Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
Developed as the “Benchmark†of the STORM bowling ball line, the Tour Power™ combines a single color ACCU-Tread™ coverstock with the lowest rg core in the line for an extreme mid-lane read without over-hooking. A favorite amongst the pro staff!
Ceramic Integrated Core, 1-Color ACCU-Tread solid reactive coverstock.
Medium Flare for Mid-Lane Control, Low RG (2.46), Added Strength and Hitting Power, Tremendous Controllability, Smooth Midlane Transition, Smooth Arcing Backend.
Coverstock: ACCU-Treadâ„¢ Reactive
Weight Block: 5†FE² Mass within a 7 ½†Core
Ball Color: Fire Engine Red
Ball Finish: 800-grit Sanded – Can be Polished
Logos: Tour Power, Flying "S", Eye of the Storm, Center of Gravity
Gyration: 2.46 (Low)
Differential: .042 (High)
Durometer: 75-77 Rex D-scale
Track Flare: Medium (3-6â€)
Ball Length: 5 on a scale of 1-10
Back End: 8 on a scale of 1-10
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Heavier Volume Oil Patterns
Today we recieved Our Storm Tour Powers, and we have been waiting for sometime for this type of ball from Storm Bowling.
I drilled our Tour Power Full Leverage with a 3-3/8" Pin from the CG and a weight hole straight across from the grip center at 5-1/2"
We went to the lanes and tried this one on freshly oiled lanes, (Normal House Pattern) and the ball rolled very smooth with a strong arching hook at the break point. The pin hit and carry was excellent! after two games of almost every shot in the pocket we noticed the ball wanted to check up early, so we went to the ball spinner and applied a lite polish with "Black Magic" and again we were able to get the ball easily down the lane with a strong arching hook to the pocket!
This is one friendly ball from Storm! Friendly in that it rolls smooth and has a very controlled hook! But hard hitting in that is contains a 5" inpregnated core that gives in a pin bust'in hit!
Those of you who "Crank-it" or "Turn" the ball alot will enjoy this one!
Those of Us who are "tweeners" or down and in type players will also find a use for this ball in our bags! It is very friendly and the cover is also very adjustable and that will give you the ability to get the specific ball reaction that you are looking for!
Watch your TV Sets in the weeks ahead! because you will see this ball on the PBA TV show alot!
I highly recommend this ball and encourage anyone to try it without fear!
I drilled my first (so far) Tour Power over a month ago, and have bowled with it on a large number of lane conditions, in at least 7-8 centers. The ball came with the pin out 2 1/4 inches and a 2.78 top weight. I drilled the ball with the pin almost under my ring finger and the cg swung out slightly towards my PAP. This would be about a 4X4 or 4 inch pin in a 75 degree layout.
This ball is great! For me it will be what the Erase It is for most other people, the first ball out of the bag. My Tour Power gets good length, pretty similar to my very shiny Super Power, but it has a sharper move to the pocket, being a resin ball. The hitting power is very good, carries very well. I have had success with this ball from every line from first arrow to the fifth arrow, although I haven't used it up the crack. Haven't had a slick edge shot on a long time. I used it some with the box finish, but like it better shined. Mostly just use Black Magic to shine it every 15-20 games or so. It has nice hit in the box finish, but burns up a little too quick for my medium speed. This ball reads the middle third of the lane very well, and has a firm backend motion, no super flippy. I think a diffent layout may give more/less backend, depending on individual requirements.
On a 1-10 scale of total hook, I would give this ball a 7. Not the strongest, but definitely a good place to start an arsenal and build around it.
I think with proper surface adjustments, this ball is one of the most versatile Storm has come out with in quite a long time. This ball won't be well suited to the extreme oily/dry lane conditions, there are better choices here. The straight players may find this ball a little weak, but still usable for mediums to dry for them. This ball will be great for everyone else, and the extra $30 or so in price is justified.
Hope this helps ya......
