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Author Topic: Triple X-Factor  (Read 31352 times)


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Triple X-Factor
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The new super aggressive MONSOON™ Pearl coverstock performs better in today's bowling environment. Matching this powerful coverstock to the new inverted RAD3 Triple Disk Technology weight block produces a massive backend flip for extreme entry angle. The Triple X Factor — sit back, relax, and HANG ON!

TRIPLE X FACTORâ„¢  Technical Specifications

Coverstock MONSOONâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Inverted RAD3â„¢ Triple Disk Technology
Ball Color Violet, Cherry, Gold Pearl
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 73-75 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 6" (High)
Fragrance Black Cherry
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2005, 12:32:56 PM »
I Drilled a Triple X-Factor about a week ago to add a more aggressive length/snap ball to my arsenal. This ball revs up hard in the midlane and continues pretty strong on the backend creating strong hit and solid carry. I have found out that you really need to get through this ball or it will tend to start up a little early. The more aggressive through the release you are with this ball, the better off you will be. If you are looking for a strong pearl reactive that will hit hard then pick up a Triple X-Factor.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2005, 09:27:10 AM »
I bought this ball (14#) because of all the reviews here.  So far, I have mixed results.  I told the driller that I wanted the ball to skid and hook at the dry area and he said he knew exactly what I wanted.  After consulting the drilling booklet, he did something close to Layout#1 with RAD in Strong position.  

Variation in Drilling (viewed with finger holes on top and thumb at bottom)
But compared to Layout#1, the pin is about .5" from the ring finger hole and about 2 o'clock (rather than 1 o'clock).  Also, the RAD is about .5" and 4 o'clock.  The Center of Gravity is 2" from the ring finger hole at 4.5 o'clock.

I played three games in medium-oily lanes I think.  I stood in the middle of the lane and aimed straight down one arrow to the right of the center.  I think I throw medium speed and low-medium rev.  This ball would skid straight all the way and then slowly turn a bit (about 5 boards?).  From other reviews, I thought the ball would turn hard in the back like professional crankers do.  Perhaps it's the way I bowl but it didn't seem to have as much hook as I thought.

My Bad Form
After reading a book on bowling, I believe my bad form may have contributed to the lack of performance.  Instead of getting low and rolling the ball, I have a tendency to stay up and dropping the ball with a slight spin.  I'm thinking that following proper form will increase my revs.

Positive Results Regardless
I haven't bowled much since I was on my High School team (used to be a 167 avg bowler using my dad's 13# Urethane Blue Hammer).  I went to bowl last week with my dad's 15# Columbia 300 Beyond Reactive and bowled 104, then two games in 130s.  The first three games I bowled using the XXX Factor, I was just trying to get used to the ball and how it would react.  I still managed 137, 140, and 178.  I think this ball has the potential to get me bowling 190+avg once I get into it with proper form.  I do notice that this ball knocks down a lot more pins than even my dad's old Columbia 300 (though that might have been too heavy).  Even when I hit way off the head pin, I still got atleast 6.  If I got anywhere near the pocket, it was an 8 or a 9.

Overall, I have high hopes for the potential this ball has.  If you guys have any suggestions on getting more hook out of this ball, let me know.  I bowl straight along the right side, moving my starting point according to how early or late the ball hooks.

Bruce And Dana

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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2005, 01:26:06 AM »
I just got the xxx factor. And I must say it's a good ball.I Don't know much about drillings.I am a Lefty that lays the ball down around 20 and i swing to the 17 board.And this ball makes a great move to the pocket.I rate this ball 7 out of 10. Because It's still new.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2005, 10:52:51 PM »
This is my second review.  Everytime I bowl with this ball, I seem to bowl a new high score.  Before today, my high score was 179.  Bowling at a new alley with much oil, I decided to try using the Triple X Factor to straight bowl, with an insignificant lift towards 11 o'clock.  I aimed at the pocket, and the ball would move towards the 1 pin before hitting the pocket.  This new method earned me a new high of 202.

With the way my ball is drilled, I believe this might be the most effective method of bowling for me.  Anything near the pocket was going down as strikes.  I had 5 strikes, and the rest were spares except for one missed frame and one split frame.

This ball has a lot of carry.  One thing I noticed is that it never seems to carry oil on it's return.  Other balls I've used have returned with streaks of oil but the cover on this ball doesn't seem to pickup oil.  I believe my new technique will result in repeated scores of 200+, better than I've ever done before.

I rate this ball 8/10.  Once I can get 7+ strikes per game, I will rate this ball 9/10, and once I can get all strikes except in the 10th frame, I will rate this ball 10/10.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2005, 02:38:12 PM »
I  recently bought a Storm Triple X-Factor. Now i am not a high rev play and do not throw it hard, but i find that if you sand this ball with red pad, or green pad and used storms reactive ball cleaner you will have nice hook going from  bout 2nd arrow right into the pocket, and it is easy to change when it is not hooking by simply moving over farther, so far i do not have any major problems and rate it 8.5 out of 10


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2005, 05:22:17 AM »
I have just got this ball to combat so very dry backends.  I drilled it pin over bridge and cg kicked out about 1" and rad just right of the thumb.  this ball goes very long and comes back even harder.  it does leave some ten pins though.  but when it is time to rare back and throw it hard it destroys the pins.  great ball and looking forward to buying anther
I throw anthing that works!


