Unknown Revs
17 mph
Purple/Teal Color
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v399/fins4ever88/Tropical%20Storm/TropicalStormSpan.jpgLight Oil - 8/10
Not made for the condition, but can be swung with good results.
This ball is much stronger than advertised, as many people have stated before me. However, I was still able to play this ball on a light oil pattern (THS), but I did have to move to a 25-10 shot. Ball reacted beautifully, with the pearl coverstock giving it good length before it made its reaction. The reaction was a hard crushing arc. Because the ball was too strong for the condition, it left a couple of solid 8's. This ball works very well on the condition, but only if you're willing to move and swing this ball out.
Medium Light Oil - 9/10
Perfect condition, still very strong, carries exceptionally
The medium-light shot is where this ball shines. It reacts beautifully, making it down the lane easily and moving like a beast on the backend. Compared to my Classic Zone Red Pin, this ball is much longer and has more overall hook potential. This conditions really lets the ball do the work and is forgiving, allowing you a couple extra boards to miss. Lately, my leagues have favored less oil on the lanes, making the Tropical Storm a go to ball for me lately.
Medium Oil - 7/10
Will work, but can feel insufficient.
The medium shot isn't exactly the Tropical Storm's territory. It can work, but not as much as is should. It works great up the boards on this shot, but it does need some dry in the back to make it to the pocket. My SR300 was much more admirable at this shot, though the Tropical Storm can be sufficient playing a down-and-in shot.
Overall --- 8.5/10
This ball works for exactly what I want it to do. Medium light oil, this ball will be a beast on the backend and it carries great! I love this ball so far, and the smell is nice too

. It is stronger than advertised, but not strong enough to be a real benchmark ball. This ball loves clean backends, have not had much experience with this on too much carrydown yet.