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Author Topic: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver  (Read 11834 times)


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Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Entry level ball for new and casual league bowlers!


Color: Kona Blue/Silver 
Fragrance: Electrify 
Coverstock: Reactor 
Weight Block: Camber Core 
Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polished 
Flare Potential: 2"-3" (medium-low) 
RG: 16#-2.57 15#-2.57 14#-2.57 13#-2.63 12#-2.65 
RG Diff: 16#-.009 15#-.009 14#-.013 13#-.009 12#-.011



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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 10:32:18 PM »

Length: 40
Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Likes: coming soon


 Check out the ball reaction video at:

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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2011, 10:00:49 AM »


The Tropical Breeze (Kona blue/ silver) has a pearl reactor cover. This cover has proven through the years to be a predictable, reliable cover stock. Although modern day chemistry has only improved on this formula, we still see the original design characteristics shine through. The Breeze is the replacement for the Tropical Storm, a ball that was at the top of the “entry level” category for a very long time (talk about big shoes to fill!!). The core called camber core has a traditional look of an upside down light bulb. This general core shape was found in the Lighting Storm, a very popular ball from a few years ago when control of the lane was needed. In 15lbs, we see an RG of 2.57 and a diff. of .009. The Kona blue/ silver has great shelf appeal and reminds me of the original Trauma.

I drilled the Breeze with pin 1” above ring, and cg on grip (5 ¾ x 5 ½). The pearl cover of the Breeze has no problem getting down the lane on drier conditions. I was very impressed at the carry I was able to generate from an “entry-level” bowling ball. The pearl gave me more change of direction in the backend than the solid Breeze, but still very controllable. The Breeze will find a home on old wood lanes and some of the softer synthetics like HPL once they dry out, and more aggressive cover and cores are just too much reaction to hold pocket.

The Breeze will be a hit with heavy handed players that like to grip it and rip through it. The high RG with low diff. core will glide easily to the breakpoint, and offer a predictable reaction back to the pocket. If you have been struggling with over reaction, and your pearl Natural is hooking a bit too early and even, drill up a Breeze pearl, and stop fighting those hooking lanes today!

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 05:12:48 PM »



Layout- Pin under ring, cg swung positive with a hole down by the thumb, medium width/depth.


I’m not sure how optimistic I would say I was about this ball when I first heard about it because I tend to have so many issues with weaker balls (especially the older weak Storm stuff) being too poppy off of the spot, but I was pleasantly surprised with this ball. It was angular yes, but it didn’t jerk once it made its move. It was angular but relatively smooth at the breakpoint. This ball is a far more useable piece than I had imagined and is a great compliment to my Roto Grip Rising Star- if the Rising Star gets a little to flat on the back to carry the 10, I switch to the Breeze (and likely move a couple boards right) and out the 10 goes. It looks pretty cool too and smells just like Old Spice deodorant….. Yum? Well my wife doesn’t complain I guess…



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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2011, 09:02:16 PM »
Hello all and thanks for reading. Here is the link for Kona Breeze by Storm:
First of what a great clean rolling ball for yet another hit by Storm.  This ball is very clean through the front part of the lane and maintains great even roll through the breakpoint. This ball does not over react even in shorter oil patterns and lower volumes.  Great if you are looking to control a ball on a higher friction lane surface such as wood or a used HPL surface. 
In the video you can see I am much further toward the outside part of the lane trying to stay within the track area to allow the ball to roll evenly toward the pocket.  Comparing the the Heat with the Hybrid coverstock you can plainly see how much further inside towards the heavier concentration of oil I am throwing with that ball than with the Kona Pearl.  
The Kona Pearl is a great choice for heavier rev players trying to control the lane and also for entry level players who's main focus needs to be accuracy and consistency while practicing.  Great all around lower end lower volume oil ball that will surely be a hit for many games to come.  


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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2011, 10:48:48 PM »

Pin Length: 3 inches

Ball Weight: 15


Pin to PAP: 4.5

CG to PAP:3

X Hole (if there is one): Low hole on VAL


Rev Rate: 375

Ball Speed: 16-17
PAP/Track: 4 up 1 1/4


Grit: Factory

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Length: 40 ft

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS


Length: 10

Back End:  4
Overall Hook:  4

Midlane Read:  5

Breakpoint Shape: 5


The Tropical Breeze is a great dry lane ball.   The Breeze with the pearl reactor cover and low differential of .009 allows this ball to get down the lane with the greatest of ease.  
But still has plenty of hitting power on the backend.  But the good thing is the Breeze doesn't overreact to the dry back-ends.
The Breeze is great choice to bowl on wood lanes and or when the heads are hooking and you are having a hard time to get the ball to push down lane.
I've have used the Breeze on 3rd games in our one center when the volume of oil is on the low side.  It allows me to stay further right and near the track which
helps my carry greatly.  When the natural or natural pearls start hooking too early drill up a Breeze !  The heavy handed players will be able to grip it an rip it
with great control of the lane pattern.  A great dry lane ball from Storm.


Edited on 12/11/2011 at 0:51 AM

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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2012, 12:18:48 PM »
This ball is exactly what its billed as... a ball for the burned out and shorter lane patterns. It's extremely mellow off the spot for me, and is controllable even on the shortest of lane patterns (35 ft) or on the most burned out of lanes (games 5-6 of a college tournament where a lane has had 30+ games bowled on it without re-oiling). It certainly doesn't boast the same overall hook or backend as the best of the bowling ball world currently, but it serves its purpose very well, and will help bowlers not have to move extremely deep to find the pocket near the end of the day. I think it's a definite buy for bowlers who bowl the longer tournaments, or bowlers who frequently encounter short lane conditions.

Jeff Horowitz

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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2012, 12:19:08 PM »
I bought this ball to use when the lanes are really eaten up towards the end of college tournaments where I can move out and create a spot for myself. I also like it on really short patterns where I can play up the gutter. On extremely long patterns, to get it to hook I really have to come around the side of the ball. A great ball on certain patterns.

Damon Lee

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Re: Tropical Breeze Kona Blue/Silver
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2012, 12:20:20 PM »
This ball is a great asset for bowlers who need a ball that is easy to control on low volume patterns.  It has a smooth curve that is relatively easy to predict and finishes well down the lane.  I would highly recommend this ball.

Steve Calabrese