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Author Topic: Triple Xtreme  (Read 23293 times)


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Triple Xtreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
We've taken the Triple X Factor to the Xtreme... the Triple XTREMEâ„¢ that is! This ball generates a massive amount of torque and will make the corner on even the toughest of conditions. This is accomplished by combining our world-class ACCU-treadâ„¢ solid reactive coverstock, preparing it to an 800-grit satin finish, then wrapping it around the dynamic RAD3â„¢ weight block. The satin ACCU-treadâ„¢ builds higher friction in the mid-lane. The RAD3â„¢ creates a strong preferred spin axis that in tandem, make the Triple XTREME really "lean" toward the pocket. If you take your game seriously and want that edge, then take your game to the XTREME!  

TRIPLE XTREMEâ„¢ Technical Specifications

Coverstock ACCU-Tread Solid  Reactive
Weight Block RAD3â„¢ Triple Disk Technology
Ball Color Red/Purple/Blue  
Ball Finish 800-grit Matte
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 75-77 Rex D-Scale Rex D-scale
Flare Potential High (6” Plus)  (High)
Fragrance Strawberry
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.


Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2005, 10:26:18 AM »
Was hesitant to punch this rock up after watching a few people throw this ball when it was released. What a mistake! Talked to a friend on Storm staff and he suggested this ball to me, pointing out the fact that there are no big pieces in my bag.

Layed it out, pin in the middle finger with the RAD kicked 2" right of the thumb. This mammy HOOOOOOOKS! Had no look at league so pulled it out game 3 to go front 7, and then it stopped off the break for the 1st time. 9th frame with the 300 out the window went ahead and moved 5 more left, crossed the 5th arrow and it just rolled up like I was playing down 5 like Walter Ray. LOL Tried it in my travel league, playing 18 at the arrows when everyone was still looking 10. Ball definitely will help open up the lane.

Throw it about 18mph and have the hand to go with it, so if you are looking for a piece that reads the lane well...great ball to think about! Going to polish it more now in an attempt to help the ball save it's energy longer.
...Nthing strikes like a STORM
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
Storm Products, Inc. -
Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2005, 08:08:03 PM »
what i have to say about this ball on med to heavy oil is ....

scale of 1 - 10

length  4
hook of  about 8
back end of about 9

it sets up early and will hold it has great midlane prediction
i have the ball drilled out  with the pin over my ring
and the rad inch below my thumb and to the left and i am a lefty

i did find though i had to sand the ball up more. i crank the ball a lot
i also relize the b all works better playing a more direct line. swinging the ball gives more of a over/under reaction.

ball is definetly worth to have in your bag though

my inventory consists of a full throttle  xxx factor xxxtreme factor, xcel particle, v2 strong/r


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2005, 04:16:37 PM »


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2005, 11:00:07 AM »
Bowler Information:
17.5-18.0 mph
Medium Revs
Low Track

Ball Drilling:
2" pin
Leverage Drilling
Pin to the right and slightly above ring finger

Typical Line to the Pocket:
Straight up first arrow or slight point to the pocket

Ball Summary:
Controllable ball reaction with average carry.  Surprisingly strong movement for a non-particle ball.  Watch out when the lanes start to dry out.

There are two myths of mine that were destroyed by this ball.  The first is that I need a particle ball to generate hook on most oilier lane conditions considering my speed, track, and rev rate.  The second is that Storm doesn't produce a ball that suits my game.  I couldn't have been more wrong on either count.

I had asked my Pro Shop operator for a recommendation to replace a dead MoRich Total Annihilation (you can check out my review of that ball).  I said specifically that I did not want a particle ball because of their short longevity.  What he came up with was the Storm XXX series.  I was leery because the last Storm ball I threw was the Storm El Nino Wrath--it might as well have been a plastic ball.  However, I gave my Pro Shop operator the benefit of the doubt.  After some research on the internet and Bowling This Month, I saw that there were two XXX balls that caught my attention.  The first was the XXX Extreme and the second was the Vertigo.  I chose the XXX Extreme over the Vertigo simply because the length of the Extreme was shorter than the Vertigo--10 versus 12, according to Bowling This Month.

This ball has a wonderfully controlled reaction, partly due to the choice of drilling.  Mid-lane read is excellent, and energy release at the pins is very good.  The XXX Extreme outhooks any particle ball I have thrown (MoRich Total Annihilation, MoRich Mayhem, Track Freak), which not only surprised me, but my teammates, also.

Carry is a little tricky with this ball--especially on flush hits.  It leaves a few more ten pins than I would like.  But I can't get upset with the ball because when I pick it up to shoot the spare, the strawberry fragrance soothes my frustration.  Seriously--this is the first fragrance from Storm that I do not find annoying.

This ball holds its line well as the bowling night progresses, until about mid-way through the third game.  It becomes quite obvious when this ball starts to over-react, as the reaction of the ball changes from skid-roll-flip to just skid-flip.  There have been a few times when this happens without the warning of at least a tripped four.  However, moving more into the oil with a textbook 2 and 1 adjustment solves this problem quickly.

