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Author Topic: Triple Xtreme  (Read 23292 times)


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Triple Xtreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
We've taken the Triple X Factor to the Xtreme... the Triple XTREMEâ„¢ that is! This ball generates a massive amount of torque and will make the corner on even the toughest of conditions. This is accomplished by combining our world-class ACCU-treadâ„¢ solid reactive coverstock, preparing it to an 800-grit satin finish, then wrapping it around the dynamic RAD3â„¢ weight block. The satin ACCU-treadâ„¢ builds higher friction in the mid-lane. The RAD3â„¢ creates a strong preferred spin axis that in tandem, make the Triple XTREME really "lean" toward the pocket. If you take your game seriously and want that edge, then take your game to the XTREME!  

TRIPLE XTREMEâ„¢ Technical Specifications

Coverstock ACCU-Tread Solid  Reactive
Weight Block RAD3â„¢ Triple Disk Technology
Ball Color Red/Purple/Blue  
Ball Finish 800-grit Matte
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 75-77 Rex D-Scale Rex D-scale
Flare Potential High (6” Plus)  (High)
Fragrance Strawberry
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2004, 11:31:06 PM »
I had the deuce & X-factor, two great balls from storm, they both worked very well for me, so i figured i'd give the triple xtreme a try.Very Smooth roll,great reaction on medium to heavy.Hits very hard.i haven't shot under 190 yet with this ball.not sure how it will do in heavy oil, i assume just as good.Hooks a good amount.Another Great ball by storm.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2004, 12:34:08 PM »
WOW!!! This is one of the greatest storm ball made. Great reaction,smooth continous backend, great hook, hits the pocket very hard, pins have a lot of action when the ball hits. Needs oil though, definetly not a dry lane ball. If your alley has an oil pattern that features a dry spot, stay away from it.

Just got it drilled 2 days ago.
Right handed 14 lbs, 3.5inch pin,
Pin 2 inches off tothe right of the ring finger
Extra Balance hole added also.

One of the greatest balls I've ever used


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2004, 10:49:59 PM »
I purchased this ball after my proshop guy recommended for my major heavy oil ball.  It is 15lbs, 4oz; a 2.5 - 3 pin; and a top weight of about 2.7 oz.  The ball was drilled off the layout to create a massive amount of hook to counter-act the heavy oil.  I re-surfaced the ball to a fresh 800 grit vs. the cheap 800 from storm.  The ball hooked, but didnt seem to finish.  We took a little more side-weight out from it, but it would not get into a roll soon enough.

We took the surface down to 600, and it rolled up nice, but there is not a drastic backend reaction.  Even on fresh lanes.  I came in to the center one day to find a condition with slightly less oil that hats the custom swamp, and found the ball was perfect.

*UPDATE*  This ball is still my favorite in my bag, for med-heavy oil.  If you let the surface shine up a bit, the ball waits, then moves hard and true.  I love this ball and the carry it has.  You can adapt easilly, and the solid reactive coverstock kicks carrydown to the curb.  I really like this ball now more than ever!

Storm put together a good ball for heavy oil, but superior ball for med-heavy.  I had this ball drilled to hook, but it was just not up to what I thought it would be.  A great ball that I threw my highest game ever with, 275 with, and just hits a TON whether the conditions are fresh or broken in, there just cant be a ton of oil.

Bowl with your own style - because unlike a textbook, there is never a last page.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2004, 11:43:44 AM »
Drilled 5 1/2x6, 7/8oz neg, 3/4ozfinger

This week the center decided on a wetter/dryer type shot.  With the specs mentioned above and left in box condition this ball went 50 feet and came screaming back to the pocket.  Can we say "Jaw Dropping Reaction"  My jaw put a crack on the approach.  The ball didn't whip into the pocket like the X-Factor Original and my S&M Mistress but the angle was Daffy Duck crazy.

