also. Bowling Balls dont get old, the people using them get bored. Live by it, you'll bowl better and save money. A ball isn't old until it stops striking for you.


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2004, 05:53:58 PM »
I've had this ball for about two years now. The pin is 3 inches out with a top weight of 2.94 oz. This had been the best ball in my bag for about a year until I recieved the Roto Grip Retro Blue. But before that I have had lots of luck with it and would recomend it for bowlers who put a lot of hand in the ball and play in lots of oil. Overall I rate this ball an 8 of 10


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Re: Super Power
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2004, 03:16:54 AM »
this is not really a review
i need help with this ball ive had it since 2001. im usuallt a 195 to 200 average bowler since getting this ball.  then recently i moved to a different house started off the year great 202 average but that onlly lasted about 4 weeks. kinda like the ball just stopped workingg or maybe it could be the amount of oil they put out there now i have no idea im no expert. well ill get to the point i need any ideas on what i should do with this ball.

Mr Old School

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Re: Super Power
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2009, 02:47:02 PM »
I've bought this ball in 2005, used sparingly. Last night in the adult/youth league, I thought that After putting some polish in it that I could roll it on league. With the 3 3/8 stacked drilling could not hold the ball back enough, on this wet/dry pattern. Standing 24 throwing to the reflection of the 10 pin, the ball rolled down to 50', then like someone kicked it left crossing the head pin for a brooklyn strike . This ball is made for heavy oil, or lower rev players.

Mr. Old School
If you can''t swing it, Your probally throwing brunswick!

I am batman

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Re: Super Power
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2010, 12:17:03 PM »
I have had this ball since 2001. I absolutly love it.After 2 years of using it, I put it away in the closet to save it. Now, I throw this ball one or two times a year. Whenever I do, I have allways thrown 700+. This ball was one of Storm's most interesting balls. One, a particle with length. Two, awesome carry.Three, I have found very few places that I couldn't use this ball.
I work in a pro-shop and buy/sell alot of used balls, this one will never be for sale.
I am Batman
"Where does he get all of these wonderful balls?"

Hunter 16

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Re: Super Power
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2010, 06:30:22 PM »
Does anyone have a super power 15