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Author Topic: Virtual Energy  (Read 35655 times)


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Virtual Energy
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
- Color: Emerald/Olympic Gold/Black
- Coverstock: R2X Hybrid Reactive
- Weight Block: Shape Lock HD
- Ball Finish: 1500-grit Polish
- Flare Potential: 6” Plus (High)
- Fragrance: Pear Berry
- RG: 16#-2.48, 15#-2.48, 14#-2.53
- RG Differential: 16#-.048, 15#-.052, 14#-.050
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- Description: Since the release of the Virtual Gravity, Storm has been inundated with positive feedback and inquires of future designs. The combination of the Gravity Shift and Virtual Gravity gave bowlers a look that they had never seen before on heavier oil mid-lane control with explosive back-end reactions. One of the greatest features is their adaptability on changing back-end motion depending on the layout chosen. Our intent with the Virtual Energy is to utilize the early revving motion and explosive back-end characteristics of the Shape-Lockâ„¢ HD core, along with the performance proven R2Xâ„¢ coverstock. The coverstock is the key element to this equation and engineering the right blend of solids and pearls to create the perfect compliment to its predecessors.
The testing phase brought several factors into play. We tested several coverstock combinations with the profilometer, as well as, on-lane C.A.T.S. testing. Our goal was to develop a ball that utilizes the best characteristics of its predecessors as well as creating its own unique performance. Our final product is the R2X™ Hybrid. The combination of the two pearls and a solid reactive delivers the perfect fit within our product line. The solid generates just enough mid-lane read on the heavier volume patterns, while the two pearlized parts deliver the strong motion on the back-end. The Virtual™ Energy is the perfect complement to Storm’s Premier line of bowling balls.



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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2010, 04:33:52 PM »
extremelly disappointed I have been a fan of storm products for 15 years and now i'm gonna change this ball does nothing,i have tried to change the surface and still not a great reaction when polished it goes too long and when sanded rolls too early not enough back end either way,i got the virtual gravity and i hate it worst,i never had such problems getting a ball to back end for me.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2010, 03:54:03 PM »
I too have had my problems with this ball. Much like the other reviewers I find this ball pushes too far down the lane on oil and is extremely early if the cover is dulled somewhat. When I have hit a condition that fits this ball it rolls extremely well and hits very hard. The problem is I have not found that condition nearly often enough. It is extremely disappointing because I bought this ball for shots on the heavier side of medium and it refuses to perform so far on that condition. I'm not giving up on it yet because it may well be one of those balls that really comes around after 30 or more games.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2010, 01:10:04 PM »
i have owned this ball for 6 weeks. i averaged 206 before i got this ball. in 6 weeks my average has gone up to a 219. the ball is powerful. over a six week period. i have shot 701,768,758,757,794,and 734. those are the most 700 series back to back that i have ever shot. i love this ball. i would recommend this ball to everyone..


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #49 on: March 07, 2010, 09:03:25 PM »
Awesome Storm Explosion when it hits. Don't quit on this ball too soon. I too experienced too much late hook. After a dulling down, it mellowed right out and is more controlled and defined. Transfers it's energy like a bomb. Perfect fit above my Furious. Thank You Storm for another jewel in my case.
300 x 2
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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2010, 09:54:58 AM »
See profile for stats.

Lay Out: 5.25" from PAP at 65* PAP angle and 30* VAL angle. Dual angle measurement would be 65/5.25/30. The pin ended up above my bridge. No weight hole yet. I may add a gradient hole in position #3 to increase the diff and separate the ball from a similarly drilled Reign that I have in my bag.

Surface: I hit it lightly with a 4000 abr.

Purpose: I wanted to have a pearl/hybrid cover that I could use for league and defined over/under conditions. The intent is to put more surface (360/500/2000) on it and get inside of the funk and throw it then.

Lane Condition observations: I have thrown it on the fresh at our center on there THS. They go about 38-40 feet and it is on Pro Anvilane. The heads do change pretty quickly and the fresh tends to have some squirt at times. Most of the scores in our place come in games 2-3 of first shift or second shift where the "handers" move in and just peel it from the right. I started in a good normal spot of feet-25/target-11 just to get a feel for the ball. It was slow off the spot to start. I lightly hit the surface with the 4000 pad and also threw it enough to start to track on the ball and BINGO, this ball came to life. I would throw 5-6 shots and then 2-1 across the lane and do the same until I got inside of 15 with more angle through the front because of the 2-1 moves. This ball just keep on coming and hitting harder and harder. I also put some other balls in play at these angles just to see what the separation might be. My Reign had almost the same look and was a little more pronounced off the spot. I could see myself leaving late 9 pins with the way the Reign entered the pin deck at times. I threw my 2000 abr surfaced Riot. The Riot had that nice smooth look that I have seen and once I started to separate my feet and target even more, the Riot just labored off the spot barely carrying a rack. I also pulled out my 2000abr Nomad. The Nomad was able to keep up and even looked like a better option once my target/feet got wider. This would make sense because of the surface and the Nomads general charactheristics.

Final Thoughts: I have a good feeling about this ball. I am going to have to do some surface work to get a couple of pieces in different slots around it, but this ball will have some utility in my bag. I struggled with the hybrid Hy-Road as it just was too much squirt for me at times. I feel that the lower RG/Higher Diff asymmetrical block is a better match for my style and the way I like to see the lane. One of the things I will probably end of doing is kicking is myself for not drilling one of these up when they came out during last summer.

