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Author Topic: Triple Xtreme  (Read 23291 times)


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Triple Xtreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
We've taken the Triple X Factor to the Xtreme... the Triple XTREMEâ„¢ that is! This ball generates a massive amount of torque and will make the corner on even the toughest of conditions. This is accomplished by combining our world-class ACCU-treadâ„¢ solid reactive coverstock, preparing it to an 800-grit satin finish, then wrapping it around the dynamic RAD3â„¢ weight block. The satin ACCU-treadâ„¢ builds higher friction in the mid-lane. The RAD3â„¢ creates a strong preferred spin axis that in tandem, make the Triple XTREME really "lean" toward the pocket. If you take your game seriously and want that edge, then take your game to the XTREME!  

TRIPLE XTREMEâ„¢ Technical Specifications

Coverstock ACCU-Tread Solid  Reactive
Weight Block RAD3â„¢ Triple Disk Technology
Ball Color Red/Purple/Blue  
Ball Finish 800-grit Matte
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 75-77 Rex D-Scale Rex D-scale
Flare Potential High (6” Plus)  (High)
Fragrance Strawberry
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.


Billy Ray

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2004, 02:23:37 PM »
Drilled with 5" pin over fingers. No hole. RAD strong. Shined out of box with Storm Reacta Shine. Ball gets cleanly through the fronts at my synthetic house. We are currently bowling on pattern B in the league but with weaker backends than normal for 'B'. Ball starts up really nicely in the midlane and makes a strong move towards the pocket. Not as jerky as the original X factor but stronger than the Deuce and a bit earlier than any of the deuces I ever drilled.
Will Throw next week on Pattern 'C' and update. Our league rotates, 3 weeks on each pattern except 'E'.
Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2004, 05:30:42 PM »
Had this one drilled pin next to ring finger, and RAD on the thumbhole.  I love this ball, gets more length than my Ultimate Inferno, with a nice hard arc on the backend.  As aggressive of a reactive as I've ever thrown, and carries very well.  Nice ball to go to when the particles are too much, but there's still some oil on the lane.  For me, needs good backends, but when the shot is right, this is a phenomenal ball.  Great job on this one Storm!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2004, 08:22:39 PM »
Got this drilled with the pin under the ring with the RAD on the VAL line X-Hole on the VAL 1 inch down from the PAP. This is one strong ball. When it starts to roll it doesnt stop! It is the strongest Storm ball I have thown. If you need a ball for oil this is the one for you.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2004, 02:25:06 AM »
i got this bad mutha drilled pin next to ring and rad to the left of the thumb. this thing is a BEAST. IF you give it some oil it will come back and demolish the pins, thats if you don't hit its break point early. i did that once and i left the ugliest thing ever the 3,4,6,7,9,10 split what the hell is that. well anyway if you want alot of backend for those oily lanes then get this mutha you wont regret it until the lanes break down of course.
Another nine pin ohh joy!!!!!!!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2004, 01:53:39 PM »
Drilled this ball the other night and am really impressed so far. On a freshly stripped condition the ball clears the fronts well, revs up in the mid lane, and and makes a strong snap to the pocket. On this condition the ball really took advantage of the backends and hit extremely hard. The next day I tried it on a longer pattern with some carrydown and found that the roll and hit were not negatively affected by the longer oil as long as you made the proper move right. I would say that the Triple Xtreme is one of the harest hitting, if the THE  hardest hitting Storm ball that I have ever thrown and I have thrown many. The versatility of the ball is a plus as well. If you go up the back of the ball and get it into an earlier roll you can play straighter and not have to worry about hit. If you get on the side of the ball it can really cover a lot of boards and really open up the lanes for you. Once again Storm has come up with a winner in the Triple Xtreme.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2004, 07:10:52 PM »
I drilled two of these. First one has the RAD 5 3/4 from my PAP and the pin 3 3/8 from my PAP (PAP is 4 3/4 up 3/8) with the pin 2 1/2 above my midline. A balance hole was needed and I put it 45 degrees from the center of my grip  toward the thumb quadrant. Only went 3 inches down this line and drilled a 13/16 bit 3 inches deep. This layout allowed the ball to push thru the fronts clean and rev heavy down the lane. I decided I wanted to get this ball to pick up just a bit sooner on the lane so I increased the weight hole to a 7/8 bit. This got the ball to tilt a few feet sooner. The ball had know quit. After using it I felt I may need a ball that reads the lane real early. I drilled another one and this time I put the pin 4 1/4 from my PAP, the RAD 4 1/4 from my PAP, and the pin is 1 1/4 above the midline of my grip. By keeping the pin closer to the midline allows the ball to read the lane earlier along with the position of the RAD. A balance hole was placed 20 degrees from the middle of my grip, over 4 inches. I used a 15/16 bit going three inches deep. This layout gives me about 5 boards more overall hook but also gives me read on the lane faster. This is my heavy oil layout. This core gives a bowler many options in ball reaction.

I must thank Mo Pinel for his help on getting me to better  understand asymetrical balls and layout better. As some may have read in my post from the Triple XFactor, I was never really very happy with these balls. I always felt that these balls never made a complete move in the back of the lane. After speaking with Mo, I now have a better understanding of asymetrical layouts and how to make them work for me and my customers. Once you know the conditions, an asymetrical core is much easier to tweek or set up correctly and know exactly what you are getting then a symetrical core. Knowing ones track diameter goes a long way in picking the right layouts for them. Good luck to all.

