Hello all, I'm writing about this ball that I bought for my Son,(Who's only 10). We watched our son struggle in the winter leagues with a 10 pound Tropical storm. This summer however, with upped him to 13 pound and got the ocean/sky blue tropical one. Drilled in a 10:30 below both fingers, a late,smooth rolling ball it was. Anyway He finished the winter league with a 124 average, Now in the youth/adult league, he shot hie first 500 series, and averaging 151! Wow this ball maybe a beginner ball, but it is a stout one! Today in the saturday practice, he again surprised me with games of 178-176-193, for a 547 series! If you purchase this ball, you have to watch for the fast tracking that is has, making sure to refinished it about every month, that depends on used, and on lanes conditions also.
Overall I give this ball a great rating!

Mr. Old School

If you can''t swing it, Your probally throwing brunswick!