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Author Topic: USA Gold  (Read 7907 times)


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USA Gold
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Limited Edition

Color: Red/Blue

RG: 2.539 Medium

Differential: .050 (High)

Finish: 1500 Polished

Flare: High (6" plus)

Hardness: 75-77 Rex D-scale

Weight Block: Modified Thunder Road with Power Ball Technology

Coverstock: ACCU-Tread Reactive



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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2002, 11:33:33 AM »
The "Limited Edition" Super Thunder Road is Here!

Let's start out by saying that if you want one of theses babies you will
need to "RUN" to your local Proshop immediately and get them looking for one for you! When Storm said, "Limited Edition" they were not kidding!

We finally got our hands on (6)six of these babies and Our Tournament Staff is already fighting over them!

Those of you "Storm Fans" who loved your "Thunder Roads" will love this one. The USA Gold is built on a "Slightly Modified" Thunder Road weight block and then surrounded in the Famous, "ACCU-Tread Reactive cover stock, that comes out of the box at (1500 Grit Sheened) but is Fully Adjustable).

But don't forget, this ball also uses Storms PBT/Power Ball Technology for "Great Hitting Power!"

This ball is completely "Driller Friendly" and will adapt to any of your favorite (2)two piece drilling patterns.

Our first ball on the lanes was drilled in Our typical favorite fashion using
a "Label Leverage" drilling, pin about 2:00PM. and no balance hole.

The pair of lanes we went too were slightly broken down as we followed a session of Seniors League bowlers.

This ball from the start was smooth threw the (heads) and strong
"arching" hook at the break point to the pocket with nothing but a "Pin Punishing Hit!"

We rolled two games with the box finish and found this ball to stay in play
with No Problem on this slightly broken down league condition.

We went back to the Proshop for a quick trip to the ball spinner to apply alittle "Black Magic" to get a different look on the lanes with this one,
and WOW, what a difference! With the "Polished" cover we were able to
see this ball retain even more energy to the break point and make a "Strong",left turn to the pocket for even a greater "Pin Blastin Hit!"

We found this USA Gold to be nothing but, "Golden!"

Friendly! Strong! Hard Hitting!

This will be a ball that (any) bowler could find a use for in their Arsenal.

We are Highly recommending this ball to all bowlers and to Our customers.

PS. Just Remember,
"This is a Limited Edition Ball, and it may not be around long!
Unless Storm sees enough interest to MFG more!




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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2002, 05:29:37 AM »
I "won" a Storm Freedom (same as the USA Gold) last spring. Finally drilled it up stack-leverage for a summer Classic Shoot-Out league using modified sport patterns, and now in both house shots and a travel league. Basically I am a stronger handed "tweener", and have found this to be a very versatile ball. kept in box condition can play straighter up the boards, but can also swing it when conditions dictate. Extremely strong backend, nice easy length. Beware though, this ball does need some oil. - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2002, 10:23:03 AM »
Hi Bowlers,

If you see this ball,BUY IT!!!
It is in limited production.
It was created for the Olympics and has the 5 Olympic rings on it. It is A black and red swirl color. I have had tremendous success with it. I bowl on synthetic lanes with the typical christmas tree oil pattern. Drill this ball
with the strong pattern. I have the shell set up at 800 grit and then use black magic polish to increase length and refresh back-end movement. This will create a smooth agressive reaction that rips the pocket. I have not shot under 600 yet this year with this ball, and have had the first 6,7,8 in a row. Not bad for a once a week bowler. usually average 204, but now at 214. If you want a new ball, try this one out. Not expensive either about 130.00
I hope this helps someone bowl better, have fun!!!
See you on the lanes...


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2002, 08:42:32 PM »
Hello everyone,
My specs: right handed, tweener, 15-17 mph, average revs, 16lb. equiptment ,205 average. Lane conditions were med./heavy oil. Left ball in box finish. I was lucky enough to find this limited edition ball at Buddies Pro Shop. I had it drilled label leverage with a balance hole. This ball hooks about as much as my Boost but makes an slightly earlier move to the pocket. Hits the pocket very hard and sends pins all over the place. I can play several different lines with this ball. Lack of oil on the heads is the only thing that might be a problem. When the heads dry up, put it away or it will grab the lane way too early. I'll polish it up and update later. Looks like another great ball from Storm!


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2003, 04:50:00 PM »
This ball is awesome.. It hits like a semi truck, and the carry is nice. It hooks very well in the backend. If you can find this ball buy it. It is worth the money.
"Keep in mind it is just a game"
   "But remember why your mad"
     "It's because i just beat u"
"What does it mean when i throw 36 of them X things in a row???"


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2003, 01:16:21 PM »
Stats: Right handed stroker, medium ball speed, avg rotation, medium-high track

Ball: 16lb, 2-2.5" pin, 3.22oz top

Layout: Pin under ring finger, CG just below the center of my gripline, about 1.5" away from my PAP.  I needed this to roll hard in the midlane...

Lane/Pattern:  AMF HPL 9000, 42' top hat

The ball was most successful on the fresh playing as direct as possible, (up 7) some carry was sacrficed when I moved in at all and tried to hook it.  Overall, this ball reacts very wel throughout the lane, but I think it needs a little less oil than the fresh to succeed, based on the back that my scores went up as the night went on and the lanes broke down.

Another great ball from Storm.
Junior Coordinator
AMF Sayville Lanes
Long Island, NY


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2004, 03:11:48 PM »
Alright...i will start off by saying i can't say that is ball sucked.  i didn't give it much of a chance to prove its worth to me....but everytime i didn't work for me.  This ball was too spuratic.  It seemed to do something different each time i threw it.  Just wasn't for me!!  Overall personal review...3 out of 10!!
Get caught up in the Storm.  STORM'S #!


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Re: USA Gold
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 11:25:34 AM »
i got this ball for 5bucks from a friend because he never through it. i have had it for almost a year now and i have shot very high games with this ball but i have never thrown a series with it. not to long ago i bowled in a toury and was in the finals with my friend who gave me the ball. i won 256-190. he wishes he still had that ball still. wtg storm keep it up