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Author Topic: Trauma Recovery  (Read 26857 times)


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Trauma Recovery
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Coverstock: PRO-Thane MT plus (particle)

Finish: 1500-grit Polish

RG: 2.514 (Low)

Differential: .0492 (High)

Flare Potential: High (7” plus)

Hook Potential: 24

Available Weights: 12 - 16

Lane Condition: Medium to heavy oil


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2002, 09:18:08 PM »
Ok, well i bowled with this ball tonight on my scratch league and WOW!!!!!!!!
This ball hits like excellent, lots of carry, and only 2 ten pins tonight, which is about my average, i average about 1-2 ten pins a night. But i did leave a hand full of 4 pins, from high hits. But anyways, ok, i have this ball drilled up with the Storm layout #1 with the CG in the Pos. and a side hole 45 degrees off my pap. and its hit with 1000grit. My scratch league puts out some heavy oil, normally 10-10 heavy, to 35ft, and a OB outside of 8. Anyways, Well this ball works great it sets up about a foot before my Trauma Er does, and makes a nice turn to the pocket, my three games games tonight went 238-237, and 245, and i did end up moving 3 boards between the first and third game, but stayed playing the same line, hitting board 10 at 35ft.  I started by playing right up 10, and standing 22. Second game i moved my feet two boards and played 12-10. and the third game, i moved to 25, and played 15-10 and never left the pocket.  But anyways, i still give this ball a 10 out 10, great ball
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

Mr.Bowling 3

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2002, 12:49:54 PM »
Hello everyone. I just want to start by saying  WOW!! I drilled this ball on Sat 12/29/01 and used it the next day in a tournament.I finished 2nd.Not bad for the first time using this ball.Here are the drilling specs. and lane conditions.The pin is about 1/2" above the ring finger{right handed} the CG at around the 4 oclock point and the MC2 down below the thumb around the 5 oclock position.The extra hole is a little lower than the thumb and just below the PAP.The lanes were dressed in a sport type condition. I was able to get this ball into a early roll and it just kept going. As the oil started to move I could move and the ball finished well. This ball recovers well on the heavy oil .You can go straight up the lanes or move to the inside and swing this monster.This is a great ball !  Thanks again Storm...


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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2002, 11:22:11 PM »
My info:

375-420 RPM
17-18 MPH
PAP 5/12 over

Ball Info:
Mass Bias in track

I just drilled it up and it seems to be very mild.  With the drilling and with what I bowl on locally, it is a good ball.  The ball rolls very smooth and rolls really strong.  It really has an arc-like reaction to it.  It hits great and seems to have enough recovery if you leak it.  It does need some dry to make it work though. It will sail if tugged into the soup.  But it is great when you can play a little straighter.



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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2002, 02:03:17 PM »
I don't know what ball some of you are reviewing.  With the exception of snakes, who hit the nail on the head, most of the reviews of this ball are way off.  The recovery is not, I repeat not, a heavy oil ball. Only the slowest of ball speeds can play this ball in heavy oil. It hooks far less than the trauma ER and storm will attest to that. It needs some dry, and on most "house shots", half the lane is backend anyway. It is an excellent ball however what it is intended for.  This is a ball that is great for going further outside with something a little less aggressive. This ball is great for "end over enders" on a walled shot. Pete Weber even explained that it is a less aggressive ball some weeks back when after winning another tourney and throwing a 298 with the Recovery, he thanked storm for making a less aggressive ball that he could play outside with. He was swinging the inside earlier with the ER.   I love Storm products and while this ball has its place, it is not the hook monster that most, not all of the reviewers have claimed it to be.
Polish Hammer


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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2002, 03:10:34 PM »
I agree with the PolishHammer. I have been bowling on 45' oil and after reading the different reviews I got a TR for the oil. Well, it will work but you have to slow down the ball considerably to get the carry. It is not a hooker like most everybody was saying. I will say on the regular house shot the ball is awesome but if are thinking about getting one for oil.... Don't.
Good Bowling


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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2002, 11:20:37 PM »


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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2002, 01:04:27 PM »
my ball came with a 2-3 pin and i set it up the the pin about 2 o'clock.the ball goes long and snaps back hard.i feel you can over power this ball and then it doesn;t come back aswell.if the ball speed is kept down,the ball will be allowed to speed up at the breakpoint and do more damage.i play on med to heavy oily lanes and when the lanes break down,i find this ball difficult to read.its very speed sensitive.i will say though that its one of the hardest hitting balls i have thrown.when it hits the pocket the hit is amazing.great carry.its a ball you need to spend time with and find out what combinations work best.i would say med oil and thrown by a tweener is a good conbination.the key is allowing the ball to get some drier boards so the speed increase at the break point is smelling storm ball by far !

Justin Garrett

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2002, 09:17:17 PM »
I'm 14 and I started bowling a little over a year, and I switched over to the TRAUMA RECOVERY after my Scout. I was averaging about 158 when I got this ball. I average aboult 20 more pins now. This ball goes long snaps hard and hits extremely hard. It will hold on mistakes. GREAT BALL, 10!

