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Author Topic: T-Road Pearl  (Read 19587 times)


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T-Road Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
THE ROAD RAGES ON! The new T-Road™ Pearl features the legendary Thunder Road™ weight block, the inverted Fe² Ionized Core™, surrounded by a newly developed and highly responsive R2S™ pearl reactive coverstock. R2S material, the second generation of Storm''s popular Reactor™ shell, features a special additive which increases traction in oil. This combination provides high octane midlane revs and an angular backend reaction putting you on a collision course with the winners circle. There is no limit to how far this "Road" will take you.

T-ROADâ„¢ PEARL Technical Specifications Coverstock R2Sâ„¢ Pearl Reactive  
Weight Block Inverted 2-piece with Fe² Ionized Core  
Ball Color Ocean Blue Pearl
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polished
Durometer 74-76  Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 5"-6" (High)
Fragrance Black Currant
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
T-ROADâ„¢ PEARL Ball Dynamics Ball Weight Radius of Gyration Differential Mass Bias Diff.
16# 2.52 0.058  
15# 2.57 0.046  
14# 2.58 0.037



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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2007, 03:33:38 AM »

After throwing this ball on a variety of patterns, THS and PBA, I can update a tad bit. The T-Road Pearl, at OOB finish is remarkably strong off friction. I haven't had a pearlized ball get this much length and have this much room and still recover. I threw it on Scorpion, Cheetah, and Viper. Scorpion was where this ball shined. I could play out to about the 8 board, a very small swing of 12-8 or so, and the T-Road just got down the lane and kicked out the corners much better than previously. Viper, it got VERY touchy. I had to play 2-5, coming up the back of the ball, or play a huge angle with a lot of axis tilt to try and just get the ball down there and still carry. Cheetah, this ball was close to impossible. Best bet for me was to throw it very weak, and play 8-4, up the back, and let it just "smoothly" come back. If I pushed it out, it was through the nose. If I kept it inside, worse. This ball needs lengthy patterns to be honest. T-road Pearl is a helluva ball for the price, and seems to excel on our PBA and some sport conditions compared to THS. Go Storm.

Bowler Stats: Tweener, 16-17 MPH, 275-300 RPM rate, medium axis tilt, PAP at 5 5/16" over, 3/4" up.

Ball Stats: T-Road Pearl, 15lb. 2oz. 2.5-3" pin-out. Drilled with the pin 5 1/2" from my PAP.

First off, I must say the reaction so far with this ball as been excellent. It's frankly, way more aggressive than what I planned, but that's OK. The Black Currant fragrance is a very interesting scent for the inside of your bag to have. Anyways, onto the review!

THS #1: This was the day of the purchase and punching up of the ball. It was on a broken down, already med-light oil THS. The T-Road Pearl was having difficulty getting down the lane pretty bad. I wanted it initially for the medium-light to light patterns. I ended up standing on about 32 at the line, breakpoint at about the 8 board. I decided I would add some extender polish later in the week, to give it the extra length.

THS #2: This was a second shift, medium in volume, medium in length house shot. I was playing around 13 to the "bumper" and back. It was a great look on a THS truthfully. Like a ball I could throw for a set on any normal THS and have to adjust maybe 2-3 boards with the feet and arrows.

THS #3: Fresh Medium-heavy in volume, medium in length. This ball was exactly what I wanted in reaction. A lot of length with enough recovery to carry exceptionally well. This ball doesn't lack in the back, and it has a very drive. I have noticed a lot of problems in excessive dry areas. I stood around 26 at the line, getting a breakpoint out to the 3 board, and it was just impressive to throw and see. The Mystic and T-Road Pearl is a hell of a 1-2 punch on the THS, so when I get the T-Road jumping like crazy on me, I go to the Mystic and play a deep inside line with a lot of success.

OVERALL: This ball is excellent for the price, but I'm still out on if it will fill the gap or not. This ball is a great piece by Storm, and will work best on your medium and medium-heavy volume/length patterns. I have noticed more cranker-type of bowlers LOVE this ball. They seem to get remarkable recovery and carry. I'm still out on this ball, and we'll see how it does on PBA/Sport tomorrow night. GREAT ball by Storm, but for me? It's only been 10 games, I can't say...


