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Author Topic: Tropical Heat Black/Silver  (Read 21232 times)


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Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Color: Black/Silver All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: Reactor Hybrid Reactive
- Weight Block: Turbine
- Factory Finish: 1500-grit Polish
- Flare Potential: 3” - 4” (Medium)
- Fragrance: Ginger Verbena
- RG: 16#-2.53, 15#-2.55, 14#-2.58, 13#-2.68, 12#-2.70
- RG Diff: 16#-.040, 15#-.038, 14#-.035, 13#-.018, 12#-.021
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium Light Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal
- Description: Storm is turning up the “HEAT” with the introduction of the new Tropical Heat series. This new line of bowling balls raises the standard in performance at a value price. The power behind the Tropical Heat is the highly successful Turbine core from previous Hot line balls like the Fast and Furious. This mid-RG and mid-differential core boasts a tighter spin radius for quick revving mid-lane and enhanced entry angle to the pocket. Reactor series coverstock adds the perfect complement to the Tropical Heat. This performance proven coverstock continues to be a staple in the Storm line by delivering the ideal blend of friction and power. Don’t be left out in the freezing cold – Turn up the Heat!



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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 04:15:25 PM »
The new Tropical Heat Hybrid has great shelf appeal with its bright yellow emblems, and silver and black Reactor hybrid cover stock.  The Tropical Heat hybrid has the same Turbine core found in the Street Rods, Fast and Furious balls, as well as the Natural. I drilled the hybrid pin over ring, with the cg located on my grip line (the ball was a 3-3.5 pin out with 2.68 top). This gives me a 5 x 5 1/2 layout. I have altered the cover with a 4000 abralon pad. I have a Furious drilled the same way, with the same cover preparation. After getting to use the hybrid and Furious together, I noticed a few differences in the balls. The hybrid Reactor cover is much cleaner through the front part of the lane than the R2S of the Furious. The hybrid was much stronger off the spot than the Furious, due to the retention of energy of the Reactor cover.  This ball will be a good fit (with surface) in between the Furious and the Fast. It will have an earlier read than the Fast, with more backend than the Furious. The hybrid will be a good ball for bowlers not wanting the “skid-snap” of the pearl Tropical Heats, but still desiring an angular motion in the backend of the lane with a little more overall hook potential. If you are looking for a good medium to medium light oil ball that will allow you to chase the pattern in as they dry up, then the Tropical Heat hybrid will be a great ball with a great price!
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 01:59:52 PM »
First, the facts.
The ball was drilled 35 X 50 with a 5 inch pin (pin almost directly above bridge). No weight hole and box finish was left intact. This ball uses the same Turbine core found in the Fast and Furious. The shell is Reactor.

I've used this ball on three different patterns/surfaces and my overall impression was simple... this ball is a BEAST, especially when you consider the price point of the Tropical Heat line.

The first usage was on a very toasted house shot, HPL lane surface. My balls of choice in this league have been a Hy-Road and when they really fry, a Natural. The Tropical Heat fit nicely between those. I only moved my feet about two boards left (remember, I'm left handed and yes, it was right of the big dot ) of where I would have stood with the Hy-Road and fired away. I was surprised at how hard the ball moved off the breakpoint considering the core and how weakly I had drilled it, by comparison much stronger than the Fast or Furious which have the same core. Moving only a few boards right for the evening, I shot about 960 for the four game set with only a few crushing back row leaves to keep my set from being better.

The second time was at a regional in Del Rio, Texas on Cheetah on ProAnvil. Again, I was amazed how this ball just screamed off the dry. I ended up using a weaker Furious most of the tournament with the Heat performing well on the tighter pairs. That's not a typo folks, the solid shell 2000 sanded Furious was tamer than the Tropical Heat.

The third time was last night, late league on a very worn wood surface. The shot was a little tighter than the other league pattern, but no match for the Tropical Heat. (Figjam time... I shot 300 the last game).

Overall impression: Two thumbs WAY up! Storm has added a premium performance ball at an incredibly affordable price. To say this ball outperforms its price point would be an understatement. Thank you again, Storm. You guys just keep rolling out great pieces!

Kurt Gengelbach
Storm PBA Regional Staff Member

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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 10:54:21 PM »
Bowler Stats: Left handed, 19 mph, 320 rpm, pap 4.5 by .5 down
Layout: Pin below bridge(5" from pap) cg slightly kicked no hole
Test pattern: Kegel high street

I was seeking a piece of equipment that would be very "easy" through the front half of the lane without being too jerky off the spot...the tropical heat hybrid fills this void in my arsenal very well. It's definitely clean through the fronts, revs up nicely in the mid lane, then makes a nice defined move to the pocket. Never too much or too little. Hard to go wrong with this piece of equipment for the price! Thank you storm for putting a hybrid cover around what has been a proven winner of a core for you! Awesome ball!

     Scot Archabal

Tom Hess

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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2010, 10:44:38 PM »
I drilled my Tropical Heat with pin 4" from my axis slightly above my ring finger and the cg in the palm, what I would call an over the label drill. This layout was to give me a smooth and predictable reaction that I could use on the house shot.

The Tropical Heat is a great ball for me on the house pattern. I was able to bump the dry and get a strong ball motion off the end of the pattern. The Tropical Heat was strong at the pins with very forgiving carry. It really makes the pins dance on the light hits.