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Started with 16 lb Tour Power with 2-3 pin and 3.74 top weight. Selected Storm's #2 layout putting the pin and cg 4 1/4" from my PAP. Tried ball once out of in the out of the box condition to find the need for polishing. Polished ball to 3000 and took it to substitute in league last night on Halloween. This ball really came to life with polish, scores for the first series in league play were 256-299-245 for an 800 series on the nose. The lanes were synthetic and the condition was a medium crowned shot. This ball is very forgiving and rolls very true. This is my new benchmark ball to pull out of the bag first. I am really looking forward to rolling this gem in the center where I currently bowl league. On the scale of 1-10, 10 plus is the rating I select. This is probably the best ball by Storm to date. The beautiful part of this ball is the price. Recommend checking this one out for yourself!
Chris Marchand
Bowl Mor Pro Shop
I don't usually post on a ball I haven't thrown, but I think an exception is warranted on this one. I layed this ball out for my step son who has been really struggling on a tour pattern ( not sport condition ) oiled to 29 and buffed to 45. He is a power player who struggles with speed control. On this shot he had been using a polished rock star that was giving him a boat load of greek churches and washouts. His other ball was a higly polished messenger tec. It gave him a little more control, but he just wasn't comfortable with it. The Tour Power came with a 4 inch pin which I put at 4.5 inches from PAP just above and to the right of the ring finger. We didn't use a balance hole but did put a very light polish on it. The first thing I noticed when he threw it was incredible axis rotation due to the 2.46 rg. It got down the lane very clean as long as his speed didn't drop. The next thing I noticed was a very smooth hard arc on the back end. It was amazing to watch the ball set up instead of jump. Carry was good although with the revs he gets everything carries good when he finds the hole. He still struggled because he just wasn't real sharp, but he got several more shots to set up high pocket that would have knifed through the middle. For you power players who have trouble on slick heads with fresh back ends this would be a ball I would look at very hard. It will let you get deep, and keep the ball inside of the OB without over reacting.
I drilled my Storm Tour Power with the pin below my ring
finger, 4 1/2 by 4 inches from my PAP, with a medium
sized xtra hole on my verticle axis about 5 1/2 over...
This ball is great. I got it a few days before a tournament
and won the first game side pot which paid for the ball.
I have above average revs and am able to use it on a wide
range of conditions, sanded or polished. It is a ball that
I am able to push to many of my customers and friends
because it is so versitile and would work for pretty much
any style.
Bugsy Kelly
Bowlers Depot Northridge
This ball reminds me just a little of the red alert zone ball from Brunswick. Ball shows a nice even arc without over reacting despite having a fairly aggressive cover. The ball has a ton more pop a the pocket though.
I had this ball laid out with controllable smooth arc. Pin 3 3/8 and 4 5/8. CG kick out right about 1/4 of inch..... had to locate mb..... and placed it just left of thumb hole. Ball possesses a beautiful arc to the pocket nice and controllable, just what I was looking for ...... maybe the most controllable mid-high price ball storm has produce in the last two years!!!!!!! made sure to put the mass bias in a less aggressive or non-rev heavy position because I was affraid of having the ball roll out on me......The Main reason why I wanted this ball is that I heard that the ball doesn't overreact on stripped backends, not real overly aggressive. What I heard was true. The ball rolls nice and hard and makes a smooth break for the pocket on jumpy backends. ball recovers real well when missing target left, and doesn't due to bad when target is missed left(ball seems to hold a bit). Very, Very versitale ball.... I like it a great deal.....not gonna rate the ball for I have only thrown it twice... 197 and 213 on a real tough sport condition.
Could be a "1st ball out of bag" ball.........
Thanks for reading, hope some of this helped someone out there if they were deciding on purchasing a new ball and had this one in mind........
Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women..., man!!!!