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2007, 07:16:19 PM »
hi guys, first review posted. sept 10th 2007, used this bal for 12 months now can be forgiving but have been bowling out to 5 at 18mph and getting splits heaven sp changed speed and line and just posted my first 700 in league play. 247, 279 ( solid 7 pin ) and a 220 very pleased with new style and hopefully break the all important step to 300 one day.


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2007, 10:01:13 PM »
Style: Lefty Stroker
Speed: 15-17.5 MPH
Revs- Medium Low
Normally play about 15-8 at the breakpoint.

Layout - Pin next to ring finger, no weight hole. PIN to PAP distance is close to 4 inches.

Cover- OOB condition

Lanes- Lane 1: Synthetics with Flying backends, and a good amount of head oil. Breakpoint sweet spot is around 7-8.
Lane 2: New AMF Synthetics, not a whole lot of head oil. I am on the left side and it really starts to dissapear by the end of game 2. Out of bounds outside of 5. Backends more arcy then snappy.

Reaction on lane 1: This ball flat out hooks. If you want a ball with a big backend, this is it. Sometimes its a little too much backend. You have alot of area to the outside, but not much pull area. A couple of times I thought I was going washout, and instead came in dead flush. Had to adjust 5 right with my feet and move my breakpoint out to about 4-5. Really strong ball. Have to make sure to keep your speed up. Also gets a little jumpy once the track really dries out.

Lane 2: Matches up much better with lanes that have controllable backends. More of a smooth arc on these lanes. Wanted to grab early after 1st game, so I just gave it a little loft and I was smashing the pocket. Playing about 19-9 at the breakpoint.

All in all I really like this ball. Still adjusting to it, as I underestimated what it could do. If you have alot of hand, I would definitly recommend going with a weaker drilling to control this beast. I happen to NEED more backend, so it works for me!
Go Maryland Terrapins!!!!


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2007, 01:00:02 PM »
So I got myself a new toy in the T-Road Pearl. Yeah, I was debating between the Agent and Domination for a while, but the THS at this new house is too light. So insert the T-Road Pearl.

Right-handed stroker, low revs, slowerish to mediumish speed.
PAP: 4 5/8> and 3/8 ^ BUT the last time I got it done by another driller, he says it's 4 1/8 >  So we drilled the T-Road in relation to this latter one.

If I had to describe the T-Road Pearl in one word: consistent. I got this punched up 5x3, pin above the middle of my bridge. My first night I had it, we were on fresh lanes and the ball gave me a great look straight up 10-5, I had a good amount of room to play. I find this ball to be a bit jumpy off a super fresh THS, but late in the second game I can bring in it and it's as smooth as a baby's butt. On a broken down/second shift THS, this ball is gold. I can just as easily play straight up as I can swing it from 18-8 and have the same carry. I think my favorite part of this ball is that it never really overreacts for me. I've had trouble with polished pearl balls being really touchy, but this one is so so so smooth. I think I have to thank the new RS2 coverstock for that. Compared to my Pyro when I had it polished, it's a world of difference.
The carry is great, leaving corners only when I accidentally swing it out an extra arrow. Oh yeah, the recovery is great on this ball.
All in all this ball will help me with these dryer and shorter shots. I'm excited to try it out on a Cheetah pattern, or those shorter sport shots (can't wait for tournament to pop up near me). I only have it for about 2 months, so more time is definitely needed with this ball, but I think I got myself a gem of a ball. Great job Storm! Keep up the great work!
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2007, 07:47:03 PM »
Style: See Profile

Pin to CG Distance - 3"
Topweight - 2.8 oz


What I like to call the "hand friendly" layout, pin about 4" from the PAP with the MB under the thumb.  Small weighthole on the PAP to take out a little side weight.  


Versatile depending on hand position.  More up the back provides a earlier and smoother reaction and more on the side is a longer, stronger reaction.  


This is probably one of the most versatile balls I've ever thrown.  I've been able to use it on a wide variety of conditions with very good success.  It worked very well for me during the PBA Experience league I bowled in over the summer on every pattern except for the Shark.  This ball carries well from 1st arrow all the way to almost 4th arrow, which is really deep for me.  The ball hits very well and pin carry is fantastic.  On short to medium length patterns with a decent amount of head oil, this ball with this layout will kill it.

