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Author Topic: Thunderstruck  (Read 16025 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
The Thunder Rolls Again! The original Thunderâ„¢ multi-density weight block with FE2 Technology is one of the most popular and heralded designs of all-time. We wanted to bring it back in a big way, so we are wrapping it with the ever-strong and super-versatile Reactorâ„¢ coverstock. Roll it and own it, this is your house!

THUNDERSTRUCKâ„¢ Technical Specifications Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Solid  Reactive  
Weight Block Multi-Density with FE2 Technology
Ball Color Purple
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Durometer 74-76  Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 5" (Med-High)
Fragrance Grape
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
THUNDERSTRUCKâ„¢ Ball Dynamics Ball Weight Radius of Gyration Differential Mass Bias Diff.
16# 2.54 0.054  
15# 2.57 0.047  
14# 2.62 0.035



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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2006, 09:54:09 PM »
Another winner from Storm. I watched Pete Weber in a regional use this ball and he can't keep it out of his hand. I had to go get one drilled. I drilled mine stacked 4 x 4. Puddled up 39 foot pattern, HPL surface.

This ball revs out of your hand but clears the front. The controlled mid lane reaction is wonderful and this ball makes a hard move to the pocket. I struck for 10 minutes before leaving a ringing 10. I know of no other ball in the mid price market with this kind of reaction...Fricken AWESOME!



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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2006, 03:27:32 AM »
Great ball.....great length and good arcky backend.....i drilled it just like my original thunderroad and it rolls identical(even tho core is a bit different)

Great ball from storm

Jeff Carter

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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 12:09:33 AM »
See my review on the Thunderstruck Pearl for similar information on the solid.

My impression of the T-Struck Solid is that this is the ultimate league ball ! I cant see how anybody couldnt like this ball. For a solid reactive, this ball is extremely clean through the heads and the midlane, and very continuous through the backend. I've used this ball on a few different PBA patterns on some "not so friendly" surfaces, and this ball doesnt disappoint. Usually i would migrate to pearls on bad surfaces, but to me this ball fits the bill nicely. This ball actually reminds me of the Thunder Road Pearl, even though its a solid. This ball has quickly become a staff favorite, and should be a winner on tour this year. The reactor cover is very versatile and user friendly. I have one with a medium grey scotch brite scuff and another with the box finish. Even with a little surface, this ball is very clean and pushes through the fronts easily. In my opinion you cant go wrong with this ball
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 09:04:50 AM »

2.5" pin, under ring finger, CG kicked out 45 degrees, extra hole on PAP.

Wanted this for good mid lane read and strong continuous arc to pocket. Got that and more. Left it in box condition and used for first time on THS with pretty heavy volume in middle. Revved up early and once it made its move, it did not quit. Actually had to put it away after 2 games cause it just picked up too quickly on the breakdown(Did not go real deep with it, not knowing what to expect). Practiced with it on used up weekend condition and was impressed that even when I moved way in (27 at arrows to 8 at breakpoint), it did not lose any pop. Much stronger off the spot than I expected. Carry was great. Will re-post when I use it on different conditions, especially longer patterns. Another winner from Storm, especially at this price point.
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!

Mike Austin

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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2006, 03:33:30 AM »
Like Jeff Carter, I love this ball.

I rechecked my PAP for this ball, and used BrunsNick layout routine to precisely layout my ball, which I usually don't.  The pin is under my fingers on my span line, which is 4 1/2 inches from my PAP.  The mass bias is swung out away from my grip, at exactly a 40 degree angle to my pin/PAP line.  This ball had a 3 inch pin and 3.26 top weight before drilling.  I put the extra hole 6 inches from my grip center at a 45 degree angle, down from my grip center.  Used a 1" hole 2 1/2 inches deep.

Man, is this ball awesome!  Very clean through the front, especially on close to fresh synthetics.  Good read in the middle third of the lane, then BAM!!!  A nice backend move, all the way through the pins.  I've always said that I love balls that run over the 8 pin, this is one of those balls.

Straight players will be able to use this ball on mediums, maybe even some dry lanes, depending on ball speed.  Tweeners are gonna love this ball, will make them feel like a boomer!!!  Big Hitters will like this ball on some oily conditions, and from deep inside, when they need a ball that can turn the corner and not quit when trying to big wheel the lane.