-The Dude
The Big Lebowski
This is the first storm ball i've ever had and i must say that i am impressed. It is the most controlable ball i have ever thrown and seems to work under any condition (except very dry lanes). In the 5 weeks i've used the ball, 674 (second shift shot) is the lowest i've had with a 738 out of the box. I'm a mid 220's average bowler that struggled the first part of the season on the second shift shot-this ball has more than taken care of that, bringing my average up almost 10 pins in the last 5 weekes!!!! I find howerver, that when the lanes are hooking, corner pin carry goes down, but it's still extremely controlable and predictable. Overall i would give this ball a 9.8 out of 10 and highly recomend it for any one looking to improve there average. It's definatly a first ball out of the bag!!!
Well i got this ball on Dec 29-01 and had it drilled up 2x2 for a nice controllable reaction, and left in outa box condition. Well first off its nice, although my first pocket hit left a 4-9 lol, but anyways, this ball is so forgiving, i mean even when i missed way left, i still ended up hitting brooklyn, i mean the ball just didnt have that mean turn when you missed your mark to the left. And when i missed out to the right the ball still had enough energy to make it back to the pocket. The condition i was bowling on was house shot for open bowling, a light to med pattern. But anyways, i love this ball it hits with alot of power
It deffinetly a excellent ball from Storm, and is a good ball for someone who wants a good hard hitting ball that also is forgiving when you make a bad shot. And when Storm means this ball is the Benchmark ball for Storm they mean it, this is a excellent ball to build your equipment around. Oh on another note, i used this ball on both the 29th and 30th and on the 30th it was same oil, not re-oiled and with carrydown, and even when the lanes burnt out, the ball still didnt over re-act, it either hit brooklyn, or hit high on the head pin. I give this ball a 10 outa 10 i mean you cant ask for more outa a bowling ball.
If you are looking for a ball that goes long and snaps hard don't get this ball. If you are looking for a smooth midlane that takes out some of the typical over under we see today read on. I drilled this one up right off the Storm sheet with the 4 1/4 inch pin and a large hole on the axis. On a heavy 42 foot pattern out to 8 board the TP let me play pretty direct up 7 board outside the oil line. I got a nice mid lane, particle like arc to the pocket. Even in the drier area I needed to keep my speed down to get a good reaction. This ball can fill the needs of a lot of styles. For the heavy handed types this could be the proverbial 1st ball out of the bag. Just a touch of polish and you have a hard hitting low rg ball that you won't have to put away when the back ends are flying. For the rev impaired like me it is much more of a condition ball. I don't see myself getting too far inside 10 board with this ball. Control comes at a price for straighter players, and there will be lots of conditions where it just won't carry enough. Flatter patterns with fresh back ends look to be the condition of choice. The TP probably won't be shootout ball for me. I will call this my American Express ball. I won't leave home without it. One final word of warning to straighter players. Don't put a 1 or 2 inch control drilling on the TP. It will be overkill. 3 1/2 to 4 inches gives me a smoother arc than I have seen out of any other reactive from Storm.
This is my second review on this ball. For the last 2 and a half months i've been using the ball, i have yet to throw under 670 with it in 2 leagues and a couple of tournements. A couple of weeks ago I had 781 followed by a 795 the next night. The ball is drilled with the pin directly to the right of the ring finger, about a half an inch, with a pattern taken directly from the set up sheet that came with the ball (set up #4 i believe-heavy roll with smooth back end). I use the ball on wood/gardian lanes with heavy oil in the centers and dry outside board 7 with moderate back ends. I play a tight shot in-between 2-3 arrows with a swing out to around board 8 or 9. The ball works awesome from this angel with good carry, accept for a few 10 pins, and is very forgiving. When the lanes start to dry out 2nd shift, it still performs exceptionally well with little over-under. I have found, however, that i have to polish the ball every couple of weeks to keep it performing consistantly. Still, I LOVE THIS BALL!!, and give it high recomendations.
