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Author Topic: Vivid  (Read 25031 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
- Coverstock: NRG - Solid Reactive
- Weight Block: M.A.D. Core (14-16 pounds)  
- Ball Color: Black/Blue/Green  All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.  
- Ball Finish: 2000-grit Abralon  
- RG Differential: 16#-.055, 15#-.050,  14#-.045, 13#-.032, 12#-.029
- RG Average: 16#-2.50, 15#-2.52,  14#-2.55, 13#-2.57, 12#-2.59
- Flare Potential:  6" Plus (High)
- Fragrance:  Wild Mint Leaf
- Recommended Lane Conditions: Heavy Oil  
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal  
- Description: Storm is synonymous with  high performance. Looking at the best competitive bowlers around the  world, all gathered in Las Vegas for this year’s PBA World Series of  Bowling, Storm emerged as the clear leader in our sport with complete  domination of the events.  
  The intent of the new Vivid is to create a motion which expands the  current Premier line, giving you a clear picture of the lane condition  while utilizing Storm’s most technologically-advanced cores and  coverstocks. This new Vivid will be a perfect fit between the original  Virtual Gravity Nano solid and pearl versions, combining midlane  traction and backend hook.  
 By now you are probably familiar with the term nanotechnology.  While it  technically refers to the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and  molecular scale, nanotechnology in the coverstock creates heavy surface  texture like no other. So, anytime you see the new NRG™ logo on a ball,  know that you’ve got the best bowling has to offer.  
 Starting at the center, the heart of the bowling ball, the technical  team developed a new asymmetrical shape known at the M.A.D. core.  Maximum Accelerating Disc technology optimizes the shapes of the RG  planes to allow you to perfectly dial in your desired reaction.  
 Moving to the shell, the NRG solid reactive coverstock utilizes  nanotechnology to create additional contours and surface texture. Proven  in the original Virtual Gravity Nano, this coverstock allows bowlers of  all skill levels to hook the ball like a pro. Just give it a little  side roll and watch the Vivid do its magic.  
 Prepped with a 2000-grit finish, the Vivid can be smoothed with Xtra  Shine™ if you find it has just too much teeth. But know that with the  Vivid you’ll be sure to see a true heavy roll with increased break point  responsiveness like no other.



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Re: Vivid
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2012, 05:18:50 PM »
VIVID review by Storm staffer Jeff Richgels

You can find a picture of my VIVID at my blog here:


     The VIVID ball details are here:


     DRILLED February 21, 2012

     I chose to use the same drilling in my VIVID that I used in both my FRANTIC & MODERN MARVEL because I've had so much success with those balls and love the roll the drilling gives me. Adding the VIVID that way gives me a nice three-step change in ball strength with the same drilling.

     The drilling is pin in my middle finger with the CG (and PSA where applicable) kicked to the right. For the VIVID, my PIN to PAP is 5 3/4, my PAP to PSA is 4 5/8, and my pin buffer is 4 1/2.

     Just as I expected, my VIVID turned out smooth and controllable. And just as expected it is VERY strong with the NRG solid coverstock, the same as the NANO. However, it is 2,000 grit Abralon where the NANO was 4,000 grit so it is even stronger (earlier) in box finish. The difference in motion from the NANO also comes from the different core in the VIVID – the M.A.D. – that to me produces a smoother reaction than theNANO's core.

     My experience with the VIVID so far is the 47-foot Team USA Paris pattern and the 2012 USBC Open Championships pattern in a tournament Sunday. I have not had a chance to try it on a house shot.

     The VIVD was solid onParisand got better as the night went on, with a great reaction from around 20 the third game, providing me roll in the oil and recovery off the dry we had burned in without over-reaction. My MODERN MARVEL just wouldn't make a strong enough move from in deep by the third game.

     But on the 2012 OC pattern, the VIVID was a touch too strong. My MODERN MARVEL was my best look on the fresh and was rolling through the pins where the VIVID was tending to use too much energy and leaving weak 10s.

     That didn't surprise me with my ball speed and revs on a 39-foot pattern with a medium volume of oil.

     I would say in box finish for both balls, the VIVID is perhaps 3-4 boards stronger than the MM, which is 4,000 R2X hyrbid. But it's actually hard to put a number on a difference that is more about earlier hook than number of boards hook.

     Also, I certainly could smooth and/or shine the cover and get use of it on such a pattern, but my goal was to add this ball to my arsenal in the range of my NANO.

     How does it differ from the NANO?

     To me, the NANO has a very tumbly and rolly action going on that requires heavy oil for it to comfortably get to the break point and not blow up. When it works it is incredible.

     The VIVID also requires heavy oil but seems smoother and more controllable with the way it rolls more affected by how a person releases it than the NANO. The is both good and bad because it allows you to control ball motion more with release, which I like, but it also means that if you really miss a shot the core action won't help cover for your miss.

     I feel confident that the VIVID provides more control than the NANO, although it might not be as dynamic and potentially powerful a striking force as the NANO.