Sweet Lefty

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2002, 08:20:12 PM »
Im 14...I will turn 15 in March. I got the recovery as a christmas prestent. I averaged a 186 with my Track Assassin and ever since i started to throw the Recovery my average greatly inproved about 10 pins! Today the left side of the lanes were sooooo dry! So I didnt use my recovery in the begining. Since I am left handed (and one of only 2 lefties in the league) I waited till the begining of the 3rd game to use it. I used My Assassin the first two games because I dont have a ball for dry lanes, but the games were like 135 and 142
. I got really frustrated so i brought out my Recovery since some of the oil on the right side moved over to my side. The first ball I threw looked so sweet! I was standing as far right as the ball machine would let me and i threw it over the 10 board and WWWWHHHHAAAAMMMM!!!! 10 IN THE PIT! I finished the game with a 234, but I was still under average with series. Well I just wanted to share my experience with you about my Recovery and what a great ball it is. I think that every cranker should have one.

Mike Roughley

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2002, 01:18:23 PM »
Got this ball yesterday and I am impresed. I got this ball with a 3-3.5 pin out, 2.86Oz of top weight. Had the pin placed at 2 O'clock MC2 on the PAP and one hell of a balance hole, I kept it as its out of the box finish. This ball is everything I expected. It hits hard and is very readable. I am thinking of having it sanded to 1200 so it'll set up a bit earlier and hook more. All in all a good ball so far. 10-10. Smell great too!, added bonus!.
Mike Roughley
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Mike Roughley
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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2002, 11:24:50 AM »

Ball surface: Factory
Layout: 3in pin and pin is over the ring finger; mb in the track by the thumb; small amount of negative side weight

Lane conditions:
Condition 1: med oil through heads and pines and nice backends on synthetic
Condition 2: dry heads med oil through pines with carry down
Condition 3: very light oil on wood lanes


I am in three houses now so I can give you a little more info about how balls react on different lanes and conditions.

Condition 1:
For me this is what this ball is great for. It has oil through the heads to get the ball out and with the nice backends it has a nice controlled hook. The ball does not overract and hits pretty hard.
Condition 2:
This condition I have to put the ball in the bag. Without the head oil, its really tough to get this ball out to give it enough room for it to hit the pocket. I usually pullout another ball (the Too Hot) with length.
Condition 3:
Once again if there is enough head oil, this ball is fine. As soon as the heads dry out, then I go into the bag for another ball (once again the Too Hot)

This ball is great with lanes with head oil from heavy with carry down to light oil through the pines and no carry down.

If there is no head oil (remember this is right out of the box)

Side note: I have the Recovery and the Too Hot from Storm and I really love this combo for med to dry lanes. When I put my Recovery up, I can go to my Too Hot and throw almost the same line that I did with the Recovery
Tweener2k []
The other Ben for Admin

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. "-Douglas Adams


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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2002, 02:26:07 PM »
I have played my first 300 game with a STORM Recovery (15# TW. 3.5 Pin 3,5 Mc2)in the strong position. If this ball finds a dry spot in the back it will go for pin 1 and takes all of them down...

I am in love...

Can bowl the boards 1 to 10 with it and love the way it comes back in the pocket...

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2002, 10:13:47 PM »
Thanks for reading my review.

When I talked last month to Bill Supper From Storm about the Trauma ER and it’s reaction, his comment was wait till you see the Trauma Recovery, he was not kidding, What a ball!!

This Polished Particle is a real eye catcher, pretty blues, reds and gold’s in this one. The weight block is a medium to low RG and a Medium to high Diff. I drilled my #15 Recovery with a 3 3/8 Pin from my axis to give it some hook, I heard this ball goes kind of straight, so thus the stronger layout, and swung the mass bias at a 60 degree position. I kept the pin below the fingers.

In the past, Storm balls have been too hard to control for me, all power and really hard to control. I like control, but still strong hit. This ball gives me that. This is the 1st Storm ball that gives me a steady breakpoint but very hard hit. I left 2 10 pins in a 3 game set. Unbelievable hitting power on light hits, I had many others watching me throw this one and many bowlers asking me about this Storm ball.

I used this ball at AMF Waukesha, wood lanes, fairly dry but clean backends. I played around 15 and swung the recovery to 11. I had more pull than swing. The strikes were pretty to watch. Massive messengers and straight back 8 pins showing no deflection on pocket hits. I was impressed. I have thrown many Storm balls and this Recovery is a Winner!

Best lane condition would be medium to dry, unless you really rev up the ball I would stay with stronger drillings. Only a cranker would get away with a higher RG drilling. Not a ball intended for oil unless the outsides were clean and the backends were snapping.

Thanks to my good friends at Storm for producing a New Wonderful polished particle ball in the Trauma Recovery.

Thanks for Reading my review.



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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2002, 09:34:45 PM »
Is ball is great. I have it drilled strong or how it is in the Storm drill book and it is #1 in there. Goes out and could back hard. Even though it is particle ball it seems to work better for medium to lighter oil.

Heavy oil- 8 out of 10
Medium oil- 10 out of 10
Light oil- 9 out of 10
Over all a 9 out of 10

But yet another awesome ball from Storm. Keep it up Storm and I can't what for the new ball you guys are making (Trauma Response). Can't wate for it.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
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Re: Trauma Recovery
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2002, 01:21:00 PM »
This ball is amazing from my standpoint,  it actually does what it says.  Now, how many balls have you gotten that really didn't do what it was supposed to do???  This one is a great exception.  I mean, there are balls that go long and snap hard, but this ball doesn't just go recovers like there's no tomorrow!!!! I have this ball drilled 4x3 3/8 (cg x pin).  I have pin out about 4 and 3/4 and top weight of about 3...this ball is great in oily, medium oil, and if drilled correctly...medium to dry...I love this ball!!!! I love this game!!!!

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