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Author Topic: Victory Road Solid  (Read 18831 times)


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Victory Road Solid
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
COLOR: Hunter Green/Navy All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown. 
COVERSTOCK: R2S Solid Reactive 
CORE: Inverted Fe³ Technology 
FACTORY FINISH: 3000-grit Abralon 
RG: 16#-2.53, 15#-2.56, 14#-2.60, 13#-2.59, 12#-2.65 
DIFFERENTIAL: 16#-.055, 15#-.052, 14#-.050, 13#-.045, 12#-.035 
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal 
DESCRIPTION: Looking for more traction in the midlane and an earlier break point, Storm's development team set out on a journey to find an ideal combination of coverstock, surface preparation, and weight block. The Victory Road’s inverted Fe³ technology weight block will power the solid version as well. It’s a true performer, a real workhorse that gets the job done every time. Using CATS technology to evaluate the proper shell and surface, the team analyzed several combinations and chose the solid R2S cover with a 3000-grit Abralon finish. This gave the new Victory Road Solid just the right amount of roll in the midlane with ample backend hook, just what every bowler wants. This new 3000-grit finish gave the ball a different look and proved to be a great addition to our lineup of finish options.



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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 08:36:16 AM »

Pin Length: 3-4 Inch

Starting Top Weight: 3.12

Ball Weight: 15.3


Pin to PAP: 4 Inch

CG to PAP: 5 Inch

X Hole (if there is one): P3 Weight Hole


Rev Rate: 340

Ball Speed: 16 Mph
PAP/Track: 4 3/4 and 1 Inch Up


Grit: 3000 Factory

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Sanded


Length: 41 Ft
Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  Modified House Pattern


Length: 7

Back End: 7
Overall Hook: 10

Midlane Read: 10

Breakpoint Shape: 8


Likes: The Victory Road Solid is the perfect compliment to The Victory Road Pearl.  The earlier roll this ball goes into is an aggressive continuous movement through the midlane and through the pins.  The Victory Road pearl as aggressive as it is down lane, does have a tendency to be a lil too long before it makes the corner at times.  When that is the case, the victory road solid is the solution.  This ball allows you to still be able to open up the lane and give you that earlier roll on heavier oiled conditions, as well as an extremely strong midlane movement.  The Victory Road Solid is by far one of my favorite solid covered balls by far, and I hope to possibly see a Hybrid version in the near future :):):)
Dislikes:  NONE


Erik Ramos
PBA Storm Regional Staff


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 09:28:37 PM »

Length: 41 ft


Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



The Victory Road Solid really is a respectable control piece for those who like a bit more backend motion as compared to say, the Marvel. With it’s higher RG, yet solid cover, it reads the lanes nicely, transitioning smoothly but still allowing for a nice booming move on the backends. It seems to have decent energy at the pocket most of the time and can easily be a fresh shot ball on anything from Medium-heavy to medium-lighter conditions. It reminds me a lot of control balls like the Gamebreaker, even though on paper, the specs are quite different. I don’t think it’s a replacement for the Hy Road nor is it as versatile, but fits in Storm’s lineup very well right now.


Check out the video and written review at:




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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2011, 09:07:25 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS

Drill pattern: 5" pin to pap

                   3" cg to pap

                   40' val (pin above bridge)

                   x-hole 1" inside of pap, 5/8 bit 2" deep(to make legal)


This ball is very different from my VR pearl with similar drilling.  Out of box surface hooked very early for me (close to 5 ft or more than my pearl).  Smoothed surface to a well used 4000 abralon and revealed a totally different ball.  Became perfect for when the lane transitions and the friction becomes more defined. Gives incredible control with a strong sweeping arc with this surface.  This ball seems to have very different characteristics with each type of surface change.  Cant trust it to return as hard as the Marvel Pearl, but becomes a perfect compliment when the Marvel pearl starts to bite too hard.  This ball fits right in between my Marvel Pearl and my Victory Road pearl... Awesome 3 ball arsenal!!!

Likes: very predictable read (after surface adjustment), great when lane breaks down and the smoother surface and react cleaner.

Dislikes: Too much texture for me out of the box, way too much mid lane for my rev rate.