This ball hooked the same as my Black Widow shined.  Both same layout, and same ball reaction.  I dulled my Black Widow to the box surface, Thunderstruck Solid is my first ball out of the bag, with league sets of 735, 683, 692, and 722 so far.  I haven't really bowled great yet!!!  Hmmmm........
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX

Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!

"So Many Balls, only ONE drill press!!"

Chuck Norris is the only person to ever count to infinity..........twice!
Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
Inside Emerald Bowl
Inside Tomball Bowl
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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2006, 04:39:19 PM »
Drilled with the pin over the bridge, no extra hole, and left OOB surface.  This is my favorite ball for most medium house conditions.  Just a great match of cover/core giving good length through the front and a strong move off the breakpoint.  This ball struggles on longer patterns or tight backends, but I suspect that's due more to the drilling/surface combination than anything.  I really like the Reactor coverstock due to it's strength and versatility and I think this is an excellent ball that could be the first ball out of the bag for many.
#AFutureForMembership #WhoDoesUSBCWorkFor


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 12:51:13 AM »
Right-handed Tweener. 15lb, 3" pin. Drilled with pin & cg stacked with pin under the bridge. No extra hole.


I've had this ball for about a month and half now and had lots of time playing different lines under different concentrations of house oil. I absolutely LOVE this ball!! I've noticed that it works best in either a medium condition or a fresh shot with clean backends. It reads the front very well and when it finds the dry, it rolls up nicely. Awesome hitting power too. The only thing that I don't like about it is that it is very tough to steer on completely fried lanes (heads mainly), especially with my aggressive layout. I have another Thunderstruck drilled for length and that works a little better in terms of getting down there, but the hit isn't as powerful, usually leaving a lot of weak 10s or messy 7s.

My best line: 18 out to 10 on fresh shot, 25 out to just past 10 (8/9) on medium shot

I shouldn't be complaining about anything though cause after 2 weeks of usage with the aggressive layout, I've had honor scores of 267, 279, and 290. A great ball by a great company. THANK YOU STORM!!!


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 11:32:21 AM »
Have had this ball since August. Cut to the Chase... This ball is the 1st thing out of my bag. Clears the heads nicely with a nice controllable breakpoint especially on a freshly oiled shot. Got a crack near my bridge, and will need fixing soon, so I got another Thunderstruck (was going to anyway). i'm averaging 236 and 229 on a VERY NICE shot (high scoring house). I also got the Storm Domination. Used it for the first time this week. Threw some practice shots and this ball went very straight. Drilled the same as the Thunderstruck, I may need to scuff this ball but will work with it first, as it may need to get a little surface track. I really like Storm. If anyone has had this problem, let me know. Thanks


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2006, 11:43:24 AM »

Given that my Thunder Road had easily 1000 games on it, and even with rejuvinating and resurfacing it, I saw it was dying a slow death.  So when I saw the Thunder Struck come out, I knew that's what I wanted to replace my Thunder Road.

Typically, I play a big swinging hook.  I like to stand around 30 and throw it out to around 5-6.  This was fine with my X-Factor Ace and when conditions were wide open, but as winter sets in (?) here in Washington state, our center is not insulated.  This leads to a lot less reaction, and my Ace was simply too strong to play a direct line.  Enter my Thunder Struck.

I've always desired to be a "down and in" bowler more then a swing bowler but I could never get the right equipment setup to do so.  Enter the Thunderstruck.

For this ball, I used one of the Storm layouts you find on the sheet, only this one was quite radical.  The pin is in the middle of my grip, but WAY off to the side.  What this allows me to do is keep the strong backend of this ball to the end, but it also keeps it from revving up early in the lane.

I bowled in a no-tap tournament with this ball and nearly shot 800 with this ball, shooting a no-tap 300 (260 scratch).  Put this ball in the right position and you'll carry nearly every time.

The surface, as with most Storm solids, is quite adjustable.  I don't know if I'd recommend this as the #1 ball out of the bag, as there are others (the Paradigm Passion and Special Agent come to mind) that could and should come out first.

HOWEVER, if you are an entry level bowler who wants an awesome piece of equipment and wants to save some $$$, I strongly recommend this ball.  It'll help you get a grasp of 2006 technology and increase your scoring power.  Storm was very smart to bring this back and I'm glad I found a replacement for my Thunder Road!

