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Author Topic: Tropical  (Read 27791 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Experience paradise while on the lanes with the new Tropical™ bowling balls from Storm®. The new entry level pearl reactive balls are available in 3 vibrant Tropical colors and fragrances.

TROPICALâ„¢ GREEN/YELLOW PEARL Technical Specifications
Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Modified 4-piece Core
Ball Color Green/Yellow
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.595 (Med-High)
Differential .035 (Med-Low)
Durometer 74 - 76 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 3" (Med-Low)
Fragrance Lemon-Lime
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.


DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 08:26:17 PM »
alright boys and girls.. this has been the hot one of the shelf. reminds me of a barrage with more back end. Besides the good looks it has been scorching the sales for August...
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)


only storm 4 me

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 08:04:30 PM »
The Tropical is a great ball, it has length , it has power on the backend. Just don't have to much hand in the ball because it will hook way to aggressive on the backend but i drilled it very strong. Too much hand in the ball will make it over react big time. I know any ball will over react if you try to make it but this one will with just a little help. if you are a down an in player this ball is the ticket. It gives a smooth reaction through the heads nice in the mid lane strong in the back. This ball is a great fresh oil ball or when they get dry.Carry down wont bother you to much.This is the first ball out of my bag.The cover of this ball is great.Bowl up a STORM

"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved goodbye and slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God."


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 05:52:40 PM »
My specs are 16-17mph, 350rpm, 30 degrees tilt, 10-12 degrees axis rotation.
Axis 5 1/2 right.

I drilled this ball with the pin 5" off my axis and MB (implied) at 6 1/2.  This put the pin in my ring finger and no hole was needed.  I left the surface at box condition and threw it on several lane surfaces and conditions.  This ball is super clean up front with a VERY big motion from the friction.  I was expecting a BigHit pearl type of roll and got much more backend.  Hit is what you'd expect from a ball like this.  It appears to be allergic to carrydown though, so make sure that you only use it when there's a bank open.  Nice cheap entry piece from Storm!

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2005, 01:45:40 PM »
The layout has the pin next to the ring finger with the CG in the center of the grip.

Picked up a Black Cherry scented Tropical, this ball is the bomb. Have been using it on house conditions to gain a straighter look out in the dry. This is a great piece for a power player as they can feel like the dry is not so dangerous. The few sets I have shot with it have been between 650 and 740.

Cannot wait to use it when the lane is burned up as this ball glides through the fronts with no effort. It has no problem recovering either as long as you do not catch the oil.
...Nthing strikes like a STORM
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2006, 06:08:21 PM »
Picked up the Green/Yellow Tropical earlier this week to use at our association tournament. Word has it singles and doubles is dry, dry, dry. After seeing a guy in league using the blue/yellow this past Monday, I decided that this ball might just be the ticket.

Specs: 15lbs, 3 oz., 3" pin, 3.83oz top
Drilled pin even with and right of ring, cg under ring, box finish

Practiced with it on the leftovers of the house shot and was extremely impressed. I could play this one anywhere from straight up 7 to inside from third arrow. As long as I got it to the dry, the ball would react and come charging toward the hole. It's very receptive to hand position changes. When I went up the boards with it, the ball just arced nice and smooth when it encountered the friction on the backend. When I played from inside to out, the ball flew through the oil and didn't check up until it hit the backend. When it did, blam, left it was going. This ball will be a crowd pleaser for the guys who like to show that they can hook the ball. If there are dry boards to bounce it off of, this ball will hook. However, it does not have to. If you can take some hand out of it or come up the back more, this ball is perfectly controllable and will allow you to go plenty straight. I think Storm has a real winner here. It reminds me a lot of the Power Groove, but I think the cover is less grabby in the midlane. Straight players will find this to be just fine for a dry-lane ball while crankers will love it for opening up the shot when the backends are crisp. Be warned, however, this ball does not like oil. If you pull this one into the juice it will slide forever. Don't expect it to cut through any type of oil. This ball needs dry boards in order to react. Use it properly, and you'll love this one, especially for the price! By the way, they all smell pretty good too. The lemon/lime is sort of like Sprite.
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Re: Tropical
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2006, 03:04:56 AM »
Tropical Storm - Blue/Yellow

Pin to CG Distance: 2"
Drill - Pin level with and just outside of the ring finger with the CG kicked in just about an inch below the ring finger.  