I am a junior bowler, and I dont know too much about bowling balls, but all i know is that the Tour Power is one of the greatest balls I have ever invested in. My first game out of the box with it was 300. The pair I was bowling on had a ton of carry down. I have the pin to the right of the ring finger with a 4 1/4 top weight. The ball is extremly even and goes decently long with a great deal of hook in the backend. If your in the pocket this ball will carry most of the time except for those pesky 10 pins eveyrone leaves. If your looking for a even ball that goes long with a strong backend, this is the ball to get!
The Tour Power and Ultra Hot were selling in our shop before we could get them in stock so we decided they would be worth reviewing. The Tour Power is a low r.g. ball with a less than highly aggressive cover-stock which is highly versatile. The promotional material that comes with the ball describes it as the type of ball that is a favorite with the pro staffers and we can certainly see why. The nature of the ball is very even and predictable, it ‘goes where you throw it'. There just aren't many surprises with the Tour Power, it gets out to the break point virtually ignoring the heads, makes a nice move without much ‘flip' and knocks the pins over. That may sound boring but when the pocket is less than wide open, this is the kind of ball that you will be glad you have in your bag.
We drilled a couple of these balls, one with the pin next to the ring finger and one 2" from the axis. The first ball had the c.g. kicked out slightly and required an extra hole, which was placed on a line from the grip center, through the c.g. at the v.a.l. The second ball had the pin and c.g. stacked (12:00) and an extra hole 8" from the grip center. Both balls were wet sanded with 1000 and 1500, polished with Ebonite Factory Finish and buffed with Neo-Tac control-it.(High gloss) We were using the balls on blended conditions on synthetic lanes and then fresh conditions with a new lane maintenance machine in the same house. We were observing two testers throw the Tour Power, one with ball speed at 17 the other at 15. The first tester throws about 21 revolutions while the second is 16 or 17.
On the blended conditions the Tour Power was very much what we expected for both players the ball skidded without any force and made a nice move to the pocket without any sign of jumping. We had the slower speed tester throw a couple of shots out into the dryer part of the lane but even then the ball would not over-react. It seemed to carry almost all of the off hits and most of the flush shots as well. The faster speed player had equal success with his feet a couple of boards right. On balls pulled into the oil, the Tour Power labored to the pocket and hit weak, which really wasn't a surprise. You can't very often have it both ways and this ball is no different from most in that respect. We tried the scuffing the shell to see if it would handle the oil any better and it did but from a scoring standpoint, we were better off where we started with the polished shells.
The Tour Power really proved it's worth on the dryer house patterns that the new 2 in 1 lane machine produces. On these conditions we were having to put most of the other stuff away, we were throwing a reactive Gyro, Pulse and a Vortex II. Those balls represent some of the weaker equipment we have for dryer lanes and most of them are drilled with low flare lay outs. The Tour Powers were easily the best option on these fresh lanes. The slower player was seeing a little too much angle on the back end with the label drill but when he went to the 2" drilling the back end was tamed down just enough. The faster speed player was able to swing either ball into the dry without any over-reaction and was crunching the pocket. There was no way to go down and in with these balls (or any other) the outsides were just too dry. Both players were swinging the ball and were amazed at how the ball came back without any over-snap.
The Tour Power is a great ball which will be particularly liked by the better players who aren't looking for mega-hook. If you liked balls like the Pulse, Lightning Storm and Code Red you will want one of these balls. If you have any questions, e-mail us at:
Tried to buy one of these off this site yesterday and failed so it was kinda fun yesterday to walk in to my proshop guys place and there sat one.
He said for sale. The guy (righty) who bought it drilled it negative pin and it's hitting thumb. Can I try it(lefty).
Now for me this two inch pin out ball is drilled pin under ring finger and
cg near grip center. 4 1/2 X 5. The ball was 15 and drilled for a righty with an extreme drop in the middle finger for righty and ring finger for me.
Ball has light polish.
Well this ball is really something I've been looking for. Medium everything,
great control!
