Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
Ultra Hot:The Ultra Hotâ„¢ includes the same low flare weight block found in the Too Hot. Encased by a solid sanded Curelyon coverstock, the Ultra Hot glides through the heads and produces smooth arcing mid-lane move and a for outstanding backend control.
Coverstock: ACCU-Treadâ„¢ Reactive with Ultra-Fleckâ„¢
Weight Block: Modified 2-piece
Ball Color: Indigo Blue
Ball Finish: 800-Grit Sanded
Logos: Ultra-Hot, Storm Flying "S"
Gyration: 2.582 (Medium-high)
Differential: .025 (Low)
Durometer: 75-77 Rex D-Scale
Track Flare: Low (2-4â€)
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium to Short Patterns with Moderate Volume Oil Patterns
Drilled my Ultra Hot with a 5x4 pattern and an extra hole an inch past my PAP. Tried the ball out of the box first and later used Black Magtic to shine the ball up. This was the same pattern i used on my Too Hot, which rolls tremendous for me. I was a bit surprised that the Ultra Hot, even with the sanded finish was clean through the front part of the lane, and rolled similar to the Too Hot in the back. I decided i would try a bit of polish to see what that would do to the reaction. What I found was still a clean front transition, but the backend reaction was stronger and a bit sharper. This ball tended to roll up to the pocket a few feet earlier which worked well when i was playing down the lane near the oil edge. This Ultra Hot helped to turn up when the oil began to carry down a bit. An excellent compliment to the Too Hot. Another great ball by Storm.
As many of you may know, I loved the Too Hot, I have three of them now. The Ultra Hot is a solid shell Too Hot. I like solid balls much better than pearl balls, and thought I would really love the Ultra Hot.
My Ultra Hot has the pin out 2 1/2 inches from the CG and 2.62 top weight before drilling. The pin is on my span line with the cg swung out towards my PAP and no X Hole, this would be about a 5X4 or a 5 inch pin in a about a 25 degree layout.
Although the ball does pretty much what it should layout wise, it hooks more than I thought it would. I shined the ball with Black Magic and this made the ball marginally longer. This Ultra Hot has a nice smooth, almost lazy hook, and when the back ends are really clean, or the lanes are broken down, the ball lays off on the back. This particular ball will be a condition ball for me. Didn't find this ball to be very versatile, and along with the success of my Tour Power, this ball hasn't gotten very much playing time. I have tried this ball on a few different conditions at about 3 different centers. Found the most success on fresh lanes and when playing right of third arrow. Possibly due to layout, this ball did not have enough recovery to play any farther inside. I think this ball is a little stronger than the Columbia Beast, but not as strong as the Predator/Savage from Ebonite. It's not as long as I would like, and seems to lose axis rotation much quicker than the Too Hot. Like I said, this layout is probably the reason.
The overall hook on a 1-10 scale is about a 6 or 7. I think I could get better performance with a different layout/more top weight and will post if/when I drill another Ultra Hot. This ball could be good on most mediums to medium dry lanes with the right layout, shine. The price is nice too, at $119.95 in my shop. Very nice for a entry level resin buyers.
Hope this helps ya......
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX

I drilled the ultra hot with the pin above the fingers and the cg 1/2 oz negative (Pin out 2-3). I shot 278 the first game in practice. So the next night I used it in league and shot 238,290,211. Excellent Ball for late shift house shots. I bought it for tournaments but have not bowled any yet. It gets me through the heads clean with a nice move to the pocket.
I drilled my up with max leaverage weight pin was two inches out and the top was 3.38. This is a great ball it gets good length with a nice smooth backend. A good medium ball that won't give you a over under reaction. It seems to carry very well I have bowled about 8 games with it.
Another hit from storm. Stronger than alot of people think. A great companion to the Tour Power as well as the Too Hot. When the Too Hot is too squirty the Ultra hot is Great.
Drilled mine identical to my Too Hot. 5" Pin MB strong. No x-hole.
Shined to Storm Extras Step 3.(2000 Polish)
get great length with very good backend on med to light volume oil patterns.
another winner from storm and fits the budget easily. great reaction and performance for the prce tag!!!! a super addition to anyones bag.
Bought this ball as an alternative ball for my standard houseshot. This ball is great for me when the lanes have some carrydown. Ball is drilled 12:00, for length, pin inbetween fingers. Added extender polish so it would go a little longer before making the turn. Even with this setup, the ball makes a sharper turn into the pocket than my Eraser, which is drilled and finished the same way, which allows me to play a little deeper on the lane than I normally would. Usually play between 3rd and 4th arrow, getting it out to about 5-6, with the Ultra Hot I can play 4th arrow no problem and the ball still retains enough energy to hit like a truck. Have left several 8 pins however (left-handed). All in all I give it an 8, cause like my other Storm equipment, it can be a little jumpy at times, and cause I dont throw it all the time like I do with my Eraser. But if anybody is looking for a great ball at mid-range price, this is the ball by far!