If you are looking for premium performance at a mid level price the Tropical Heat is for you.
Tom Hess
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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 07:09:55 PM »
I drilled my Hybrid Tropical Heat with a 4 inch pin double thumb layout.  This ball is extremely smooth through the front part of the lane, and has an aggressive continuous motion in the back.  Storm has really left the opposition in the dust at this price point.  One of my favorite balls of all time is the agent, so when I heard they were puting the agent cover on a fast/furious core, I was chomping at the bits.  o out and BUY this ball!  Bowl Up A Storm.......
Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff


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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 10:55:59 AM »
What a ball, Tropical heat black/silver hybrid. This ball is nasty, I drilled mine with dual angles of 75x5x45 (more of a stroker). Need something for dryer lane conditions. So far after the first games (ths) instead of going to a aggressive pearl, I go to my tropical and move in a couple of boards playing fifteen to about ten. The sides through the heads and gets to the break point and it turns and still have enough energy to finis. This ball is awsome. Everyone should have this for a backup.
Donnie Richardson


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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 11:05:27 AM »
I drilled my Storm Invasion pin buffer 5x3 with 2 inch buffer. This ball needs some oil, to much for typical house shot. Playing 20 to 13 this sets up and make a continuous turn to pocket (p.s. keep the speed on it or else). Usually i can make it through the first game, then in the bag. Great ball from storm.
Donnie Richardson


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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2010, 11:46:14 AM »
2.5 inch pin.
Pin in ring finger stacked.
This ball rolls true with the symmetrical core.
You get exactly what your hand gives it.
Definitely not a dry lane ball, as it does need some oil for the hybrid cover.
This is as much ball as you will need on most THS.
A very versatile ball, and a steal at this price point.
T-Heat Hybrid recommended!


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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2010, 06:46:23 PM »
Hand: Left

Ball Speed: 16-17mph

Ball Weight: 15lbs

PAP: 5 left 7/16 up

Degrees of Tilt: 17

Layout: 70 x 4 ½ x 70

First of all I can’t believe how much this ball hooks on the backend! It is really strong overall ball. I drilled it pin under the ring finger like I usually do with my low to mid performance bowling balls. It gets through the heads and reads the mid-lane with part of it being solid and has a strong continuous backend like a pearl would. The hybrid coverstock on this ball is amazing. It reminds of the hyroad which is my all time favorite ball that has the mid-lane continuation just like the tropical heat but the tropical heat has a stronger backend motion. I used it in a league I was subbing and shot 837 with a 300 the first game and 280 the last game for all 3 games I used it and never lost the shot with it. It is really a BANG FOR YOUR BUCK bowling ball. For the price you can’t go wrong.

I have a video on facebook and youtube. If you have any questions about the Tropical Heat Hybrid email me at

Garrett Richardson
Storm Amateur Staff
Al Louie's Pinole/Diablo Valley Pro Shop


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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2010, 10:04:19 PM »
The storm tropical heat black silver is a great ball.With this ball i have won a couple sport shot tournaments with it on a Heavy oil sport shot 32 foot flat.I also hit my high with a dry lane ball a 256. I have this ball drilled with a med speed and a med rev.the ball has a smooth back end but hit hard.Over all a great ball.

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2010, 12:22:58 AM »
16# - 2.75 top - 2.25” pin
Layout: pin below my fingers on the center line w/ cg on the mid line

This ball should be arrested for what it can do. Why? You are paying entry level money for a grown man's ball.

If you're looking to use this ball when the lanes are broke down, opt for the pearl coverstock. This ball tends to come out of the bag first as it just eats up anything that tries to stop it from hooking. Absolutely one of my favorites when I want to just amp up the speed and over power the dry as it consistently reacts. Compared to my Reign that is drilled the same, the Heat Hybrid starts up sooner and makes a hard left off of the break point.

This is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Do not feed this ball dry lanes for your own safety!
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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2010, 08:56:21 PM »
I have this ball drilled just a little left of my bridge and i have it for drier patterns and short patterns.. this ball rolls great! when i get in or stay out it holds energy and gets down the lane when i need to get through the fronts! It rolls great and another great ball from storm!!!



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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2010, 07:26:04 PM »
I have this ball setup with a 5in pin above the bridge and the cg kicked put about 2in from center span to the right, i throw the ball about 17mph with a 450 rev rate, this ball is great for when the lanes break down and it is hard to find a ball to get out the 10pin, its is awsome because it keeps the pins low and on the deck which helps out with carry alot.  I really like this ball when they get burnt on the outsides cause it is smooth off the spot! thank you storm for another great ball!

Thomas Bosquez
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Re: Tropical Heat Black/Silver
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2010, 12:36:57 AM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 4" from PAP at 80* PAP angle and 40* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 80/4/40. The pin ended up slightly above my ring finger. There is no weight hole.

Surface: I have left it at box finish which is 1500 Reacta-Shine. I have been using Turbo Strike Wipes to remove the dirt but haven't needed to touch up the surface yet.

Purpose: I wanted to put a ball to use on more broken down conditions.

Lane Condition observations: I have thrown this on our house shot and a sweeper that used the Kegel Middle Road pattern. On the house shot it was very strong and lets me roll it near the friction with a firmer release or go away from the pocket with a stronger release. The one thing it hasn't let me get away with is variances in ball speed. If I baby this one, it goes thru the beak almost every time. A smoother surface might get this ball to lay off more in the backend for folks having ball speed control issues like I have been having right now. On the Beaten Road pattern, this ball was suprisingly good going up the lane and then tweaking left with feet and target.

Final Thoughts: I was surprised at how much stronger this ball is than advertised. Because the cover is much stronger and the motor slightly weaker, I can not use it right on top of the friction as it will check too early. I have to go away some slightly and I do not rev it enough to get the motor to turn hard enough to hit harder. Someone with more hand would be able to go away from the pocket more and get the ball to hit much harder,

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH