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Author Topic: Tropical  (Read 27792 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Experience paradise while on the lanes with the new Tropical™ bowling balls from Storm®. The new entry level pearl reactive balls are available in 3 vibrant Tropical colors and fragrances.

TROPICALâ„¢ GREEN/YELLOW PEARL Technical Specifications
Coverstock Reactorâ„¢ Pearl Reactive
Weight Block Modified 4-piece Core
Ball Color Green/Yellow
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.595 (Med-High)
Differential .035 (Med-Low)
Durometer 74 - 76 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 3" (Med-Low)
Fragrance Lemon-Lime
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.



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Re: Tropical
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2007, 11:19:24 PM »
Picked this ball up after taking a few years off.  It gave me what I was looking for when I first came back.  That is a ball that I could put down and rely on it to come back to pocket.  Overall I say you get exactly what you pay for on the ball.  It has nice hook if you hit it.  Had it drilled long and strong, and played it up the 5 board.  The ball was very reliable from here and would snap back to pocket very nice.  My only complaint is the carry through.  Found that no matter how I hit the pocket the ball was inconsistant on if it wanted to strike or only carry 8/9 pins.  I through more 9 counts then strikes with this ball.  I also found that the ball didn't have very much room for error.  Playing the 5 board was perfect, 3 board would cause ball to hit high or come across, 7 board would cause a light hit.  Not lots of room for error with this ball.  With all this said, I carried a nice 195 averageusing this ball.  Now I have upgraded to a Total NV and those 9 counts are strikes.  As I said you get what you pay for.  Tropical Storm = entry level ball, Total NV = High Performance.

Overall I would give the Tropical Storm a 7/10 since it did what I expected it to do.  Will probably pick something like it next season for my 8 year old son for his first reactive ball.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2007, 03:21:55 PM »
I got this ball for dry lanes just like most people do and believe me it is now my absolute favorite i am a right hand tweener and I swing this ball from 9 to 6 with this ball and it just carries it all ive shot 9 in a row with this ball like 3 times and it is just a really great ball im actually buying another on and drilling it to be smoother and not so flippy

current arsenal-

storm agent
storm double agent
storm special agent
storm spit fire
storm t-road pearl
storm tropical storm
storm jolt solid
storm shift
storm paradigm
storm pyro
storm x-factor duece
soon to come storm tropical storm (drilled smoother than the other)

Current average 229

never give up

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2007, 12:36:38 AM »
Just got this ball I really like how it really goes long on light oil
and comes back hard.. This ball is worth every DOLLAR. I have a 10 ball Storm Arsenal glad this one makes 10.. All I can say is I should have got this one much much sooner..
I like it better than the Hybrid on light oil and I just shot 300 with the Hybrid on 3/14. Tropical goes longer and as more back end!!!

Midwest Regional Player
Mark Vansel


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2007, 10:12:15 PM »
I'm a college student who bowls in the intramural league at my school. I just bought this ball to combat nobody oiling their lanes. I bowled a few practice games, and it looks pretty good. It goes long and snaps back HARD. Once I get used to it, I'm confident I'll do very well.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2007, 06:08:52 PM »
I have the royal and lime.Ball is drilled pin 1:30 and cg in center of hand span I'm right handed 18mph croker in between cranker and stroker this review is for medium oil house or league shot. This ball is great for the first 1 1/2 games or playing 2nd arrow or further outside this ball hits hard but for me carrydown oil after about 2 games hits like a marshmellow. I use this ball for 1st game then my jolt solid for second and third. This ball slides long and flips hard on the backend.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2007, 12:33:32 PM »


I know that most people say that this ball is extremely strong for a really cheap ball. In most situatioins they would be right. I drilled mine for a smooth roll and that is what I got. It has crazy length and just a small "punch" on the backend. The ball IS for light oil. I have had one that was drilled with the pin over and the cg kicked way out and that ball was the strongest ball in my bag. But the TS is a smooth rolly ball that is a great addition to your arsenal ( mine anyway)
PAP 4.75> by .625^
Revs=  about 450 rpm
Axis=  medium

Visit the Strike Zone Pro Shop in Brunswick, GA!!! Silver level coaches Wesley Jones and Dave Sill would be glad to help you.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2007, 11:51:41 AM »
I have a 14lb tropical storm.  I got this ball about 2 years ago when i first started bowling.  I used it continuously for about a year and then put up for about 9 months because it stopped hooking.  Recently i began to bowl with it and it has a pretty fair amount of hook for the low price of this ball.  It outhoooks much higher priced balls.  The only thing in my arsenal that will outhook this ball is my arsenal angular and epx t1.  This is a great ball to start with or get as a high hookin ball in medium lanes. It has pretty good pin action but not the greatest.  I give this ball a 7/10.