"Why don''t you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2010, 01:05:58 AM »
I had this ball for about 6 months it is absolutely the best ball i ever bought. It recently gave me my first 300 and several 289's. It has an amazing back end, has nice length when its polished and a beautiful arching motion in the back end.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #52 on: August 26, 2010, 09:46:44 PM »
I had this ball since the first day it came out and I love it. The virtual energy is my number one go too ball. This ball is one of the best storm balls I own. This ball works good own Heavy and Med oil conditions. I have my virtual energy drilled for med rev  and med speed with a person who like too swing the ball out on the lane.This ball is one of the storm balls that is a must get.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2010, 10:26:12 PM »
I absolutely love this ball. It rolls amazing and you can adjust for just about every pattern.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2010, 10:25:21 AM »
Age: 20

Average: 219

Style: 2 Handed/Right

Ball Speed: 21-22 Mph

RPM: 600-650

Layout: 30 x 4" x 60

Shots Thrown On:
Route 66
Route 66 (Shortened)
Sunset Strip
Sunset Strip (Shortened)
2010 Championship Pattern
Earl Anthony
Highway to Hell
Easy Street
Typical House Shot
(Pretty much every shot Hawaii has to offer)

This was first ball drilled for me as a 2 handed layout. And i have to say, i love this ball and its never leaving my arsenal
The first week of throwing this ball, i shot 2 300's and 1 800 series.

The Virtual Energy is a very versatile ball. And has a easy predictable reaction to it. very smooth with a strong arc in the back. Was using this ball on every single pattern at the time moving from house to house. And never disappointed me. Consistent carry. And it was the bowling ball that got me into loving "Storm" bowling balls. Even though i like to throw the best ball that every company has to offer.

All in all, its a great bowling ball. If your looking for something that would do great and be consistent on many patterns. This is the ball for you.

Thanks "Storm"

Rating 9.6/10

-Keene Inafuku
Just started 2 Handed in August.
6 300 Games and 2 800 Series so far.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2011, 06:21:18 PM »

Length: 35'


Volume: medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): ths



Likes: i just traded for it, but the span was a little too long. i have only used this ball once, but shot my 3rd 300. i've always had a little trouble at this old wood house, but when i decided to use this ball it suprised me. even when i missed it would still end up in the pocket and carry. any of my other balls wouldnt do this.

compared to my virtual gravity it is a little bit weaker but still has the drive and carry that the virtual gravity has. this is another ball i would recommend to anyone.

Dislikes: none


Edited on 2/1/2011 at 7:34 PM


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #56 on: February 23, 2011, 09:03:16 AM »



Volume: Medium-Medium/Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes: Great length out of ball. Even when I miss my mark a little inside, it holds the lane into the pocket. Missing outside makes the ball snap back into the pocket like a beast. This is my first new ball since getting back into bowling 3 years ago after a 10 year layoff. I have thrown my best game (280) and all of my best series, most recently a 748.








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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2011, 10:31:38 PM »

Pin Length: 3-4"

Starting Top Weight: 3oz

Ball Weight: 15



pin over ring finger, stacked down

X Hole (if there is one): none



Rev Rate: tweener

Ball Speed: 15mph


PAP/Track: 5 1/8 right, 1/4 pretty sure



Grit: 1500-polished, 1000 dull

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):



Length: varied


Volume: 17-25 ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Sport College Patterns



Length: plenty of length (polished), rolls out depending on pattern (dull)

Back End: polished, has strong backend reaction and carries well


Overall Hook:

Midlane Read: dull (very early), polished (clears the heads and pops strong

Breakpoint Shape:  smooth arc (dull), sharper hook (polished)



Likes: POLISHED: great to use on broken down shark or college "shim" (if you understand my lingo) when polished, gives it great length through the heads with a strong enough pop off the end of the pattern to carry the corner pins when playing that deep.

Dislikes: DULL: works well on shorter patterns with the stacked layout and 1000 grit, but not the greatest reaction when using it on longer/heavier volume patterns. Tends to roll out of the end of the pattern (could just be the layout etc.) but those are my findings






"106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses....hit it." -Jake and Elwood


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #58 on: March 09, 2011, 10:36:05 PM »



Volume:Medium Oil

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



After seeing videos of this ball on YouTube, I had to go buy one.  The initial reaction when I 1st threw this ball was not what reflected the videos.  The ball sailed down the 10 board and finally started to hook in, but barely.  The first series I threw I had to do a down and in shot to bring any success.  However, after practicing more with this ball, it has finally started to snap more and more.  It seems to be very sensitive to lane conditions though.  Time will tell if I stick with this ball.

Likes:Looks, scent, hooking potential. 

Dislikes: Sensitive to oil patterns, can overhook or underhook easily.


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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #59 on: March 23, 2011, 07:42:41 AM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS and Sport shot



Likes:  This ball is amazing.  Storm really hit the mark for benchmark ball when they made this ball (and the Hyroad).  This ball reads the lane and makes a hard arc to the pocket and destroys pins.  Pin carry is absolutley amazing.  Depending on your ability, this ball can be played up the boards or swinging the house.   Pick up one of these.  You won't be disappointed.







UF bowling

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Re: Virtual Energy
« Reply #60 on: June 14, 2011, 09:52:45 AM »
I am a medium speed, medium rev, left handed bowler who tends to play
the 10 board and out. My Energy has a 2.5” pin and is drilled with
the pin above the ring finger with no weight hole.

My main concern was finding a ball that could get down the lane while
still having enough hook to finish strongly. On higher volume, medium
length patterns, the Virtual Energy was great at doing exactly this.
The ball would skid through the heads and react very quickly to
friction in the backend. The Energy also worked well on higher volume,
shorter patterns that had begun to break down. Due to the area of the
lane I play, I have not used this ball very often on a typical house

I have had problems with the reaction on this ball becoming
‘jumpy’ at times, due to its quick response to friction, which
resulted in excessive entry angle and single pin leaves. I also have
found that the ball does not recover from pushed shots as well as other
balls I’ve had in the past.


Nick Rich