Another ball I got for small money

through Ebay in excellent condition... and what a good investment!
About me: Style = Stroker/mild Tweener, right-handed
Speed = 13,5-14,5 mph
PAP = 5" & 7/8"^
Axis tilt = 18,7°
Revs = 250-300 RPM at release
For more details, check out my profile, please.
I was looking for a med to heavy oil pearl reactive ball. Didn't like "Big B"'s Inferno looks, so I gave the (older) Trauma a try. I was not disappointed!
Ball setup:Ball is 15 lbs. Originally I wanted a ball to make a skid/snap move, but I received a pin-in ball (CG to Pin = 1 3/8", did not ask when I bid at Ebay...).
Despite these rather rolly specs, the ball was drilled to move aggressively: Pin to PAP = 4 1/4", pin ended up 1" at 4:00 of ring finger hole. CG 1 1/2" to the right of the mid lane. MC² marking located at 5:00 from thumb hole, 2 3/4" distance. Small (1" deep and wide) X-hole on PAP was added to compensate weight distribution towards PAP.
* = Pin
# = CG
m = mass bias/MC² marker
x = X-hole
Ball picture: rubber finger inserts finished the job. Funny thing is that I found a bubble in the core material in the thumb hole (size of a bean). Filled it with nitro compound in the first place, but finally had a thumb insert added because it was quite irritating. Surface of the ball was OK when I received it, but I got it polished up once more to 1.500 grit + polish.
Some impressions:In the beginning my Trauma did not hook as strong I expected, but I blame it on my stroker style, lack of experience at that time and simply the pin-in configuration. After some time to get used to it (4 months or so) and maybe some wear on the polish my Trauma (and me) developed hook. The more hand I am now able to put into the ball, the more and earlier it moves. Easy to control!
Medium patterns are great, the ball creates lots of hook if played to do so. For a pearl reactive the Trauma is a very good-natured ball. Left-side spares and adjustments to varying lane conditions are no problem, it is a very reliable performer. The pearl Accu-Tread coverstock gives the ball good length on a wide variety of conditions and a clean passage through the heads, even when things dry up.
On a 30' medium pattern I stand at 23rd board with my right shoe tip, target at 12th board and get a nice breakpoint at 38-40' down the lane with a sharp curve into the pocket.
On a played-down 40' sports pattern I was able to play the ball deeper inside, standing on 31st board and play over 3rd arrow. The ball would even reach 3rd board in a wide arc, and then break at about 38-40' and turn irresistibly towards the pocket, as if it was running on tracks.
On a fresh 42' medium-light crowned gutter-to gutter shot, buffed to 50', my Trauma excelled, too: very good length with the high grit polish, and in the buffed Zone a smooth and controllable transition from skid to roll. Even though the ball has some years to it, it still amazes me. And it hits
so hard...
Longer and larger volumes of fresh oil create difficulties to make the Trauma hook or keep its breakpoint consistently. It's probably the progress in oil development, since the ball was originally designed for medium to oily shots? But, nevertheless, when a track is burned into the lane after some games, the Trauma comes to life again.
On the other side, the "lenghty" coverstock makes the Trauma less vulnerable to dry heads than other strong reactive balls, like the Raging Red Fuze for example. I consider it playable on anything except for desert and flood conditions.
The best thing about the Trauma is its pin carry: it is so
IMPRESSIVE!Total devastation on the deck, wherever it hits. Either on full flush hits into the pocket, Brooklyn shots or even light hits. You name it, the Trauma rips it up!
With the high-gloss surface the ball explodes in the pin deck, sending messenger pins everywhere. If there were no barriers around the deck, pins would fly several yards in any direction...

This ball really works for the player, and in my arsenal it is currently the ultimate benchmark for pin action.
Conclusions:After my growing experience with it and having a friend with the same ball (though with different layout - he has an aggressively drilled pin-out which reacts much sharper in the backend on equal conditions) as a comparison basis, I give it a solid 9 out of 10, with a tendency up. It is a great ball, for almost any occasion.
Lane utility for tested ball (pattern length vs. oil volume):
|S M L
|h e o
|o d n
|r . g
|0 + X| Light volume
|+ X X| Medium volume
|X + 0| Heavy volume
X = Best suited with effective control & carry
+ = Fairly suited (works, somehow, but lacks control)
0 = Unsuited (ineffective, either slips or burns up)
The chart concept is borrowed from Storm's 2003 catalogue - IMHO a very good overview tool. Surface prep and drillings may change the results, it is just personal experience with my styleI like the Trauma very much, and with ongoing experience it has become one of those ball that I will not eaily discard. It is very versatile and a real beast with carrying power! My Trauma gets better the more I play it, and it keeps up its very good lane and pin performance from the beginning. No loss in reaction, whatsoever.
Dunno, but the cinnamon scent reminds me of Christmas cookies. I always get hungry when I take the Trauma out of my bag... want milk, too!

PPS (Updated 1st of July 2005):
I keep my Trauma in the bag, and it still is the personal benchmark for pin carry. Performs great on medium conditions, very adaptable to speed and hand position changes. Get one, if you can! I hope that mine will last a while...
A shame that the original ACCU-Tread pearl coverstock is not in use anymore. With a Fired-Up core or another current tall low/medium RG core, this would make a great combo for medium conditions.
PPPS (Updated 5th of March 2006):
It is still in the bag, and recently only my new Shock & Awe has come close to it considering pin carry. What a great ball!
4PS (Updated 29th of January 2007):
Yesterday I made my bet on the Trauma card for my traveling league - I had the 2nd start in a house with medium to light conditions. I had the feeling that my half-retired Trauma would be the perfect ball for this: and I was right! Not only did I play a new official high 5 series with 1.014 with, I also made this season's personal absolute high game of 233. This ball rocks, it is a pleasure to see this (old) piece rip up the rack!
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 26.09.2011 at 7:43 AM