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Author Topic: Too Hot  (Read 31039 times)


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Too Hot
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Too Hot is specifically designed not to "over-hook" on drier lane
surfaces for increased control. It consists of a clean pearl reactive
2-color cover stock and a .025 (low) differential weight block for increased
length in the mid-lane. The weight block of Too Hot maintains adequate
dynamic energy to generate sufficient backend reaction for carry. The
specifications are: Cover stock: Curelyon Pearl Reactive Cover stock;
Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polished; Color: Green/Gold 2-color cover stock;
Hardness: 76-78 Rex D-scale; Weight Block: Modified 2-piece; Radius of
Gyration: 2.582 (Medium); Differential: .025 (Low); Flare Potential: Med.
(3"); Hook Potential: 15/11 Dull/Shiny on Storm's scale of 1-20; Length: 8
on a scale of 1-10; Backend: 6 on a scale of 1-10; Recommended Lane
Condition: Medium to Dry Lanes



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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2002, 02:12:37 AM »
Have an update on my Too Hot. Polish it up with Ebonite's Extender Polish and it made a great difference. With it dulled up as it was, it tended to jump high and leave the Big 4. With the polish, the ball now goes down the lane about another 2-3 feet and makes a bit sharper turn into the pocket. Bowled on a sport shot this past week, it actually was the Team USA shot from 2 years ago, found out that outside was the key to play the lanes. I like to be consistent with speed, as any bowler should be, but have been incosistent lately, due to poor mechanics. Figured it out before league so now my speed is where I want it, and still have tons of hand. I started on the pair playing almost straight up first arrow with some hand, tried to let the ball work, and came in light. Slowed down a little with more hand, went Brooklyn. Picked speed up, with same amount of hand...flush. Started league play with the same line, and was burying the pocket with good carry. Left a couple of 6 pins (lefty), and wiffed them cause I didnt move enough. Kept the ball in play all night, had a great reaction, but score wise wasnt the best simply cause I wiffed a couple more spares and left a couple splits towards the end when they started to break down on me. But the Too Hot was the ball for me on that pattern, and shined up gave it more hitting power and better carry when I good shot was thrown. Did not squirt high, till the lanes broke down. I would recommend this ball staying polished, it gives me a better reaction and should for you as well. Another winner from Storm, cant wait to get my hands on a Big Hit!

Trauma Line

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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2002, 06:48:31 PM »


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2002, 08:22:41 PM »
Probably my favorite ball. Goes long and moves nicely in the backend. Great ball for drier conditions and this ball hits like a sack of bricks. Good ball for a beginner learning to hook or a dry ball for an advanced bowler!! Great ball from Storm!


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2002, 09:03:49 PM »
Great ball for when the lanes start to fly a little.  I didn't like it at first, it was to over/under. But on the right lane condition....WOW!!!
Recently went 299-242-249=790 on very hooking condition. very smooth transition, and smash in the pocket.  

for the price, storm has done well with this line of equipment....

Thanks storm, and KEEP IT COMING!!!!!


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2002, 09:40:55 AM »
I drilled this ball neutral with the pin 12 o clock and the cg stacked under it.  I throw 17-19mph about 18 revs.  This ball is great on lighter oiled conditions and is one of the few balls that I have thrown on light oil that carries and saves its energy.  This is a very solid ball on wood lanes when they break down...its not my favorite on synthetics but the performance on wood makes up for that.  Another good ball from storm.


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2002, 01:54:03 PM »
This is a great ball for the price. This ball hooks more than I expected. This ball hits really hard. My first storm was an meteor flash this ball hits every bit as hard as that one ever did. I was a die hard Ebonite bowler. Was being the key word as Storm has won me over. These are by far the most consistently reacting balls on the market. As long as you take care of the cover, regular cleaning, they last as long as any other ball out there. I've been using my meteor flash since 2000. 2 leagues a week for going on 3 years.....


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #37 on: January 05, 2003, 12:07:49 AM »
15-17 mph
good revs

I got this ball used from a friend and drileld this up with a stacked layout I believe with the pin above the ring and cg kic out a bit. This ball is great for dry. Goes long and at mid lane startes to rev up and makes a turn not a sharp turn but a good turn into the pocket.
The first time I used this ball in league I shot 752 which is my high series. With a 290 the first game I used it and then a 233, then 229. This is a great ball I give it a 9 out of 10.
Thanks storm keep it up.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
Forward Together Forward Never Forget
I have Huskie Pride, how about you?


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2003, 04:11:28 PM »
Drilled this ball pin under the ring finger, 1" shift with a hole past the axis.  To start, this ball is much stronger than I expected.  Don't really care for the massive skid flip I get with it and I would say carry is average.  I tweaked the cover trying to smooth the reaction and then I felt the ball was much too strong for the condition it was drilled for.  I have seen some guys bowl well with these, but for me there are better options.
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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2003, 10:49:46 PM »
hits hard when some length and backend
are available,not for dry,but its all been
said before.right time,right place.


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2003, 03:59:48 PM »
I bought for this ball for $50 it's got a excellent backend to it It comes around sharp on dry lanes. It's one of my favorite bowling balls. I crank the ball which in the area of 12-13 MPH and the backend nails right in the pocket. I would give it a 10 out of 10 rating on it.