Edited on 7/5/2011 at 7:14 PM


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2011, 06:15:58 PM »

Hand: Left


Ball Speed: 15-16mph


Ball Weight: 15lbs


PAP: 5 left 7/16 up


Degrees of Tilt: 17


Layout: 5 x 4 x 3


The Victory Road solid is a great compliment to the Victory Road pearl. The solid is more for medium to some heavy oil. I have drilled it pin above my ring finger with the cg kicked out a little with no hole. It gives me good length so it does not jump at the mid lane but still has a strong even motion on the back end. I went to Las Vegas to TAT (True Amateur Tournament) and used it on one of the squads and it gave me a consistent read for all 3 games I just had to move my feet and eyes but was able to use it the whole time. The new surface 3000 abralon helps give me the strong motion like a 2000 abralon or lower but gets through the fronts clean like a 4000. Smooth, even, but strong finishing ball. If you have or had a T-Road solid before this is pretty close to it. It is a great ball for tournaments.


If you have a Victory Road pearl and you need a ball for more oil than the Victory Road solid is the one. Once the solid starts to burn up or hook way too much then jump down the pearl version and you can stay in the zone.


I have a video on facebook and youtube! If you have any questions about the Victory Road solid email me at


 Garrett Richardson
 Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 04:29:52 PM »

VICTORY ROAD SOLID review by Storm staffer Jeff Richgels


The VICTORY ROAD SOLID is the solid version of the popular VICTORY ROAD PEARL, using the same inverted Fe³ technology weight block but with R2S Solid coverstock. The box finish is 3,000 Abralon.


Storm's goal was more midlane roll with strong backend motion like the VR PEARL has.


Personally, I've been looking for a strong, solid ball that fits between my NANOs and MARVELs – not as early rolling as the NANO and with a longer and sharper motion than the MARVEL. I've got two each of the NANO and MARVEL and they are my rough surface, strong balls of choice, but there seemed to be a hole to fill between them.


For the VR SOLID, I chose my favorite strong drilling for that type of motion: The pin is above my bridge and the CG is kicked out at about a 60 degree angle. My pin to PAP (my coordinates are 5 1/8 over and 3/4 up) distance for the ball was 5 1/8 inches, with the "mass bias" (it's a symmetrical so the spot 6 3/4 from my pin through my CG) to PAP distance at 3 1/4 inches and the pin buffer at 3 3/8 inches. It has a small weight hole at P2.


I threw it against a MARVEL with a pin in the same spot but the drilling angle 90 degree (stacked) with the CG in my grip center. The cover is 2,000 Abralon with some lane shine.


I've used the VR SOLID on both a fresh PBA Chameleon pattern at a PBA Regional on nearly new Brunswick synthetics, and a fresh house shot on Brunswick synthetics that are about 8 years old.


I ended up with pretty much exactly what I was looking for: both balls hooked about the same amount but the VR SOLID definitely had a sharper motion than the MARVEL.


At the Regional, the VR SOLID was about the only ball that gave me a good reaction on the fresh – after starting with a couple of splits in the first four frames using a weak ball and trying to play safe and straight, I grabbed the VR SOLID and moved my feet in and sent the ball from 10 at the arrows out to about 5-7 at the break and ran a 5-bagger that enable me to salvage a plus game the first game.


On the house shot, I had oodles of room so long as I kept it in the oil and didn't get it to the dry too quick.


Essentially, I would say the VR SOLID could be called a MARVEL with more back-end motion or a VR PEARL that hooks earlier but with about the same motion.


The one thing I've noticed – and it makes perfect sense with the motion – is more harder taps (like solid 9s) than weaker taps (like weak 10s).


If you're looking for a strong solid that makes a strong move, the VR SOLID should be great for you. If you have trouble with balls that are too strong in the back-end, I would think a MARVEL might be a better ball for you.


The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2011, 05:11:13 PM »



Layout- Pin next to finger, CG stacked with a medium/deep hole out on the midline.


I was skeptical on this ball because the Victory Road had been a little too angular for my liking- was this ball still going to be too angular? The answer was a resounding NO. This is one of the more versatile medium solids I’ve seen in some time- it rolled a lot like my Roto Grip Nomad did after I took the polish off of the cover of that ball, except it was around an arrow stronger- helpful on slicker surfaces like those released by Brunswick and also helpful on heavier volume oil patterns. When I was testing this ball out, it gathered a crowd- it looked that good. For those of you who bowl on lighter friction surfaces looking for a benchmark ball or those that are looking to replace or fit a ball over-the-top of their old Victory Road or Nomad Solid, this is a fine choice.