This ball skids nicely threw the heads with polish while revving up very smoothly and then makes the most rounded smooth move you've ever seen in a reactive to the hole. This ball is perfect for fresh. It reminds me of what the goal was with particles that smooth no over under move at the break point but obviously because it is a reactive it has more push through the heads!
It also reminds me of what I was trying to obtain from a command zone arc I had tbut that ball had too much of a pin out and I ended up with thumb weight and too much early rev and jump at the breakpoint.
The closest thing I've seen to this ball is my old trusty sledgehammer drilled control 3 3/8 X 2 weighthole on PAP as far as reactive push rounded backend.
I already know that the Sledgehammer was one of the biggest hitters I ever used when the backends were fresh. Getting one of these babies drilled just for me and with my perfect fit will tell if this one has that same type of crushing hit on fresh backends.
To get the same reaction out of this ball no exotic drillings are needed
just a stacked or label near the ring finger will give one the same smooth move on this lower differential ball that control drillings give on most higher flare potential balls.
I can just see a beautiful coupling of this ball and the erase it. Both balls look the same down the lane until at the breakpoint with the erase it being much stronger and more angular. Both with very tuneable coverstocks.
PS This ball really looks good on the lane,(I don't like the looks of solids on the lane) and this ball looks almost solid red on the lanes(Like a money making Crimson Red Sledgehammmer!)
PSS One of the great balls of the reactive resin era is the Violet 3D offset from Hammer. To me it looks like the Tour Power and Erase it are right around this ball. The erase it a little sharper backend the Tour Power a little less backend. All 3 rev early and smoothly down the lane!
i had been looking for a ball with a particle type reaction but for a drier lane condition. the TP seemed like it fit the bill.
ball specs: @3 oz top wt, pin @3.25in out.
drilling: 4x4, pin outside the ring finger and up a little, cg kicked out to the right 12:00, weight hole @5in right of cg.
light polish
this ball did exactly what i was looking for. i didn't get a chance to even throw a practice ball because the pro shop owner was drilling this for me. out of the box 268. carried very well. one ten pin in three games. shot 679 but should have been a lot better. got lazy on a few shots.
very predictable, smooth arc, and hit like a truck. thanks to storm for another great ball. good compliment to my eraser for drier conditions.
Overall a great ball. It has to be the ball available for drier lane conditions. I used this ball in high school bowling and shot 695 with it. I play 20 out to about 8 and the ball comes back and packs a pretty good punch. I would reccomend this ball to anyone who bowls on drier lanes. Only complaint is i leave a good amount of 4 pins with it. Overall, i give the tour power and eight out of 10.
Any questions email me at
This ball is my most versatile in my arsonal which consist of atleast one ball from all storms lines. If its oily i can move right and slow it down a little and it strikes. If there dry just keep moving inside and find some head oil and the ball just keeps on striking. Another great ball by the people at storm.
This is my second review of this ball. I previously left it in box condition, 4 inch pin, 2 inch cg with a balance hole on the axis. In box condition, this ball quickly polished up from the lane and tended to be a little skiddish in head oil despite the drilling. While the ball had its place it was helpless with any oil down the lane, yet would still over react on very dry outsides.
I took the tour power down to a 6oo wet sand and was modestly surprised with the results. While still not what you would call a hook monster the ball had much more control thru the heads and into the break point. It remains to be seen whether the hitting power will be there, but I now have a ball that I can throw on flooded heads with strong back ends. don't be afraid to mess with the shell on this ball. It may be one of the more tweakable ball out there. Anyone with plenty of hand should definitely have a tour power.
ok people here is what car magazines call a long use report. This ball is very
dependent on lane condition. It hates extremes. Its kind of politically correct
loves middle ground. For you who own one keep this baby clean. If not it looses
its hitting power very fast.Cant say its my favorite,but like a lot of dates when i was young i go back to it every so often when conditions call for it. Shot 5 700' in a row then i went south till i got the boost.