This is the sleeper of the market. The layout chosen for this ball was 3 ½ x 3 ½. The coverstock is still at the out of the box.
Nothing has been done with this ball since it arrival in my arsenal. This ball has gotten me out of more trouble than a little. It rolls strong and does not quit. Many people think this ball will work for the dry, NOT! This ball is limited to medium conditions and for those that can rotate a ball, you will be able to use it except for the heavy juice.
Awesome selection for anyone, and the price is right!
i absolutely love this ball! i dont know the drilling layout all i know is i have the pin directly above and between my fingers. it rolls good and it finishes hard. it is good for medium oil lanes. when i bought it i thought it was a dry lane ball and i was completely wrong. i CAN throw it on drier conditions but i have to throw it hard and get tired very quick. great ball... great price...
I have this ball dilled label. #1 on the storm drill sheet I believe. I am a tweener. Like to play down and in if at all possible. Changed the suface of the ball from 800 to a 1000 grit and used ebonite factory finish polish to get more liength on the ball. I bowl on wooden lanes. The oil pattern changes weekly so don't know what they ran when I used it. I am average speed and revs. Anyway started with my tour power standing on 20 going out over 10. The ball was to strong thru the middle of the lane so I broke out the ultra hot after the first game which I bowled a 171(sad). The ball worked to a tee. Got thru the heads clean and didn't burn up in the middle of the lane. Anyway next two games were a 299, and a 225. If you want a ball for short oil or semi dry lanes this is it. But you will have to change the surface because it is allot stronger ball than storm says. For the money I don't think there is a better ball on the market.
Thanks, cooksey
Sorry the review is so long but allot of people say the reviews aren't very detailed anymore and I agree. So I tried to do my best.
I saw this ball online and it is drilled to go long and snap like most of my equipment. It sparked my interest and so I picked it up for $30.
Money well spent, it does just what i had hoped. It has the most length and strongest backend out of the 3 balls in my bag. The colossus for monsterous arching hook in oil, the cuda/c for drier lanes with precision, and the ultra hot inbetween for some off the wall crazy backend.
This ball has a really nice pop and a consistent breakpoint. If i kept the speed in check, it finished. Really good ball and cannot beat the price.
Good ball for the price! I got this the other day drilled it for length but big hook! I planned on using it for
dry to med lanes but have not encountered any yet. Anyways my Champ ball was getting a little to frisky as the lanes dried up in league
the other day so I took out this ball instead o fmy Reaper. Well it worked great to my suprise.
I am right handed and I usually shoot across the middle so it goes out and then back in. However there was to much oil I guess in the mid
lane so the ball just slid down the lane and hit the 10 pin.. I put it up went to the reaper.. Reaper was leavin splits.. So I tossed
that one back got the Ultra Hot back out, and threw it on over the 1st arrow and the remainder of the game was
STRiKES!! the best mark lol.. It worked great but I later found that if it hits to deep in the pocket it will leave a few pins
together.. So make sure it gets to the front of the pocket...
I rate it a 9-10 for price but not a 10-10 because it isn't very versatile in the middle.
One other note... I am now using a product called ALLEY GRIPPER!! Works great!! I mean it givess
you a quick new surface to the ball for a extremely low price! My champ loved it!!
If anybody wnats one lmk and i can tell you were to get it.
If you do not have this ball you need to get it. I am not playing i shot 800 right out of the box the first day in a tourney and the first game in the round off i have the front 9 so now i have (1) 800 and (14) 279 and (2) 299. It is a good ball for just about any kind of lanes, on oil and dry and so it is a all around good ball EVERYONE NEEDS ONE
I LOVE THIS BALL!! I am a 14 years old, right handed bowler. My average is 160. My ball is drilled to get the most hook out of it in the backends. I stand at the 20 board and shoot for the second arrow. The ball has good count, but leaves a lot of 7s and 10s. If you can pick those up easily, you'll be fine. This ball is great for medium to light oil, but if the lanes are too oily, I have to slow my ball speed down to give it time to do something because i dont have that many revs. I bowled in the wsYABA state tournament on april 27/28...Team event:197+218+193=608...Singles event:199+213+238=650! my highest 600 series ever...i might've gotten 1st place in my division(A)!! This ball is great! I give it a 9 out of 10!