This is a very solid ball for playing down and in and for bowling on toast.   I used this ball in a Sunday night league when they forgot to re-oil the heads with great success.  When my other stuff is reading the pattern too early, this is the ball I go to and I've shot several 240s and 250s with it.  I can use it on medium patterns if I play down and in with slower speed.  This ball is much more aggressive than I expected and has a pretty decent hit.  On heavier/longer patterns, I have better opitons in my bag, but that's not what this ball is designed for.  

Overall, I was very surprised about how aggressive this ball was and I'm fast becoming a believer in the Reactor coverstock from Storm.  Great ball for lighter/shorter patterns, especially considering the price.

UPDATE 10/6/06:

I made several changes to my game over the summer to slow my ball speed down and lay it down smoother and now the ball is too much for light patterns and second shift shots.  If I take my hand out of it and look further down the lane with more speed, it'll work but not really what I was looking for in a dry lane ball.  

So, I got it redrilled weaker (pin about 1.5 " away and even with the ring finger and CG swung slightly out) to kill some of the roll and had it polished up to 4000 grit.  Now I can throw my normal shot in the dry and the ball goes long with a much smoother backend.  This is the reaction I was looking for when I bought it.  Moral of the story, if you want to use on toast, drill it weak and polish it otherwise it'll be too much.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2006, 02:14:11 PM »
I have the Bue/Yellow storm ball. First let me say this is the best looking/ smelling ball on the market today! I drilled it for the mild length and mild backend. This ball hooks and hooks!!! On dry lanes this ball out hooks my Hawg Wild. But a good thing is that is ball is a great "down and in ball" and when it does over hook I just throw it harder and it's great. I bowled a 289 with this ball (and one other) The ball hits very nicely when your being agressive and keeping up your speed, but if you slow it down just a hair then watch out because you WILL leave a split. I call it my "split-ball". When I'm playing scotch doubles with my friends I use this ball just to make them mad! LOL anyways I'm usually a Hammer fan and still am, but Storm has defiently caught my eye (and nose) on this one. 8/10
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Re: Tropical
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2006, 11:14:07 AM »
Got this ball a few months ago.  I was looking for a drier lane ball because trhe center I bowl in cut oil back for the summer and most of my other balls were too much.

This one is a pro-pin version, which most of them I see seem to be.  This has about a 6" pin.  I have it drilled with the pin directly above the space between the finger holes.

The center I bowl in has synthetic lanes.  For the summer, they were putting out a lighter pattern.  Even so, the tropical was still weak for me.  Just flat.  Didn't do much.  I didn't like it.  I had put it back in the box and almost gave up on it.

But this winter, I will also be bowling at a different house that has wooden lanes, not synthetic.  I took a bunch of different balls in there to try, and got to this one.  What a difference!!  This ball that was unusable for me on synthetics absolutely destroys racks on the wooden lanes.  And this center does seem to have some oil.  This will be one of my first 2 out of the bag on these wooden lanes.

I don't understand it, but its a huge difference between wood and synthetic - for me, anyway.  If you have one of these and it hasn't worked on synthetic, try it on wood.  Night and Day.

Pat Patterson

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2006, 06:36:53 AM »
Ball was drilled on September 7th, 2006 by Mike Miller at Ten Pins and More in Rio Rancho, NM. Before drilling ball was 15lbs. 4 oz. with 3.00 oz of TW and a 2.75" Pin. Ball was drilled with the Pin above the bridge and the CG kicked out right without a balance hole. I was looking for a ball that would get through the heads with ease (and this ball does that very easily)Ball has excellent length and recovery and it's alot more aggressive on the backend on my typical house pattern(38" buffed to 45" synthetic)then I was expecting for such a High RG ball. In it's current condition (OOB-Polished 1500)it is currently about 9-10 boards weaker than my newely purchased Spit Fire(See my review or profile). I don't know what else to say except this ball is excellent on drier lanes.  Our house has cut back on the oil lately and everything else I own is way to aggressive.

Yet another excellent ball from Storm.

Here are a couple of actual pictures:

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2006, 01:40:02 AM »
Just used this ball for the first time in my league today. The first game I was using a Ebonite V2 Strong/R and a Doom Raw Hammer and I only shot a 160 something. So then in the second game I decided to change equipment cause of the way the lanes were and I threw the Tropical Storm the rest of the way and I shot two games in the 210's. So this ball is great if your looking for a ball to back up your other ones.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2006, 10:54:28 PM »
Unknown Revs
17 mph

Purple/Teal Color

Light Oil - 8/10
Not made for the condition, but can be swung with good results.