My Tour Power is drilled "label" 105 degree ... pin 4 1/2 from pap and
cg bumped slightly negative. Surface is box with an occasional
clean up with track magic reaction plus.
This ball has been best when playing outside, down the boards.
It reads the lane ... arcs and hits on the right condition, which
is medium to drier, so far.
It has also been a good spare ball due to its lower flare and
Ball Specs 15lbs, 3"pin, 3.88oz. top weight
Drill Specs- Label leverage(pin @ 1:30, CG in palm)
This ball is a power players dream- controllable but powerful and does not overreact. This ball is my first out of my bag always. I use it as my lane compass. The ideal condition for this ball is medium oil at medium length and wet dry house shots. Any pattern shorter or fried heads it doesn't get out to where I need it and a pattern too long or too much carry down it doesn't comeback strong enough. I have other equipment for these patterns. But when you have a decent shot lined up with it watch out it is very consistant. This ball is responsible for my best series and game since my return to bowling. I will always have a Tour Power in my bag. I might buy one or two just to keep in the closet so I know I will have one when my current one gets wore out.
The two downsides to this ball is that it wears really fast and I'm not sure if the rev challenged will like this ball because it will not be as strong on the end. But it may work for them on the dry lanes with a little polish.
I did try to polish it to 1500 when I first got it but found it was not as consistant. Now I just clean it after every use and hit it with rubbing compound about every 3 weeks for a tad extra length. My biased opinion for all is to try one of these, it has to have a spot somewhere in you bag. Good Luck to all.
The Tour Power, my personal favorite, i had drilled 4x4 pin over the ring and the mass bias just outside below the ring, sanded 600 grit. This ball was the most consistantly forgiving ball i have ever thrown. No matter where i threw it it always made a turn directly toward the pocket. With this ball i threw directly from the center out to the five-board and with the sanded coverstock it took an earlier snap put always strong and toward the pocket. Very great ball for any moderate hook player.
After watching a dozen other people throw the Tour Power, I wasn't really sure that I wanted to get this ball. Initially, at the end of the summer, I was going back and forth between the Tour Power and a Columbia Reaction Rev. The reason I went back and forth is that I usually punch up Columbia equipment, but with what was in the bag at the time, nothing that had Columbia's brand on it matched what I needed, which happened to be a mid-range ball.
I already had the hook-in-a-box ball (Arc), the skid-flip ball (Wicked), and the dry-lane ball (original Pearl Pulse). I wanted to have something that would be strong enough for the heavier oil, but not unpredicable on flying backends like the Wicked.
I looked at this ball a lot like the Red Pulse was a few years ago. I have the ball set up with the drilling stacked alongside the pin and the CG, with a balance hole about the same distance from the pin as my thumb hole (wish I understood the technical summation of drilling here...)
Basically, I had it set up a bit like my Wicked, drilling-wise, but I knew with the coverstock, I'd get a little different reaction, which is what I was after anyhow.
After not really getting the ball into the rotation right away, I started to use it when the oil started building up in the middle of September. Due to the constantly changing oil patterns at the house I bowl at, I don't use this ball every night, but when I do, I have had excellent success.
My overall average on Thurs. nights has gone from about 185 to about 204 right now. The ball has been consistant, and I have been hitting very hard with this ball. It's not the only ball in my bag, but I do have to brag about it as it has definitly paid for itself by now...something I wish I could say about some of my other stuff...
Bottom line, if you want a benchmark ball, as Storm bills the ball...this is the one. For a middle-of-the-road ball, excellent work Storm!
Drilled up like my er (pin above and right over ring finger, cg lined up with pin, extra hole) this is my first ball out every where except the dry house i bowl at. I find the oil, and the shot w/this ball, and if it doesn't come up, or comes up to much, i simpily swich balls. This ball tells you where the oil is, and the line to play. HARD snap when there is any backend at all, nice arc of there isn't. Carry is awesome. Couple of 9's every once in a while, but this keeps the pins low, and everything falls. One thing about the ball getting beat up, i got this w/the ultra hot (thanx alot guys at buddies!!) and use them equally, and the ball gets nicks and cuts more than any other ball i've ever owned, I'm soon to order a new one to sit in the closet untill this one is cut to its death.