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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 03:39:07 PM »


Victory Road Solid

Intent and design- Storms intent for the New Victory Road solid was to give bowlers more midlane read with a strong back end reaction like the original Victory Road. The Victory Road solid uses the Fe3 weight block and the R2S coverstock found on such balls such as the Furious, 2 Furious, Reign of Fire, and T-road solid. The Fe3 weight block has an RG of 2.56 and a differential of .052 in 15 pounds. Storm used a new surface preparation as well of 3000 abralon. Storm found that this 3000 abralon finish gave the Victory Road Solid just the right amount of mid lane read while packing a punch for the back end part of the lane. The Victory Road Solid color scheme is called Hunter Green and Navy Blue.

My Review- When deciding on what lay out to do with my Victory Road Solid, I first thought of where I want this ball to fit into my arsenal. I recently replaced a Marvel with a Prodigy and wanted a step down from that ball and a step up from my 2 furious. Both the Prodigy and 2 furious have a 5x4 lay out with small weight holes located in P2. Naturally I used the same lay out on the Victory Road Solid and used the balls as comparison pieces. I took the Victory Road Solid out onto the lanes to a fresh house shot of about 42 feet on AMF HPL surface. Out of the box I noticed that the ball was pretty clean through the front but the core started up just passed the arrows and gave a pretty strong and quite angular motion at the break point. When compared to my prodigy the prodigy was about 2 feet earlier to roll and had more of a continuous arc back to the pocket. As compared to the prodigy I was actually able to play deeper angles with the Victory Road Solid. The prodigy seemed to bail a little more than the Victory Road Solid. A tighter angle in the front part of the lane was needed or I left flat tens and other weak hits. Both balls had no problem getting back to the pocket but from the deeper angles the victory road solid created the angle needed to take all ten pins back. When compared to the 2 furious I found the Victory road solid to be about 2 to 3 feet earlier than the 2 furious and had a stronger back end reaction off the break point. A tighter more direct line was needed for the 2 furious to give me optimal carry where as the victory road solid seemed to have a lot more area down lane from a deeper starting position as long as the ball stayed in the oil long enough and wasn’t set off path to the right too early. On the fresh shot I had all the room in the world left. The ball always held line and gave a strong motion back to the pocket.

Conclusion- In conclusion the Victory Road Solid is a great compliment to the original Victory Road. The Solid coverstock gives bowlers the strong mid lane read that everyone loves while the versitle Fe3 weight block gives a strong back end reaction. If your looking for a ball with the best of both worlds of controllable midlane read with a strong back end move then the Victory Road Solid is the ball for you.


Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2011, 01:38:04 PM »

      I drilled my Victory Road Solid with a 70 X 5 1/4 X 40 layout. This is one of the most impressive mid-range balls I have ever used! Most solids I have used have been fairly smooth rolling and not too angular, but this ball can still get up and go on the backend. It is strong, but also still fits for me under my VG Nano and Marvel well enough to give me another option in balls to drop down to if I need it. If it starts becoming too strong for me to use, I can also drop down to my Victory Road Pearl and it fits perfectly under the Solid.


      I have used the Victory Road Solid on heavier oil and I would normally use my Nano or Marvel on heavier oil, but the Victory Road Solid gives me another option if I need an early but different motion. I have also used it on the typical house shot, and it will probably be one of my favorite balls to start with when it is fresh. On shorter patterns, I can also start with it. Where the Nano or Marvel would generally be too early for me and lose too much energy, the Victory Road Solid is enough ball down the lane to still give me the entry angle I desire on short oil. When it becomes too much ball for me on shorter oil, I can go directly to the Victory Road Pearl or even my Anarchy and they both match up well under the Victory Road Solid.


      The Victory Road Solid is strong in the mid-lane, but still has an angular motion at the break point. The Victory Road Solid is the perfect complement to the Victory Road Pearl and a unique piece to add to your arsenal.






Jake Washington


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2011, 08:41:01 AM »

The Victory Road solid is the latest addition in the thunder line of bowling balls. The rg comes in at 2.56 and the diff. at .052 in 15lbs. The hunter green/Navy color combination reminds of the Hot Rod Hybrid. The inverted Fe3 weight block is the same as found in the Victory Road. The 3000 abralon factory finish on the Victory Road solid is a new finish for a Storm ball. It allows for easier push through the front of the lane, without going through the break point and over skidding down lane.

I drilled two Victory Road solids, one with the pin over ring, cg on grip line (no hole), and the other with the pin under ring and cg kicked to the strong position, with a hole about 2” down my VAL (line from grip center through cg marked on VAL line). 