The ball has a great smell, I stuck it in front of everyone's face, some thought I was giving them an early Christmas present others disgustingly jerked their heads back but all agreed the ball smelled Great.  One girl wanted to lick it, I pulled it back and yelled "Noo its MINE MINE MINE!...<whispering> I'm a rich and wealthy miser" (from a Bugs & Daffy Cartoon)

Thumbs Up
4/4 Stars
Rated XXXtreme - Not suitable for children


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2004, 10:11:58 AM »
2nd Review
Different house, carry down present.

The move was soft and steady, hit well but due to carrydown corners stood.  

This goes to show you how informative reviews really are.  So how much value should we put on a review?  I guess its more important who is giving the review.  Don't put too much weight on any of my future reviews but I at least hope you are entertained by them.

Overall impression:  The ball hits very well, pins stay low and they dance.  That's what I expect from a keeper.  This is a keeper.  It also keeps my kitchen smelling fresh and clean, and my dog keeps licking it thinking it is candy.  You should see his face when he licks it..."Blechh this isn't candy!" HAHAHAH

Jesse James

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2004, 03:32:32 PM »
Just a footnote: I Love Tonykcgee's Reviews!! Absolutely refreshing!!
Now to the business at hand. This is my first and ONLY Storm bowling ball. In the past I had completely dropped them from use due to the fact that their balls seemed to die out, and hit like flat turds. The last Storm piece that I regularly used, was the Thunder Road(if you can remember back that far ago)

Ball: Used 15#er (bought from IkeTown..great guy to do business with by the way)
3-3.5 pin
Drilling: 3-3/8x 3-3/8 maxed; small balance hole on pap
Topwgt: unknown
Condition: THS Synthetics & guardian; also PBA pattern B
See my profile for other specs.

Originally targeted this ball because of the look of the core(RAD) with a flip block....and the combination of that core to a pearlized cover.I expected to get
 a very strong, but lopey, heavy rolling ball with great length, based on what I had heard about Storm balls, and their ability to get down the lanes easily. Surprise!!! What I Really got was a ball, that got great length....but when it got to the pins, launched itself into a skidsnap frenzy! When I received it from Ike, the pin was over the bridge, with the cg kicked right about an inch or so. It went looooong......and snaaaaapp!! Sometimes tooo long.
Sometimes funky leaves. A lot of times, ringing tens. Hence the redrill.
Now I have a ball that arcs, very strongly.....and then snaps! But depending on the condition, I can get it to burn-up a little before reaching the pocket, especially by altering my release. Now the snap is a little softer, and a little slower. It's turned into a "must-be-in-my bag" ball for those tougher conditions that I run into. Now I love this ball. Goes nice and long, still...but gives megood controlled power at the pin-deck! Definitely a piece that takes patience to work with, but very much worth it. I find I can do things with this ball, that I can't with some of my other pieces. All in all, very nice. And my dog loves to smell it too!! But he refuses to lick it!
I may have to give Storm another smell....I mean..look. Well, smell ya later.
Good job Storm.
Oh yeah....I was playing 25 over 15....out to 10 or 12 and back. Playing from the outside, tended to leave ringing tens,unless I increased my speed.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!

Jesse James

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2004, 03:35:04 PM »
Sorry bout that: my review below was meant for the XXX and not the Xtreme!!Whoops!

Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2004, 11:54:45 AM »
Well i recently bought this ball yesterday after posting this. I bought it at Tiki lanes in lancaster ohio. Well i bowled 2 games with it there. there wood lanes, and i couldnt get this ball to do nothing really for me. so i told the proshop guy, and i was like ill try it tonight at my league at circle d in circleville ohio. .. well all i can say is, is that this ball is amazing.

i got up in practice, threw it once, and left a big 7-10, im like hmmm...but my next 7 practice balls were nothing but strikes, buried right in the pocket like it should. and my first 6 with it in the first game was buried in the pocket, and were strikes as well, i could of swore i was going to have my first 300 lol. my high game is on 279 ...i was standing to the left dot, the farthest left dot. throwing it straight on the lane, not putting that many revs on it, cause im a high rever, throwing it at the middle arrow on the lane, about 17 miles an hour. this ball is so controlable. my first game with it on wood lanes was 195, but i didnt like it on wood lanes, but my first game on synthetics with it, was 244. I love this ball so much. i didnt do nothing with it, box finish. I have like 5 other balls that i use, i would usally throw my track mutant, which is another great ball, or my friends track crunch, which has a crunching back end to it. but not that i have this ball, im done with the other balls for a while, this is my first ball off the x-factor line, it does great for me.

The core seems awesome. i think im going to stick with x-factor balls more often. i might get the x-factor ace pretty soon to. i love storm balls, they make great bowling balls. thanks storm.



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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2004, 01:41:12 PM »
ok well im adding another post to this ball. ok hmm, this ball is really amazing!!!!!!! If you want a very controlable ball, this is the ball to get. Last ngiht i shot my first 700 with it. well, ive only been bowling 2 years. and im a high rever, about 17 mph, inside the lane and outside. Well i had games of 229, 230, and had 10 strikes my last game for a 243, i had 2 opens in that game, splits, cuase i threw my ball way to far out on the lane.

Im just updating my other one i did the other day, i got this ball tuesday, and it is doing me so good now.

Last night, i was throwing my ball on the right lane, probably up the far right  arrow with a little of hook in the pocket, then on the left, i was throwing it at the middle arrow, out ot about the 4 board and back..both about 17 mph. this ball is very very very very controlable, and if you like get it a board out a little, it will still come back for you, trust me, this is the ball to get, and you should have this ball in your bag. it is awesome! take your game to the EXTREME!



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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2005, 08:14:41 PM »
2nd review I've posted,

Still nothing bad about this ball.
Pin action is great, bowled a 631 2 weeks ago.
Great ball


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2005, 01:25:31 PM »
Weight: 16lbs
Layout: Pin on the bridge of fingers, rad on the strong position with a small balance hole

 x   &
    r  0

i just got this ball yesterday and so far i like what i see with the ball. throuwing this ball is like that rotiserrie infomercial saying "set it and forget it". just make sure you throw this ball out because it is aggressive in the back and covers a lot of boards but otherwise ive had no problems with this ball. with this ball im able to throw with a bit more speed because i have no fear that itll come back. it hits the pins pretty hard and i was able to get good carries with this ball because of the angle i was able to play with it. this ball is very controllable and makes the lane easier to read in order for you to make the necessary adjustments.  will post a second review after bowling more games with it.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2005, 11:34:44 PM »
bOUGHT PRO PIN MODEL.Sorry I did.Ball goes forever and hits weak.Needs extreme dry fot it to shine.Seems like all my STORM stuff is not tracking out like it used too.For that reason I'll keep buying there equiptment.Ball does smell great through.I would suggest th 2-3 or 3-4 pins.with a top of 3oz.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #28 on: January 26, 2005, 07:18:08 PM »
800302 is right, this is the best smelling ball Storm has put out. Does need some help though in pretty oily conditions. The thing I like about this ball is it is not a skid/snap ball. For me it starts a roll at 35-40 feet and has a strong, continous arc into the pocket. Had a Show Time Sanded before this, the ball was VERY unforgiving. The Triple Xtreme is a pretty forgiving ball, so no worries if you miss your mark.
     My drill pattern is:
Right Handed
pin off to the right of the ring finger
CG one inch to the right of my track
RAD is in my track
Balance hole on the PAP

Couldn't ask for a better pattern.

                 ***He who laughs last thinks slowest***


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2005, 12:22:25 AM »
I'm a low rev, high track player, and this ball works well for me. Shot a 289(high game) first month i had it. I don't hook the ball a whole, but this ball performs well. A soft hook that starts early and comes in hard.a controlable hook, that won't over hook.i can throw this ball right up to light oil, and still perfom well,might be because of the low revs lol. Great ball, Smells awsome!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2005, 08:46:19 PM »
LOVE THIS BALL! Low reves, 15.2-15.4 on the speed.  High track.  I needed to put about 5 games under my belt with it before it started working.  Sweet arch and very predictable.  Leaves some 10 pins but not many, half step back on the approach and took care of that.  I have let everyone in the alley smell it. It has an awsome smell. I average 190 and shot a 713 (first one) and a 691 two weeks later.
No matter how many times you throw a bowling ball it always comes back!