Yet another update from the lefty:
Got this ball resurfaced, and re-spanned this past week and it made a great difference. Ever since shortening my span my game is more consistent. Anyways the ball is still drilled 12:00, I just moved thumb up a bit, polished with Ebonnite Extender polish and it still goes long and snaps hard. I have picked up speed and dropped revs lately, summer practice, and noticed that I can still hit it pretty hard with speed while playing more direct, instead of throwing a banana. Ultra Hot allows me to play 2nd-3rd arrow out to about 5 and charges back hard, either going flush, or sending messengers this way and that. Never have I kicked out more 8 pins than I have with this ball....unreal! 4 weeks till league starts up again, I may be using this ball more and more if our "house" shot stays the same. Hopefully I can use it a lot in my sport league as well. Anybody looking for a strong mid-reactive ball, Ultra Hot is the one. More hook the a Too Hot, hits just as hard as an Eraser.
As stated in my tour power post, i got this ball at the same time as it (thanx again guys at buddies!) Drilled this one up w/the pin directly above the ring finger, with the cg to the left of center (negative) of the span. Keeped it box finished and the ball goes down the lane smoothly, turns, and arcs right to the pocket. Carry is great, pins stay low and lot of messengers come after those 10pins. Haven't thrown it polished yet, love it to much to mess with it. Great 1-2 punch w/the tour power, if the tp gets too snappy, or not quite making it up, i move left or right and let this baby do its arc. One of the very few balls i like that arcs and doesn't snap.
The pleasure has been yours.
The great one
this is a very nice ball. i used it for over a year and me and that thing had some good times. it hits really hard and looks great doing it. but the ultra hot and i had to go our separate ways because it was only 12 ponds and was drilled to bowl strait. but i will always remember this great bowling ball.
scale of 1-10 i give it a 10!!
I have had this ball since about july and have nothing but love for it. the ball is 16lbs, about a 2-3" pin, unsure of topweight. Drilled pin above bridge, cg kicked out of palm w/xtra hole. got this ball drilled for dry lanes but found it works on everything for me. Everything else I own I need to swing out but with this I throw it straight up 10 about 15-16 mph and it makes a nice shallow arc into the 1-3 pocket and DESTROYS!!! Moves just like my old burgundy urethane Hammer and hits even harder! I didn't think that was possible! Can't beat the price(70 bucks online) and the performance is amazing. Awesome reaction, Hits harder than a Lennox Lewis right hand, and it holds the line through out the entire set. Overall I give 12 strikes out of 12. Awesome job Storm!
Let me tell you about this one!
First time out with it I shot a 233, 300, 257! For a 790!
It was drilled pin at 11 o'clock, pin 4 inches from my axix, ending weight was 1/4 oz negative. I also shined it by putting in a ball machine for 5 minutes.
I was playing 17 throwing it to 8 board, and smashed the pocket.
I was bowling in the Monaca Community League at Baden Bowl.
Steve Kosela
Bob And Steve's Pro Shop
Baden PA 724-869-2122
14# 2" pin with a balance hole 3" from the pin which is also my pap. Pin above my ring finger with the cg under my palm.
i've had this ball for quite sometime...still works great for me.
It's an awesome ball for more advanced/intermediate players. If you look on storm's website, it says that the best line to play is down the 5 and into the pocket...that's only play that line if you have a lot of carry down and oil on the heads. I use this ball after my xfactor starts to leave early on the lanes. Rolls well and is very consistent and forgiving...
hates oil and hates extreme dry conditions...other then that have fun with it!
"i'ma shoot you if you don't start bowling properly!"
words of wisdom that help a youngin like me bowl better 
I hate lucky two finger bowlers that think they're pro...idiots!
Being from Storm, the Ultra Hot was a ball that we expected to like and we did. The Ultra Hot has a number of features that make it appealing, not the least of which is the price.
We tested primarily one ball, drilled with a 10:30 layout. Pin 3" x c.g. 1" from axis. A small extra hole was used on the axis to bring the ball to 1/4 positive, 0 finger/thumb. We tested the ball with numerous shell preparations on synthetic lanes that ranged from medium oil with fresh back ends to dryer fronts with some carry-down. Our tester is right handed with medium revs (18 to 21) and throws between 17 and 18 mph.
The first thing we did was test the ball in it's out-of-the-box dull shell. We were looking for something to even out some over-reacting back ends in a house league. The Ultra Hot did give the player a smooth transition but didn't allow him to play deep enough to avoid the fast-changing track area. It just wouldn't come back from anywhere inside of 14 or 15. Not wanting to fight too much with it, we changed the shell to a 1500 wet sand and polished surface. This changed the look and use of the ball dramatically. It was now a piece of equipment that played the dryer part of the lane very nicely with a very smooth back end and awesome carry.