The pleasure has been yours.
The great one
I found this ball to have many weak points. The break points are very inconsistant and the length is too. The weightblocks inside the ball do not cooraspond prperly to the coverstock. THey do not blent well. Overall I would not recomend this ball to anyone.
3" pin, 2.25 starting top. Laid out pin right of ring, CG below the centerline and right of stacked about 1 1/2". Call it about a 4 1/2 x 3, by my crude tape measure. Needed a 1" weight hole.
I genuinely like my Tour Power because it's the modern ball that most closely resembles my all-time favorite: the Track Critical Mass. But to sit down and write about it - well, it's like writing about tofu. It's bland and flavorless in its own right, but masterful at absorbing and adapting to its surroundings. Tour Power is best defined by what it's not: it's not weak, not strong; not too early, not too long; mostly but not completely arcy, not at all snappy; a middling good hitter that just seems to carry effectively. To steal a phrase from Steven Wright, it's an "Extra Medium."
Especially on sport patterns, I like a ball with a bit of shell. By necessity, I own several light oil balls, but what's hard to find is a revvable mild ball with some surface. Things like the Track Magic, the solid Beast didn't give me the same control in the mids that this one does. For me, 800 is just the right amount of surface for this core.
"Skid" or "lope" don't quite describe it; Tour Power "finesses" the heads. It revs up just enough to get a late read on the mids. It doesn't so much "sniff out the pocket" as you often read, but rather sniffs the breakpoint, then arcs with a good hard roll. I've yet to see anything that is more consistent at the breakpoint. From the shape of its move, you would swear it was an ultra light-load particle. As a bonus, you get as much length as some pearls.
When I bought it, I swore it would be a dedicated tournament ball, but it keeps sneaking into my league bag somehow. Tour Power doesn't really shine on a league shot, but it's a quintessential light to medium ball for your tournament bag. It's a versatile control ball that still carries. The truly great attribute of the Tour Power is that it's the easiest thing in the world to stay lined up with. For me, the best use is on a lighter shot, going up the boards with half a hand.
Sure hope Tour Power shows up in a different incarnation down the road.
Versatility: 8. Light to medium, tweakable cover. Good on league, great on sport shots in this range. Not intimidated by a bit of carrydown. Half a point off for being a stubborn Storm with its own idea of how it likes to be thrown.
Control 10. You can stay lined up with it all night. A finesse ball, for those brutal first couple of games on a sport pattern before you get them opened up, and you have to put the ball into a shot glass at 45'.
Hit & Carry: 9. Not the type of ball to make people migrate from the other end of the house to see what's making all the noise. It's just quietly efficient and effective. Don't expect a lot of shocking backrow stuff from an overpowered core.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Best results for anyone with a bit of hand, say 380rpm+, and/or lower ball speeds, 17mph and below. Picks up a great roll early on, but appears to still give great length due to it not jumping as soon as it hit any dryness. Once the corner is turned it wont roll out like hi diff balls, which i would have problems with, instead just a smooth continuous arc .. it wont quit.
You're going to want this ball if : You are looking for something to even out a jumpy reaction; you are bowling on light to medium oil; and if you basically cant get a consistant reaction with anything else.
Best point : Reads the condition so well as long as you have an appropriate surface on it. Versatile in terms of where it lets you play as well as what conditions you play on.
Weak Points : After the initial reaction fades and it evens ot totally it wont cut it in any serious oil unless you have dry boards somewhere to work with .. however sanding down to as low as 400grit will allow you to play heavy patterns if you have no other options.
i got this ball from my freind for 20 bucks so i didnt exspect much. i was rong. this ball did it all and more. it was a good heavy oil ball but it realy does its best on the medium lane conditions.