This ball is much stronger than advertised, as many people have stated before me. However, I was still able to play this ball on a light oil pattern (THS), but I did have to move to a 25-10 shot. Ball reacted beautifully, with the pearl coverstock giving it good length before it made its reaction. The reaction was a hard crushing arc. Because the ball was too strong for the condition, it left a couple of solid 8's. This ball works very well on the condition, but only if you're willing to move and swing this ball out.

Medium Light Oil - 9/10
Perfect condition, still very strong, carries exceptionally

The medium-light shot is where this ball shines. It reacts beautifully, making it down the lane easily and moving like a beast on the backend. Compared to my Classic Zone Red Pin, this ball is much longer and has more overall hook potential. This conditions really lets the ball do the work and is forgiving, allowing you a couple extra boards to miss. Lately, my leagues have favored less oil on the lanes, making the Tropical Storm a go to ball for me lately.

Medium Oil - 7/10
Will work, but can feel insufficient.

The medium shot isn't exactly the Tropical Storm's territory. It can work, but not as much as is should. It works great up the boards on this shot, but it does need some dry in the back to make it to the pocket. My SR300 was much more admirable at this shot, though the Tropical Storm can be sufficient playing a down-and-in shot.

Overall --- 8.5/10

This ball works for exactly what I want it to do. Medium light oil, this ball will be a beast on the backend and it carries great! I love this ball so far, and the smell is nice too . It is stronger than advertised, but not strong enough to be a real benchmark ball. This ball loves clean backends, have not had much experience with this on too much carrydown yet.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2006, 11:49:59 PM »
The local house shot has gotten a little drier lately, so I figured I would splurge and get a "weaker" resin

I had heard good things about the Tropical and was looking for something I could play straighter up the lane when they were on the drier side (swinging it on this shot doesn't help).

So here's what I ended up with

Black/Red Tropical (wanted the green/yellow, but they're out, this on smells better, though)
Black Cherry scent

15 lb. 3 oz. (before drilling)
3 1/2" pin
3 oz. TW

P 0 0
CG 0

Thumb drilled deep to being statics back to legal
Final statics - 1/2 pos. side, 7/8 thumb

I drilled it strong to avoid a hockey stick reaction.  What I didn't realize is that even with the weaker core, the Reactor cover will read the dry VERY hard.  

Straight off of the press, I was really impressed.  I was able to play straight up the oil line and get a very nice read.  You can definitely tell when the Tropical picks up the dry.  However, if I got it in the dry early, bad news, as it would check up.  I also noticed that it really, really dislikes carrydown.  Compared to my Flash Force (drilled similarly), the Tropical is about 2-3 feet longer and a little more sensitive to oil.

I think this is going to be more of a 3rd game/2nd shift ball as I really like the way it clears the heads, but doesn't seem to like transitional periods.  Going to tweak with the cover and may add an X-hole to see if I can fine tune the reaction.

I will say one thing, when matched up properly, the hit out of this ball is impressive.

.....I just wish I could have gotten the green/yellow one.

Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2007, 06:16:30 PM »
This is my 1st review, so here goes:

I got the Black/Red Tropical Storm at the same time I got my Ebonite Overtime.  I got them both on a Friday night, so I went the next morning to try them out.  The only problem was, the Overtime would not hook at all at the back end, so I decided to try the Tropical.  It worked SO well with the heavy oil at the back end.  The problem is that the Overtime uses up all of the hook in the middle of the lane, but the Tropical uses the hook at the back end.  Over the past few months, I've found that the Tropical is very consistent over all lane conditions, and is very good for extremely wet/ extremely dry lanes.  Great ball for about $75.

My specs: ~16 mph, conventional grip, 15 pounds.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2007, 04:22:08 PM »
Got the Purple/Teal 14# Tropical Storm for my wife today.  She has been throwing a 13# Ebonite Tornado and I was looking for a more aggressive, heavier ball for her and this was suggested to me by my Pro Shop guy. Our house is normally med-heavy oil, and I trust his opinion, plus I couldn't beat the price, so I had him drill it up for her and bring it down to our lane as a suprise.  Surprised she was when he showed up, and thought that the ball was one he had found for our son who is just getting started.
This ball is great and once she figures it out, I forsee her average and high games increasing dramatically.  2nd game with the ball she tossed a 174.  Just like my Pro Shop guy said, this ball has a wicked hook in it and really carries through the pins.  He also noted that the increased weight now has her following through better.

Lansing Michigan