A couple of things this ball struggles with is that it does need a little head oil to get down the lane, which I think is a consequence of the layout and the R2S coverstock, which definitely has more traction in oil than the original Reactor.  There is one house a I bowl at where the fronts break down really fast and this ball starts to check unless I stand way left and provide more axis rotation to get it to store.  I think this ball would handle head breakdown a little better with a 5" or 6" layout.   The other thing is that it appears to "track up" sooner than some of the other Storm balls I've thrown in the past, again due to the softer R2S cover.  

Bottom line, on shorter to medium length patterns with a decent amount of headoil offer little challenge to this ball with this layout.  The extremes will cause this ball trouble and it appears to be a higher maintenance ball.


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2007, 01:23:00 PM »
See stats for profile.

Lay Out: 4.5" from PAP under my ring finger. I put a weight hole 2" down on my VAL after I threw it for a few games to increase the flare slightly more in the midlane.

Surface: I had left it box which is 1500 polished. After a while I hit it with 2000 abr by hand to try to get it to "back" off on the back end.

Purpose: To give myself a ball that might be able to be used once the lanes open up.

Initial Observations: I have used this in a few PBA regionals and also on our PBA Experience league patterns. I used it on the Scorpion, Chameleon and Viper on Pro-Anvilane and wood with guardian. The motion was very snappy and a little tougher for me to control.

Final thoughts: I usually had to open my angles up more than I was used to with this ball. Even on the slightly longer patterns, this ball ready very strongly on the back end. I jokingly called it my 2-8-10/greek church reaction ball because I seemed to leave more of those on back to back throws than any ball I owned. This ball with the layout and surface = bad fit for me. Now this is not a reflection of Storm Products, but a reflection of what can happen when you don't give much thought to a layout and just "slap" holes in a ball aimlessly. I am sure I will try another, but will give more thought to the process before drilling.

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2008, 02:14:33 AM »
i drilled this ball for lenght with a big snap in the backend and thats what i got. only thing i dont like about this ball is that at the house i bowl at they strip the backend bone dry for league so i only get 2 use this ball for 1 game. when it hits the pocket pins go everywhere. its alot stornger than alot of people think hooks about 1 more board than the black widow pearl and hits so much harder. if u have prob with carry with the bwp go(i know i did). get the t road pearl. u will love it. BOWL UP A STORM


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2008, 10:53:38 AM »

T Road Pearl by Storm Bowling 15 lbs bowling ball with 2 inch pin and 3 oz top weight.  
   T Road Pearl by Storm Reviewed

  The T Road Pearl bowling ball is an aggressive ball on medium to medium heavy house oil patterns. You can see from the first photo.  I had this ball drilled (by Tony C. @ ) with the pin just below my fingers.  This pin placement will give you a continuous hook on the ball reaction. The ball has a 2 inch pin, 3oz top weight and is 15lbs.
  My Style of bowling 90% of the time is as a Tweener. When I bowl in a heavier oil pattern I can or have to crank it up. This ball can really be cranked up with the Pearlized Cover Stock.  The ball really revs up early and continues through out the shot. There is no need to do anything fresh out of the box other than drill it to your specifications.
  The stock cover stock (is that redundant?) is a perfect match for how you want this ball to react.  When there is a fresh oil pattern the ball seems to glide on top of the oil.  
The ball reads the mid lane well and starts the continuous hook earlier than I have seen most pearlized balls turn. This ball also holds it's line when the lanes are in a transitional period. The T Road Pearl bowling ball does not burn up your line at all.
I have rolled this ball consistantly by myself in practice the same line for almost two games on fresh oil before I had to make a 3 boards to the left move.

   I notice this ball doesn't have a high absorbent if any at all.  I have rolled this ball over 40 plus games and still hooks the same way fresh out of the box.  No need yet to bake the oil out of the ball.  Regular Cleaning after every use is fine enough for this ball. The ball tends to scuff through the ball return or gutter shots.  A little acetone and then some polish works perfect to get rid of the scuff marks.  


