Style: Power Stroker
Ball speed: 14-16 mph
Ball: 16 lbs 4" pin 3+ top weight
Pin over and between fingers
cg under ring finger
Lanes played: Wood and Synthetic
conditions: Med/Light
I use this ball at league where I used to think the oil was medium. I have since firmed up my release by keeping my wrist firm. I cup my wrist at the top of my backswing. This creates lots of revs or at least more than I used to have. I now play way left. I also don't use the stronger balls I used to. My Deuce gets no play now. My X Factor is my strong ball now. Even at the local tournaments I don't get to use my Deuce. My Too Hot is a step down from my X. Only about two boards at my feet, but my Too Hot clears the heads better. My carry percentage with the TooHot is much higher. If I get it to the pocket, I usally get strikes. I leave easier spares with my TooHot, so my spare percentage is higher also. I don't leave many 10 pins. The TooHot doesn't make a leap at the breakpoint like my X. It is very controllable. It gives length and a strong arc at the breakpoint. My X Factor is still my favorite ball but my TooHot is catching up. I use my TooHot about half the time. It is just stubborness. I should use it all the time. Actually, I could use something a step down with hitting power. Very nice control ball.
Bowl to win Baby