Pat Patterson

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2004, 03:41:13 AM »
Got this ball 15lbs 3 ounces with 3.86 ounces of top weight and a 4 1/4" pin(identical to my re-loaded).  Had it drilled by Mike Miller(PBA) of 10 pins and more in Rio Rancho, NM(he drills all my equipment), the ball is laid out with the pin over ring finger and CG and RAD kicked out to right of thumb(1 1/2"_ with a small weight hole 6" from CL of grip.  The ball is excellent on long oil, it demolishes the rack similarly to my XXX.  It has excellent recovery and great carry.  Another great product from STORM!
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2004, 06:56:13 PM »
ok, i got this ball, two weeks ago, and had it drilled up with the storm #3 drilling, which the pin is above my ringer about 4inches from my pap, and the Cg is in my palm, at about 4 1/2 from my pap, and the Rad is out in the middle between my thumb and pap.  It does give me length and a really readable backend. but the ball does need some freaking OIL.  

this ball does hit the pocket with force.   on the two leagues i bowl, this ball is way too much for the lanes, so i have polished the ball up with some GO- LONG and i will see how this ball works monday.

But for the price i paid for this ball 190$ out the door, its well worth it.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2004, 03:45:32 AM »
OK, well i used this ball tonight for the first time, having it polished up with some GO-Long, and wow it made all the difference.  

The ball went several feet farther down the lane before making the turn, but it still would read the lane just fine.  

Even with this ball polished up, it still hit like a MACK TRUCK, in the first game i left several stone 9's and had several more hits that would have been a stone 9, but got taken down by a birddawg.  

I would recommend to anyone using this ball, unless they are bowling on a lake of oil, to polish this ball up.
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2004, 10:14:33 PM »
I drilled this up storm layout #2 (b) and left the surface the way it came.I tried the ball on a couple of different house shots and had to put it back in the bag as it was way too much ball.I went to a couple of regionals,1st one had pattern E and was too much ball,the 2nd one was pattern C and all I can say is WOW,what a great reaction I had playing deep and was able to open up the lane much better than the other guys on my pair.If you buy this ball make sure you use on the condition it was meant for and you'll be glad you bought it!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2004, 08:05:20 AM »
No bad comments great for oilly lanes great reaction on the backend and is a sweet ball for playing the whole lane allways comes back for me i dont like the 8 pins i leave with it though


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2004, 06:53:06 PM »
Since switching to 14 this is my first storm ball my coach wanted me to get it. it is drilled # 2 with 4 1/4 but the cg is kicked out further with a bigger weight hole. We wanted to try something new to hook at midlane for me when playing deep in NABI or ABT tournaments. The ball revs up very quickly for me it is only good for me on heavy oil long oil patterns. needs head oil ofcourse if there is no head oil then put it back in bag. First time i bowled with it i shot 259 in practice and 696 series at the Orleans. Is a good ball I can't wait to try the Ace. I am switching to all Storm currently at K&K having drill is xxx, xfactor, depth charge. going have great storm arsenal. anyone wanting a heavy oil ball get the xxx extreme it is such a great ball


Moose Nugget

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2004, 09:24:53 PM »
Loved the Deuce so thought I'd give this one a try.

15lbs 3oz
3.52 top wt
3.5" pin
5 1/4 x 3 with MB at 5 o'clock

Synthetic lanes 38' med oil

I am not a fan of Storms Monsoon coverstock.  Glad to see they haven't given up on the AccuTread cover.  Unfortunately this cover doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought it would be.  Box condition didn't want to turn the corner so scuffed with grey scotch brite and that seemed to fit the bill.  This ball rolls so smooth and have yet to see any over-under.  I'm wondering how it will handle heavier patterns.  I like to swing ball from 30 to 13 out to 5 but will have to tighten up on heavier patterns.  Ball hits very hard and keeps pins low to the deck.  Ball picks up a heavy roll in the mids and drives all the way to the curtain.  Looking forward to using the Xtreme on another condition.
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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2004, 10:25:17 PM »
I asked my pro-shop guy about a heavy, HEAVY oil ball for conditions similar to a long PBA pattern at times, because others in my bag just didnt cut it.  He recommended it, and I am glad I bought it.  The ball was 15lbs. ,5oz and had a 2.5-3 pin, as well as a top weight of about 2.6 oz.  Our YABA shot varies every week and as of late, more heavy patterns and this ball preforms.  Not as much as I though, (the ball was drilled with the most aggressive drill spec that came with the ball, i forgot what it was), but the ball just didnt come back.  the ball has a beautiful hit when the lanes are about med-slightly heavy oil, but the ball never rolls up in time on heavier patterns, even with my 17 mph speed leaving many-a-split.  I plan to get a little more side weight taken out to hook earlier, but a solid ball that is VERY Versatile on its surface.  You can polish the ball for drier lanes and still have the hitting power weaker balls for that condiditon dont have.  I recommend the ball, but advise not to depend on it to be too aggressive on HEAVY patterns.  When conditions are right however, there are NO 10 pins left at all.  The ball hits.  That is its best quality.