I kept the pin over Victory Road at box finish. Comparing the Victory Road to an identically drilled Marvel pearl on a house condition bowling on pro-anvilane with Kegel oil; the VR made a bigger move down lane. The factory 3000 finish also needed more head oil to get the ball to the spot correctly. My move right was 2 with my feet, and 3 with my mark. This allowed for more oil in the middle of the lane to keep the ball from slowing down too early, and also accounted for the built in length of this weight block giving me a big backend move. Basically, I was able to go through the pattern, were the Marvel pearl had me going around the pattern.

The pin down VR was hit with a 500 abralon pad. My intent with this ball is to be a lot of motion coming from the mid lane. I drilled this ball and finished the surface with the idea of needing the ball to pick up in the mid lane, but still have a lot of change of direction. I have a Reign of Fire drilled the same. The VR did not disappoint. In fact, I have been using this VR on A LOT more patterns than I thought I was going to. It has seen play on the Scorpion, on the white pattern (two different lengths and volumes; for more info on the white pattern see the website), and also on our house condition at Red Crown.

Most of today’s bowling balls are designed for a specific volume of oil, or length of oil pattern.  
The Victory Road solid has more versatility than most balls on the market. With different cover stock finishes, you can tailor your Victory Road solid to suit your needs. Heavier oiled patterns go with stronger drillings, and more surface, and medium to medium light volume patterns go with weaker drillings and a smoother surface texture. I recommend staying away from dry lanes with this ball though, as Storm as some really great pieces available that will work much better. As we approach the league season, the Victory Road solid will be a great addition to any bowlers’ arsenal, or a good one ball for those that only like to carry one ball in the bag (again, I would stay away from really dry lanes, though).

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 07:14:28 PM »
Hey everybody thanks for reading.  Here is the YouTube video for Storm's new Victory Road Solid:
So.... Ever wanted the midlane roll of a strong solid with the angularity of a pearl.  Well, here you go.....Victory Road Solid!!!!!   Clean through the front part of the lane, rolling midlane with extremely strong yet controllable backend move.  Want more board coverage with smoother backend move then thake the surface down.  Cleaner through the front and more angularity, use less surface.  This ball can do it all but personally I think the box surface is best for me.  Believe it or not I have used this ball on more longer patterns than anything else but its almost unfair to use on a house pattern.  
Comparing to the original Victory Road in the video, you can plainly see how you need to get the ball into the oil to help the ball downlane but it still maintains angularity for the final 12 to 15 feet.  Do not be afraid to throw this ball straighter either because it will throw pins everywhere.  If there was any question that Storm didn't let the full potential of the original Victory Road out then this certainly puts it all out there. 
Keep up the great work and can't wait for the future tournaments with this ball in my hand.  Will probably be carrying a case box into my next tournament.  


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2011, 04:18:42 PM »

Length: 39 ft

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Chameleon , House

  The Victory Road Solid is a great compliment to the Victory Road.  Where the Victory Road is more of a  skid/flip reaction, the Solid gives you the smooth arc reaction.  The VR Solid would make a good benchmark ball.  On the Chameleon pattern the solid had good midlane control with strong arc reaction down lane, just what you need on PBA/Sport patterns.  Where the pearl was to angular off the spot.  The carry has been real good with the solid.  On the house pattern the solid shines the best on the fresh, as it controls the backends very well.  As like most house patterns they tend to be very wet/dry.  The Solid will be one of my favorite Storm's as this ball is just so predictable on all the patterns.  Thanks Doene Moos for the layout!
Bowlers Style
Hand :  Right
Rev Rate : 375
Ball Speed : 16/17
PAP   :    4 inches up 1 1/4
Axis Tilt : 15 degrees
Layout : 4 1/2  x 3


Edited on 9/13/2011 at 8:23 PM


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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2011, 11:28:33 AM »
See profile for   stats.

Lay Out: 4 3/4" from PAP at 75*   PAP  angle and 40*   VAL   angle. Dual angle measurement would be   75/4.75/40. The  pin   ended  up  above my ring finger but the CG was just right of my grip,so I put  a P2  weight hole in it.

Surface: I have thrown it at box  finish and also took it down to 500 abralon and then shined right over the cover. The look out of the box was very reminiscent to a dull Nomad solid I had so I was trying to get some separation between the two.

Purpose: I wanted to drill up  something that had a benchmark look to it. I tried a 2Furious in this slot last season and didn't seem to find what I was looking for.

Lane Condition   Observations: I have thrown this on our  house pattern and also on a couple of the Team USA shots in the 38 ft and 40 ft range. On the house shot, OOB was too aggressive at times and definitely had to start inside the oil line and then work into the friction later. I would get a smooth response on the friction in the back. On the two medium patterns, it was early. This is where I decided to try the P2 weight hole to see if it would smooth out some. It did, but this is a stronger ball and 38 feet might be too short to use on regularly.