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2005, 04:42:52 PM »
I've read all the reviews on this ball...I've had this ball for a little over a year now..and i don't like it, it goes longer than advertised, and it leaves a lot of ten pins. I have it drilled to be aggressive, because i throw hard...i have tried it on all types of performs best on wood..and dry backends..didn't handle heavy oil at all. My Depth Charge is  a hell of a better ball than this one. Im gonna get it redrilled before i totally give up on it. If anybody has any suggestions please let me know. i will post another review after i get it redrilled...and i will let you all know the out come.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2005, 06:08:47 PM »
ummm...and it leaves a lot of ten pins, thats funny


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #54 on: June 16, 2005, 07:12:28 PM »
Well its not funny to me...i finally had this ball redrilled,  and im posting my review as promised..i dont really know the dynamics of measurements as of the drilling layouts...but i will do the best i can. i had this ball a down and in im looking for something a little aggressive.....this is not the ball.  The coverstock is not what i gives me way too much length...and for me..the backends have to be toast for it to break hard to the pocket. Im very disappointed in this ball...i was told that the triple x is the better of the Factor series.....that is not true...i believe the Extreme is the better ball...its just my opinon.   By the way...i had it redrilled for early roll..a balance hole was added...i played all angles on a regular house shot...synthetic...if any one wants to buy this ball from me ur welcome to has less than 30 games on it....and it has two drillings...if not...then i will just use it for burnt, toasted conditions...


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #55 on: June 20, 2005, 10:38:21 AM »
first of all took a break from the sport came back started with depth charge which is great ball then got this one drilled it with the pin over the strong finger cg kicked just a little and rad just to the right by the thumb this ball was very strong at first but now it is losing a little but has always left alot of ten pins depth charge is still a better ball by the way have high speed and revs


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #56 on: October 26, 2005, 05:18:34 PM »
I have had this ball for 10 month now this is my first review, ever.

Ball stats: About 2" pin, unknown topweight, CG in palm, MB 5´o clock below thumb. Don´t know Pin to Pap, but pin is right next to ring finger. And i think it´s a control drilling.
I play on a 22ml 38ft pattern.

Since this is my first ball i have used it on every lane condition i have faced. I get the best reaction on dryer patterns, like med and below. But it works on the heavier stuff to.
I dont get a hugh hook with it, but it covers enough boards to kick out the corner pins. The ball motion is a smoother arc. It reads the lane quick.

I have now, for the first time, changed the surface on it. I first just put it in the spinner and took a higher grit sandpaper and roughed up the surface a little. I couln´t play with it since they didnt oil the lane that day, my maxim hooked the whole lane. So after practice i roughed the surface up even moore and then took it back to a higher grit with the smoother paper. So today i played on a fresh oiled lane, and it read the lane much better. Its a little rougher then the OUB finnish, and i haven´t put polish on it so it work better in the oil now.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2006, 04:46:31 AM »
very good ball acts like my cherry bomb alot both work almost on identical lanes very versatile if it wasnt for the smell id buy more of storm.  does go away with time tho lol good ball my favorite by storm
doesnt look like im in kansas anymore toto


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2006, 03:23:05 PM »
i have 2 of these.  got a good deal on them used with less than 30 games on both.

i really like these.  (A) is drilled probably close to 4x4 bias just to the right of thumb ~1".  (B) is something strange the bias is to the left of the thumb close to the track nothing you would ever see in a drilling chart

both of these are for medium to heavy oil conditions.  both with the oob finish.  both behave very very different.  (A) is super smooth starts to read the midlane quick and has a nice continuing arc in the backend, never jumpy.  (B) is just a backend monster, these both probably cover the same amount of boards but this is all on the backs.  skids through the midlane flips and takes off. very nice on modified ths type conditions when its a desert between 10 and 30


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #59 on: August 27, 2007, 06:13:30 PM »
Don't get this ball if your lanes are oily.

This ball won't move very well and only works well on medium/dry to dry lanes.

This ball will not hook on oil and has a very late breakpoint on medium/dry lanes..and as some on here have said, it does leave quite a bit of ten pins.


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Re: Triple X-Factor
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2008, 11:37:04 AM »
I'm posting because I saw the thread where it doesn't hook on oil.  I throw the ball about 17mph and if I don't have a problem with it hooking alot of people shouldn't. I just move right when there is oil.  I have bowled in a lot of Tournaments and this is my favorite ball to use because I can always get it to the pocket no matter how much oil is out there.
Bowling 1 pin at a time.