The appearance of the T Road Pearl by Storm is quite sharp.  With the electric blue color and lighter blue-ish swirls.  The swirls aren't very noticeable when you roll the ball down the alley.  In my opinion I wish the swirls where more noticable but it isn't a major issue just my personal preference.

Well all and all the T Road Pearl by Storm is an exceptional bowling ball that gives the user great length and a consistant continuous hook.  If you play in a sport league I wouldn’t recommend using this ball on fresh oil unless maybe you are playing the shark pattern and can play that deep inside line. .  It also might be good on the cheetah pattern seeing it is a very short oil pattern and the T Road Pearl will give you the extra added length.  This Ball is made for the Typical House shot with lots of players bowling on it.  This ball will help you play same line a little longer than your competition.  Seeing this ball has the pearlized cover stock and helps with those lanes when they are in the transitional stage.

T Road Pearl Drilled by Tony C. at

Article by Brent T Dolan




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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2008, 05:48:42 PM »
I just got another one of these balls and have this drill the pin above my fingers  and to the left above my middle finger and the cg under my other finger. This ball gets very long and snap great on the back end. This ball will be great with the Solid that i just drilled up and both of my rapids. If you are looking for a ball to accompany the t road solid or especially the rapid fire this would be what I would get. So if you haven't thrown a storm in awhile i tell you go get them.


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2009, 06:11:18 PM »
Best ball I've ever thrown.

A friend was using the ball and i decided to roll it myself and boom 300 game.
he gave it to me and I got it drilled for myself and shot another 300 game with it about 6 months later..

Amazing Amazing ball...

I want to get the T Road solid now


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2009, 12:31:09 AM »
I seriously have to say this could be one of the best balls I have ever thrown as well.  And I have a good list...Brunswick Danger Zone, Ebonite Apex, Columbia 300 Rock Star, Storm Eraser PBT....The T-Road pearl is in that list.  Which is a very tough list to make as you can tell....

Has a very good midlane read with a huge backend, is not angular by any means but still has a forgiving midlane reaction.

I went to the pro-shop to drill another one up, track was beat up on mine, but I was sad to hear that it is discontinued.....

If you can get your hands on one drill one up, if you can't I have heard that the Storm Fast is very close compared to reaction...Fast goes a little longer...

high rev, med to high speed. check out my profile for more
"The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of a gun."


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2009, 11:29:48 PM »
Ball is drilled with two fingers. Drilled 6 x 5 3/4 pin 2.5" up. Balls is at 4000 abralon and then xtra shine. I really like this ball because it goes flying through the heads and midlane without any change in direction. Then in the late midlane it makes a strong arc/ skid flip motion depending on the pattern. Really like it on my normal house pattern because i can move inside without getting too deep and play my A-game. Thanks to monty stratton at bowlers depot oceanside.


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2009, 12:08:16 AM »
T-Road Pearl Pin is the bridge, 2-2.5" pin, stacked layout
Used this ball in a college tournament this weekend.  The shot was a 39 foot flat pattern, and had very low scores.  
I found that when the later games came around, some of my more responsive balls, such as my Hy-Road and Virtual Energy, became overly aggressive and would go through the face.  I then switched to my T-Road Pearl and was able to get a much better reaction.  I found that the weaker drilling was able create more push, but the higher flaring coverstock created more room for me to miss right.  Overall, I had a very good reaction with this ball, and was able to finish 19th in the tournament.
T. Hudnell
William Paterson University Bowling Team Member
Storm Bowling Products


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2009, 02:05:31 PM »
This is the best ball I've ever owned.  I average in the 160s and my high game of 279 was a third game of league using the TRP.  My experience is that you have to keep the speed down on fresh oil, but once the lane is opened up you can really apply speed for maximum results.  This ball makes a strong move to the pocket and really clears out the pins.  I am a medium revs righty tweener.
My Arsenal: Storm Street Fight, Roto Grip Wreck Em, Storm Ride, Roto Grip Nomad, AMF Clutch Pearl, 900 Global Link.


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Re: T-Road Pearl
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2010, 10:25:25 PM »
This ball is a great ball for shorter lane conditions.