Joe C.

Greatness comes from deep within you, and defines your character when things are going your way.


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2007, 12:31:21 AM »
Storm Thunderstruck Solid:

Pin to CG Distance:  3 inches
Topweight  3oz.  

5x3, Pin under

Good length, strong midlane roll and ANGULAR backend !!!!


This ball really surprised me with how strong at the breakpoint it turned out to be.  I used a semi-tame drill expecting decent length and a smoother backend.  What I got was on the borderline of skid/flip with decent length.  This ball stores energy very well and turns the corner as hard as my Fired UP does, which really caught me off guard.  The entry angle this thing creates is astounding and the pins just fly everywhere. I get alot more messengers with this ball that I'm used to. It does need to be exposed to a few dry boards or it'll skate right past the breakpoint.  The downside of this ball for me is that it's a risk/reward ball.  When you're lined up, this ball carries very well, but when the lanes start to transition, it can leave some nasty split designs because of the angularity of the backend. This could also be because I'm not used to this kind of angular backend motion. I agree with Jeff Carter that this is a great ball for the THS because of the way it stores energy and turns the corner to create entry angle.   As long as there's some head oil and a few dry boards somewhere, this ball is $$$$.


After the track burned in a little bit more, this ball became a little too over/under in the OOB finish.  With the help of my friendly pro shop operator, the surface was taken down a bit and then polished up, similar to what was done to my Epic Saga a week ago before I shot 298 with it.  Well, I topped the game with the Saga and shot my 1st 300 in league with this ball.  I got a better midlane read and a slighly less angular backend, but still very strong and I didn't lose any hitting power.  On a THS, this ball is $$$$$$ especially now that I can control it.


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2007, 01:54:31 AM »
this is a great ball ! i give this ball a 9 out of 10 on performance.
this ball reminds me of how a good pearl ball snaps off the back from saving so much energy. i like the solid color/purple as well ! keep this ball with a nice simple layout if possible because you don't want to waste such a good ball. great for all style players ! this has to be one of my favorites by storm.

likes: very predictable on medium conditions
dislikes : when i cant use it because there dry. the price of oil went up again !


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2007, 01:35:21 PM »
Cleanest and most predictable reaction of any of the balls I'm currently using.  I had brought 3 balls in to my pro shop guy to have him drill and told him I'd buy one from him.  Asked him to look at my arsenal and find a mid-condition fit.  I had faith to buy his recommendation as he'd proven his ability on the first couple of balls.  He could have easily recommeded an Alien or any other of the high-priced performance balls out there, but instead told me this would be as good a value as any of them.

This ball has about a 5" pin w/ 3oz TW.  Drilled clean w/o weight hole:

---O O



Just like all the other reviews, very clean through the  heads, whether I'm bowling at the pro shop's house (synthetic) or my home house (wood w/ fried heads).  Ball makes a strong turn and doesn't quit.  Works well on a good swing shot with hand...also works just fine when the heads are gone and you back your hand out of it.

Carry is no problem.  This is the first ball out of my bag for now.  Great reaction, excellent at the price.
Back in it after 10 years away...

Note:  My belief is that these ball reviews will not mean much unless you have context regarding who's doing the review.  For that, please check my profile.

Brunswick Danger Zone (original - one of only two balls I kept when I left the sport in '96).
Brunswick Radical Inferno
Columbia Action Packed
Storm Thunderstruck
Brunswick Total Inferno


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2007, 06:34:32 PM »
i can see where this could be a really good ball if used by a tweener or stroker, but as a cranker this thing was out of control. didnt like the fact that it wasnt a rev friendly ball (for me). hooked too much on medium, was too weak on medium heavy and using this ball on heavy did nothing. im not downing this ball, it just totally didnt fit my game. i gave it to someone who was more of a stroker with a little more speed then myself and i saw this ball really shine. im glad i could find it a good home. i could have redrilled and tryed different things to try to make it work but i didnt want all the hassle. like i said THIS IS A GOOD BALL. smell was good. carry was explosive, and hooked almost as much as my agent did, was very sharp off the dry, but didnt rev up half as much thats what i disliked the most.


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Re: Thunderstruck
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2007, 02:19:13 PM »