Control ball city:
4" pin
top ??
Picked up off of ebay for a nice price, ball was drilled with pin above the bridge, cg swung outside the palm. Same drilling I have on my Eraser/Eraser PP, good for backend......well. tried it out this summer on Pattern "C" and went dead straight. Slowed ball speed down and tried to turn it a bit and.....straight. WTF I say to myself. Put it in the bag and was done with it. Next week on "C" hit it down to 320 to try to get some movement out of it and well it hooked about 3 boards. Took it back to the shop and plugged it. After redrilling it 3 3/8 x 5 1/2 (same drilling as my Warp Zone see that post), this ball suddenly became the "A" ball. Hit it with Storm #3 shine and a decent weight hole on my PAP. Tried it on the ol' house shot and was able to play a little 10-5 bump and get to the pocket with no problem. Carry was marginal, lots of 7 pins. Moved left a board (lefty) and 7 pins were carrying better, now it was 6 pins. Moved 3 in to play the swishers and carry went through the roof. Everything carried last game shot 268 with a 3 pin and a stone 9. Used it on pattern C again during the roll off and was able to play it like a house shot, shot 230 which for 9 total games was my high for that pattern. Ball rolls very smooth and does not overreact (tends to underreact at times) which is good. Will be trying this out the the other center here in 2 weeks when leagues start up again, hopefully the light hit carryfest continues. So far, 8 out of 10. Thank god I redrilled it or else my father-in-law would have had a new boat anchor.
Swallowing a quarter is nothing to worry about.....if she craps out two dimes and a nickel.....then I'd worry.
It is an old ball, it is still one of the best Storm balls. It hits the pins so hard!!!!!! It can be compared only with V2 Strong on heavy oil, as I think. It's a pity that Storm stopped making this ball. If YOU want to spoil the oil on the lains for others - You Need to take this ball in your hands.
I got this ball drilled up with the pin above the fingers and the cg kicked out about 2 inches. I've thrown this ball on three differnet patterns one heavy synthetic, one medium wood, and the last light synthetic.
On the heavy synthetic pattern the ball made a small gradual move to the pocket but left alot of dead 10's. THe line was alright but the carry was horrible.
On the medium/light wood pattern this ball was very controllable and allowed me to play a more direct line then my X-factor Ace and retain just as mch carry and power. The ball kept the pins low and sent pins flying across the deck with ease. I played 35 to 10 with my Ace on this pattern and shot 215 and 225. I took out the Tour power moved in to 15 swinging to 5 and the ball carried everything. For 5 games I averaged 245 on the same pattern as the Ace.
The last pattern I have tried this ball was a light synthetic pattern. This turned out to be one of the best patterns for this ball. I moved a touch deeper on this pattern then the last pattern and played 22 to 5. As long as I made a clean shot and kept my ball speed up the ball was wonderful. I averaged 240 for 8 games on this pattern and found that this is where this ball shined and was the most forgiving.
Overall I would give this ball a 5.
On medium to light oil I would give this ball an 8.5. The ball is very forgiving as long as your delivery is right. If you throw the ball the way you are suppoed to the ball reacts accordingly.
I got this ball about 1 week ago....and it was given to me with 2 full plug jobs on the ball...including mine...the original finish was sanded so i polished it up cause i dont like the dull look...but anyway...i am 14 and averaging about 240 with the ball for 20 sum games....just shot 773 at wilsonville lanes yesterday night!!It is a great ball...I had my dad drill it to hook really late just to see what would happen and it hits like a mack truck!
What's That?...An 8 Pin?
i think this ball sucks i got it from a friend i traded a warlock for it it was a big mistake this ball doesn't hook
this review is in response to the last guy to review this ball!!!this is only because the ball was not taken care of before you got it!!!!or maybe you just don't have enough hand to throw it.the tour power is a benchmark ball,good for all conditions if put in the right person's hand of course.