Other Ball   Comparisions: I did get to throw it some side by side with my VG Nano, Marvel, and Virtual Energy. VG Nano and Marvel were stronger as expected, but it did give me a slightly different look than the VE. It was earlier and smoother and could be a nice ball to "go up" to if your looking to supplement your bag there. If you want to add it to compliment a Marvel or VG Nano, you may need to smooth the surface slightly more to cut down on the bite.
Final      Thoughts: The Victory Road Solid is another good release from Storm to fill a spot in the mid-high performance category. If you want an earlier reading version of your pearl Victory Road, then plug this in with the same layout and it should do. If you are adding this to compliment a stronger Storm ball, then think about smoother surfaces or a slower response lay out. The RG is higher than the VG Nano & Marvel so there is some slight lope of the block to help smooth out the reaction, but surface surface surface!! could be the deciding factor and make a great compliment.

"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 82? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro-Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

Matt C

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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2011, 10:46:42 AM »

Pin Length: 3"

Starting Top Weight: 2.5 oz

Ball Weight: 14



Pin to PAP: 4 1/2

CG to PAP: 3

X Hole (if there is one): 1" shallow hole 3" below pap on val



Rev Rate: 350ish

Ball Speed: 18 off hand


PAP/Track: mid



Grit: 3000

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): OOB



Length: one house short, one long


Volume: 1 light, 1 flooded

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Length: 8

Back End: 9


Overall Hook: 8

Midlane Read: 8

Breakpoint Shape: arc to snap




My specs:

speed 16 moniter 18 off hand

Axis Rotation 45 - 60

Axis Tilt 12deg.

Revs 350 - 370

pap 4 3/4 ->  1/2 up

Likes:  I drilled the VR Solid with a 55 * 4 1/2 * 65 (pin down under middle finger).  In the heavy oil house i really didnt care for the reaction at first skid skid skid go left. and it went left HARD

Some minor hand changes decrease the rotation to about 30 and then the VR came to life.  great midlane read, nice strong arc to the pocket and man does this ball hit hard.


In the drier house on a deeper inside shot is where the VR really shined.  I cant say it enough.. this ball flat out hits hard and continues to drive through the deck.  Once the lanes started to break down I could decrease the rotation and continue to pound the pocket.


My first Storm piece in alot of years, and it makes me wonder why I ever moved away from them.

Dislikes: nothing at the moment.






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Re: Victory Road Solid
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2013, 09:45:47 PM »

Pin Length: 3"

Starting Top Weight: 3 oz

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Pin to PAP: 4.5"

CG to PAP:  6"

X Hole (if there is one):


Rev Rate:  300

Ball Speed:  Medium

PAP/Track:  Pap is 5.5 right and 3/4" up


Grit: Came OOB with 3000 Abralon, I changed it to 4000 Abralon to better suit my medium ball speed

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Matte finish w/ 4000 grit Abralon


Length: Medium  - reads the lanes well in the mids

Volume:  So far I have only used this ball on medium oil - after a 6pm league.

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS w/ some carry down


Length:  Medium length - gets thru the heads well even with surface

Back End:  Surprisingly angular.  You'd think the ball would burn up considering that it has much more of an arc shape to its hook than a skid-flip shape

Overall Hook:  Overall hook is tremendous.  The last time I used this ball, I was standing 32 and targeting two boards right of the 4th arrow - ball got out to about the 7th board at the breakpoint and was coming back solid into the pocket with a vengeance!  Carry with this ball is other-worldly!

Midlane Read:  This ball reads the midlanes very well.  As I mentioned before, this is not a ball that skids 45 feet and then flips.  Rather, this ball reads earlier than other medium-high end balls I've thrown.

Breakpoint Shape:  Despite the earlier read that this ball has, it has backend punch off the breakpoint for a nice angle into the pocket.  Yet, I would say the overall hook shape of this ball is more arc-like than flippy. And it definitely has continuation all the way through the pin deck.  So much so that it is my go-to ball whenever there is heavy carry down.  The other night in league, the lanes got extremely carried down by the end of game 2.  I switched to my Victory Road Solid and my carry down worries just simply disappeared.  A couple of guys in my league came up to me and asked me how I was getting so much backend hook - that was awesome!!


Likes:  Strong continuation, easy to read - and early read, great hook through heavy carry down, ridiculously good carry.  Pins stay low to the pin deck.

Dislikes: None.