Good Work Storm



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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2003, 11:59:54 AM »
Wow, drilled this ball up for fried heads, didn't think it would be good for much else.  Was I wrong, what a great ball.  I have a lot of hand in the ball, so this is a great one for me I can actually play some of the track area with it, somewhere I never get to see, and it hits great.  Drilled it up 6 x 5 and it is so consistent its scary.  You should see how good it is when they start to dry up, doesn't overreact at all, just does its job.  If you want a great ball for a great price, don't miss out on this one.


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #42 on: May 30, 2003, 11:45:13 AM »
Not much new to add to the sum of human knowledge here - this is a well-understood ball, a shame Storm is phasing it out in favor of the much stronger Hot Rod.

I have a terrible track record with Storm equipment. Of the 5 or 6 I've thrown, Thunder Flash has been the only Storm I've had real success with, when I took a lot of revs out of this cover-strong ball. I borrowed a Too Hot to try out 18 months ago. The only place I could use it was on a short, fast-transitioning shot on light oil. I had no other shot with it, and eventually settled on a mild urethane here.

In searching for leagues for next season, I learned that I'll be on a shot where I can't get my 1:30 ScreamR long enough. It's a nasty little short oil strip block without a lot of hold inside, a dry strip 8 - 10, 3 - 7 is heavier, and dust on 1-2. Tough carry once you get there too, which rules out a 3-piece. Recalling my experiences with it, and some of the recent release changes I've made, my shop had a price too good to pass up on a Too Hot with a decent pin (2 3/4"), so I thought I'd try it again.

It was a big advantage having thrown one of these before getting it drilled. Even though the core slightly overmatches the cover, Curleyon is mild enough to get long without drilling the ball to death. I wanted some length and roundness to the breakpoint while still leaving the ball reasonably strong. I put the pin beside the ring, CG out about an inch and on the centerline. No reason to risk cutting the statics close, so we put a modest weight hole on the PAP to bring it to 13/16ths side.

As long as I keep the pin away from the bridge, CG-out on a pearl seems to matchup well with the small swing I naturally play. Also, it behaves better in transition, allowing me to stay with the ball longer. Too Hot will never, ever be a carrydown ball, but this seems to get me an extra frame or two in transition, where I lose most of my sticks.  

This drilling does fine, still plenty long ("effortless length" is what I wrote down at the time), moving about 12 boards round-trip from the outside. While several feet longer and slightly more angular, the overall move was not that much smaller than the Boost (which is billed as a big oil ball?), and it carries at least as well. It behaved as well as anything could on this shot, with a predictable skid/roll move.

Once you understand how to use them, these Thunder cores have nice roll characteristics. The biggest mistake I think you can make, and this is one of my many sins, is to force them into a roll too early. Too Hot definitely likes to be thrown its way. If you loft, lift and hit up on it, you'll hate it. I think this is where some of the reviews come from that characterize the hit as thin, brittle, prone to leave corners.

It seems best suited to the 'less is more' stroker/power stroker game. To my mind, Too Hot is really more an outside line kind of ball. It's not what I'd reach for if I needed to get inside 15.

Overall, I'd say the Too Hot is a nice little pearl that many people will be able to score well with on the lighter patterns. It's the mildest 2-piece resin I'm aware of, but I have not yet thrown a SonicX. It sits noticeably under my mildest release with Scream/R and has a different look, so it's worth having.


Giving it an overall 8, but not everything that counts can be counted.

Control: 8. Had a generally good look and handled well on some of the lighter sport patterns I've tried it on. No big overreaction on the backend like you get from some of the stronger pearls.

Versatility: 7.5. Best on the light to lighter-medium patterns; plenty of ball for the majority of league shots I see. Wish I'd had this guy on the codger block last winter - it could've meant another 5 sticks.

In my opinion, the best light oil resin option for the lower-rev styles.  A much better choice than an n-piece for these conditions. Half a point off for being somewhat style-specific.

Hit and carry: 8. Very good, but only if you have a style that matches up. It needs to skid and roll on its own terms, not yours.
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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #43 on: September 15, 2003, 12:36:25 AM »
My Too Hot is drilled with pin over the bridge and the CG under the middle finger.  It weighs in at 16 lbs with an unknown amount of top weight holes needed.

I'd like to say thanks to Tommy Semiz and David over at 11th Frame proshop for their ingenuity at laying out my Too Hot, they gave me exactly what I was looking for.

I wanted to use this on a wood second/broken down shift short oil pattern that could leave other balls way too strong.  What I have is a ball that slides down the lane very easily with or without alot of head oil.  If there's no oil on the backends it will move nicely to the pocket, not sharp nor weak but just right.  The move is very even and smooth and very controllable.  The hit and carry is better than average, but flat hits will leave nightmares in the form of 7-10 splits.

Long oils and carrydown are a no no because this ball with the layout on it hate that stuff.  Also too much dry/dirt can cause the ball to check up too early.  

Overall considering my usage of the Too Hot it is a great ball that I use during most of league play.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!

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<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2003, 11:54:33 AM »
5 weeks into winter league,avg 199,team almost in last throwing v2,hanging 10s.switched to too hot,and have averaged 230 last 10 weeks,now in 3rd with 2 position rds to go in split season.awesome,surprisingly controllable,as long as i dont hit the side of ball,or try to swing 15 boards


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Re: Too Hot
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2004, 09:19:15 PM »
i found this ball on the rack and decided as a joke to use it.i used on a dry shot and it had a lot of backend, but i could control it better then my X-Factor Deuce. I decided to try it on a oily condition,yet again it amazed,it had a lot of backend and i could swing it better then my Deuce, Great Ball!