The Ultra Hot became a perfect bridge between the mid-range Storm equipment (Eraser Boost) and the dry lane specials like the Storm Hit or Columbia Scout/R. The Ultra Hot revs through the entire lane, is very smooth, predictable and carries better than the price would indicate. We found the Ultra Hot to play well from most any angle, crossing boards to playing down and in. There were times where it seemed as though it was a bit better the straighter we kept it but when there was enough friction to move on, we could belly it too.
This ball worked so nicely when the Eraser Boost was too much it had us thinking that they were made to be sold as a pair. If you have a Boost and would like something that you could go to when it's moving too much too soon, the Ultra Hot is the ball you want.
Overall, we liked the Ultra Hot very much for the medium to medium dry conditions. Dry back ends don't seem to be a problem for this ‘smoothy' and the carry is very good. The only caution would be not to try and use it on too much oil, even dull it just doesn't have the motor or tires to get the job done when the lanes are slick.
If you have any questions about this or any other of our reviews, e-mail us at:
WOW, it's been 13 months since I've posted a review.
Well, I've had the Ultra Hot for sometime now.
Layout is 3x4, polished. When I first got it I used 1000 grit sandpaper
and Black Magic polish. It rolled early of course per layout, but burned
up somewhat on wood lanes. On wooden lanes I felt I had to throw it
at a 10 degree axis tilt to get it further down the lane so it wouldn't
burn up.
Recently I thought, well, let's polish it up even higher. 1200 grit paper
and 5000 grit polish. Wow, no burn up and the turn towards the pocket is
amazing. I've never felt this ball had it in it, but this may soon be the
1st ball out of the bag.
My Ultra Hot is 16lbs with top weight unknown and no weight holes needed. It is drilled pin under middle finger with the cg under the ring finger.
Again I'd like to say thanks to Tommy Semiz and David at 11th Frame proshop for their ingenuity on laying out my Ultra Hot. They also gave me exactly what I asked for with this ball.
I needed something weak for fresh first shift synthetic lanes with screaming backends and this is what I got.
The Ultra Hot glides down the lane easily like the Too Hot does, but being the solid version it will come out of the oil and turn into the pocket. I play up the ten board to avoid any lane transistions during the night and the most adjusting I have to do is speed.
This ball also doesn't like long oils or carrydown all that much with this layout, but it handles them better than the Too Hot does. It is also not recommended to play the track area of the lane, if conditions don't permit, with this one because it's not as weak as it seems. Most of the time it rolls about ten feet down the lane.
The hit and carry are great up the boards but also tend to leave flat pocket 7-10 nightmares when you get too deep.
Overall it is very even and controllable as expected stronger than the Too Hot but not overly strong to drive you mad on horizontal wet/dry shots.
The Too/Ultra Hot make a great combo that most Storm lovers shouldn't pass up.
In the old days people used to cut wood with and days...............they just have Executioners do it for them!
Pin_Krusher IS a serious threat to modern day bowling wood as we know it today.
tw 3oz
pin 3"
Wiseman 315degree drill
Hits ok no disappointments, if you drop it on your finger it will hurt
Drill pattern does create an even flow, very Zen or Tai Chi like move
Pretty color purple is Ultra Cool not Ultra Hot, cartoon like logo
With the Wiseman drill, by the way I saw this drill pattern on a Columbia Piranha/C drill sheet before it was connected to Wiseman.
I was not confident with the carry when trying to swing it I guess because it was because of all the corners I'd left when I tried, when I played it tight though it carried and hit well
I have this ball now for more than 3 years. Normally I replace balls after 2 years but I won't do this with the Ultra Hot. This ball rocks!!! Works great for dry-medium lanes. I recently used the ultrahot in a tournament. Lanes were pretty dry so I decided to play between boards 20 and 15, medium ball speed and a lot of refs. I averaged 237,25 over the whole tournament without having a split at all.
Great Storm Ball
What can I say? Bowled a 300 with this ball in February. Boosted my average 20 pins.
I have no bad comments about this ball.
This is in my opinion the greatest ball I have ever owned. I have thrown many 300's and 800's with this ball. I have the pin right above my ring finger with the cg kicked out. I used this ball on short meduim patterns on on some PBA expeirience patterns such as Cheetah and Viper. It does not overreact on these patterns at all. It comes out of the box 800 dull but I brought it up to 1000 grit and used Storm's reacta shine and it reacts amazingly.