Overall, I am very happy with the reaction of the ball, and it has produced some very good scores for the 25 or so games I've thrown with it.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it lasts longer than my recent balls with particle shells.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2005, 10:23:50 AM »
I got this ball. I needed a ball that was aggressive. got it drilled pin above ring finger 5" from pap. Was disappointed at first did not out hook everything I own . realized the drilling pattern its set up to go long . I put the back to 800 matt fin. I love it like this its easy to read doesn't over react. When the back end goes away then I use something shinny. got the ball in dec 2004 balled three 300 games all the first game.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2005, 12:49:43 AM »
This ball is one of my most important balls when it comes to lane conditions i mean it will work on about any lane condition it's just a great ball it's so aggressive you can throw this thing deep and it will come back strong thats what i love about this ball it's the best storm has made in my opinion.

Mr Lefty

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2005, 12:07:27 PM »
16# ball drilled with the same layout as my above and btw fingers rad in the strong with a side hole punched out...

the ball move is slightly different compared to the ace as this ball with tend to rev a lil bit sooner and hook a little bit sooner than the ace and has a more continous roll to the pocket rather than the flippy reaction that you get from the ace...very versatile and controllable ball since it is easier to read as opposed to the ace...this ball doesnt need any dry spots on the lane because it will hook in oil...i was thinking of getting the vertigo but i dont thik ill encounter enough extremely heavy oil patterns for me to make any good use with it....
another great ball by storm
"bowlers and thier balls are like women and thier shoes...never question how many they've got"


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2005, 12:39:14 AM »
I am a 15 yr old from dayton ohio and all i have 2 say about this ball is WOW! It is by far the best ball i have ever had in my life. It out hooks all of my balls i have and it hits like you wouldn't believe. i throw the ball with medium to high revs and this is the perfect ball for me. I have had it for about months and in that 4 months i have shot 300 and a 299. Also i won the state high school individual tournament in columbus ohio and to win that i through this ball on heavy oil pattern and it stood out like a sore thumb. On the tuff oily lane conditions i shot 290 and my high series of 763. So overall i love this ball and i am probably going to buy myself another one of these just to have for later use

Mr Old School

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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2005, 01:19:54 AM »
Well here goes. I purchase mine on, as an after though. With a 3" 1/2 inch pin,and a 3.2oz top, the pro shop man decided to give this ball a 10:30 drill, pin to the right of my ring finger, and the rad at least 3" to the right of thumb. Let me tell you make sure that you get this ball to the breakpoint, or you'll see this ball snap to the head faster that anything I've ever seen! This ball cannot be used on medium pattern, unless you use polish,speed, and no fingers. This ball is great for carrydown conditions, to smooth out the snap it has. I thought it funny how this dull ball could get through the heads easily, and SNAP be at the pocket doorstep. Fastest recovery ball that I owned . Not the first out of my bag, but my second!

Mr. Old School
If you can't swing it, Your probally throwing brunswick!


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2005, 02:38:55 PM »
I was really disappointed with this ball when I first got it. I use a lot of hand, and this ball was just taking off on me. I tried adjusting speed, amount of hand, mark, footwork, all sorts of things, and NOTHING really worked. Finally, after spending almost three months just festering in my locker, I took it out, got it polished up to 1500, and threw a couple of games.

I'm not AS disappointed with this ball as I was initially, but I still had trouble. On a very heavy oil pattern, I only shot a 592, simply because I couldn't get the carry I needed. I realize that leaving seven and ten pins are MY fault as the bowler, but I have to admit that I've never been so irritated in my life. I'd adjust to the right, leave a ten pin, adjust to the left, leave a seven pin. There was no stopping it!

Definately not my go to ball.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2005, 03:44:14 AM »
I just got this ball about 2 weeks ago used. I got a really good deal on this ball and i love it. This ball matches well on many different lanes. i love how this ball waits and then gives me a powerful skid/snap. Not only that this ball hits like a ton. The hitting power on this ball is amazing. I barely get any 10 or 7 pins with this ball, the only time i get 10s is when i throw the ball at a slow speed but if you have alot of speed no need to worrie about 10 or 7 pins.....overall this ball is a great ball


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #42 on: August 13, 2005, 10:13:37 AM »
Decided to take off the shelf at home and bring it back into the game

Drilling in profile

My V2 Strong/R is polished up, so when the lanes start to carry down, it sucks. This ball chews up the oil and makes a great strong reaction to the pocket. Not ALWAYS consistent, but it gets the job done for the time being. Hopefully getting it replaced with a Shock And Awe by Christmas.
NOVEMBER 20, 2004

its better to be pissed off than pissed on


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2005, 09:58:57 AM »
A Great addition to the X-Factor Line.i loved this ball. threw 10 in a row,11th was slighty heany. Shot 289. Great ball,Performs well in heavy oil.Had many other great games with this ball.It smells good too.


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #44 on: February 25, 2006, 09:32:10 AM »
great ball finds the pocket everytime no matta were a put it on the right hand side. all i need for the lanes i bowl on! first game 227

one problem... leaves sum 9 pins and thats wiv a 15lb


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Re: Triple Xtreme
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2006, 12:19:30 AM »
This ball is amazing. I have rolled 7 700's with this ball, a 298 game, and won a couple of tournaments along the way. It was definately worth the investment. Holds the pocket very well and the carry with it is spectacular. Overall the best ball in my bag.