I bowl between 16-17mph with a lot of hand

My current arsenal:
Columbia Action Packed
Columbia Epx T1
Dynothane Anomaly
Ebonite Tidal Wave Wipeout
Storm Tropical Storm
Track Arsenal Angular
Track Sheer Havoc

Previous Balls i have owned:
Brunswick Fury
Columbia Action Attack
Ebonite V2 Sweet
Track Robo Rule

Balls Bowled with:
Columbia Action
Columbia Action Max
Dynothane Threshold
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Xcel Pearl
Ebonite Stinger 2 piece
Elite PBA Scorpion
Morich Awesome Hook
Storm Double Agent
Storm Hot Rod Super Sport
Solution Power Plus EX
Storm Trauma Response
Track Arsenal Artillery
Track Equation 2
Track Machine
Track Rule Delta
Track Xception


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2007, 10:22:45 AM »
I bought a 15 lb Red/Black (cherry) Tropical Storm a couple of weeks ago.  I throw about 170, with a medium hook played over the 7th board.  Through 4 games I averaged exactly 174.  Game 5 I blazed the lanes with a 127.  Then in game 6, I started getting strikes.  One became five became 10, and I finished with a 287, far and away my best mark.  I am extremely pleased with this ball,  I would highly recommend it to anyone who plays a medium hook like myself.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2008, 12:53:31 AM »
I bought his ball for dry lanes. Boy was I suprised how well it performed on medium oil conditions I chose a label drill for lenght and a smooth back end move have the lenght that I thought i would have with a strong move on the back end. The 1st time I tried it on medium oil and shot 259 287 239.



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Re: Tropical
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2008, 03:46:32 PM »
ill say that for the money this ball is well worth it.  i am a right handed bowler.  I bought the red and black and drilled it with the pin 5.5 from pap and the cg stacked right below it all on left side.  if you carry alot of hand on a league shot this ball will really work i throw the ball at 17.5 mph.  i liked the ball so well i bought 2 more one is a pro pin the cg is right below my ring finger and the pin is above the fingers 5.5 inches this allowed me to move right and play straighter the ball goes long then will make a power move left i a have 300 and 800 with both of those.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2008, 01:31:06 AM »
for the money cant beat it perfect dry lanes ball its a good deal if you are a cranker then even on the scorpion you can throw it
Bowl up a storm

Storm Shift Gravity
Storm Shift SLT PRO CG (overseas ball)
Storm Shift Attitude
Storm Shift
Storm Shift Global PRO CG (OVERSEAS)
Storm Special Agent
Storm Rapid Fire
Storm Core Power LRG
Storm Eraser Boost
Storm EL NINO X-it
Storm Team Storm spare ball (blue and yellow)
(two one got scratched so it moves a little)


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2008, 11:14:00 AM »
This was my first ball, so I have nothing to compare it to. I will say that this ball has been great for me so far (around 100 games). I have used this ball in pretty much all lane conditions (haven't tried on wood lanes). I am a right handed cranker, so this ball works best for me in medium oil conditions. When the lanes are heavy oil, I will just go down and in from the 7 or 8 board and that has worked for me (although I just waiting on a No Mercy for heavier oil). I am actually thinking of getting another Tropical in case something happens to this one. These balls also seem to be low maintenance. My only complaint is that this ball seems to chip pretty easy. So far nothing major, but I know 3 other people that have a tropical and it has happened to all 4 of out balls, but not to the other balls eveyone else throws (Flash Force, Mammoth, X Factor, and Power Groove).

All in all I definetely suggest this ball, especially as your first ball.


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2008, 05:47:48 AM »

i bowl on a 40 feet of oil
I pretty much crank the ball and this goes long and just
hooks a ton in the back end it hooks more than anything
else i have or ever had

Balls Have-----------------Comments
Storm Tropical Storm-------Favorite Ball
Storm Flash Force----------Getting Rid Of Wish I Could Get Another
Storm Charge---------------Works Great Sanded
Storm Shift----------------Just Got It
Brunswick Smoking Inferno--Only Brunswick Ball I Like

Balls Had ----------------Got Rid Of------Comments
Ebonite Complete NV ------Few Months Ago--Hated It
Brunswick Nemesis --------3 Years Ago-----Like It But Was Beat Up
Brunswick Blazing Inferno-2 Years Ago-----Wasn't That Good
Storm X-Factor Reloaded---3 Years Ago-----Unpredictable
Columbia Rock Solid-------5 Years Ago-----Didn't Know what I Was Doing
Columbia Throttle Up------1 Year Ago------Hook A Ton Till I Plugged The Thumb

Soon To Come
Storm Jolt
Storm Secret Agent
And Of Course Another Tropical Storm


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Re: Tropical
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2008, 09:17:02 PM »
This is the ball!!!!!!!!!!!  I bought this for dry condition in a wood house and after that house closed it still found it way into my bag with its great reaction just playing straight down the lane.  I have my only 300 with this ball and it is my favorite and starting to think a my have to buy another one to replace because it becoming tracked out.  Even your not looking for a dry lane condition ball pick one of these up!!!

Ceo of DcYg bowling club

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Re: Tropical
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2008, 02:28:57 PM »
THis ball is the best low priced ball ever, im  a high rev play and i can stand right
(im right handed) and play up the boards evern with it's dry and still have hold with this ball,

the best$130  i ever spent.
Str8Bizness Pro Shop