     I would say the VIVID could look good for just about anyone with surface tweaks. Someone who liked the dullness of theNANO but maybe had trouble controlling the core should find the VIVID perfect, and those who find the VIVID too strong in its box finish could smooth/shine it and use it on less than heavy oil.



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Re: Vivid
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 08:03:39 PM »
Lay Out:  5" from PAP at 35*    PAP  angle and 35*   VAL    angle. Dual angle  measurement would be    35/5/35. The  pin   ended   up  1/2" above my ring  finger with the CG kicked to the right. The 35* angle put the  Bolt about two inches right of my thumb. I will be adding a weight hole 5" straight across the midplane. This layout is me trying to duplicate an Attitude Shift that was really versatile in and out and shined or scuffed.

Surface: I am box  finish which  is 2000 sa-air abralon.

Purpose:  I wanted to drill up this up to see what it rolled like and also to get  it on the lane beside other pieces in my bag (higher oil volume-longer  patterns). I also am trying to replicate the reaction I had in an Attitude Shift a few seasons ago. The AS was early and strong when dull and also versatile enough to get back with some polish on it also.

Lane Condition   Observations:  I thrown this on our weekend house pattern which is longer (40 feet) with more volume. The center has high traffic on weekends for open play. The Vivid bleeds off energy even on 40 feet. I was able to get in with a stronger release and get it back, but the surface was fighting hard to keep energy. I could tell that our house shot was not the place to get an accurate gauge on the Vivid. Now when I got into the puddled middles, the Vivid had teeth and guts. I was able to get the ball back strongly as long as I didn't check it into the friction too quickly.

Response to friction:
I  would rate this a medium  to strong response in box condition. The  motion is strong and archy but not too whippy off the spot. The response  time  might go up some with a  smoother surface as this bleeds off a lot  of energy in box condition.
Other Ball   Comparisons:  I did get to throw it   some side by side with my Defiant and Crossroad. The Defiant was smoother and longer and the Crossroad was longer but more snappier on the back ends. The Vivid in 2000 was earlier than the defiant which has some lane shine on it. The motion on the lane was different also. The Defiant has a more continuous arc look, the Vivid had a more downlane motion on the backends. The Crossroad was more suited for the house condition as it is at home on patterns in the 38-42 foot range with medium volumes. The Vivid would use up more early energy, the Crossroad held it and then made a sharper move on the back which is what the Crossroad is designed for. If I was keeping score, I would have used the Crossroad since it was a better match at that moment in time.
Final Thoughts: I can hardly wait to get this one on a longer pattern or a higher volume one. The cover/core combo just says it will be a keeper. So far what I got to see was that it was versatile to had releases and speed. I could tweaked feet or touch on the ball and get different looks. This should be a great ball for someone that thought the Nano motor was a tad bit too early and needed the ball to get more length before it made a move on the lane

"You know Cup, I once played in this Pro-Am with some arse-hole, loud mouth movie star and he shot an 82. So tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well, I lipped out this 4 footer on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro-Shop staff -Columbus, OH
Edited on 3/4/2012 at 7:04 PM
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH

DeadWood Pro Shop

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Re: Vivid
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2012, 07:18:07 AM »
business has been good and  haven't had free time to review all of the balls we have been drilling.  My apologies for that. I hope this still helps some people decide to  punch up this great ball.

    Pin Length - 3-4
 Starting Top Weight - 3 oz
 Ball Weight -15
 Several. Most pin up 3/4 inches and right 1/2 inch
 MB 2-3 inches right of center grip line
 Rev Rate - Bowler 1:250 Bowler 2: 300
 Ball Speed - Bowler 1: 15 MPH Bowler 2: 16.5 MPH
 Grit - 2000 grit
 Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Matte
 Length - 35ft
 Volume - medium
 Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - house shot
 Length -6/10
 Back End - 9/10
 Overall Hook -9.5/10
 Midlane Read - 7/10
 Breakpoint Shape - angular
 Carry - This ball reminds me  of a stronger compliment to the Jet Black Taboo. It has the same shape  of roll as the Jet Black. Very skid flip, but better suited for heavier  volume patterns than the Jet Black.
 Likes - From what I have seem  so far from the 10 that we have drilled in our shop, this ball out hooks  the Nano. Most customers have stated an over all hook of up to 6 boards  more than the nano.
 Dislikes - cover of the ball  is so dull, that after getting into the double digits in games, the ball  starts to shine itself up. not too particularly fond of the strength of  the wild mint leaf scent either. But that is more personal preference.
 The Dead Wood Pro Shop Staff
     Not on any manufacturer staff, just a pro shop owner that wants the best equipment in my bag

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Re: Vivid
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 04:55:59 PM »
My layout: 60 degrees by 4 7/8 with 2" buffer

Before I threw a shot with the Vivid I thought it would be an immediate
replacement to my Nano. After bowling with the Vivid for a month now on a
 variety of shots I am sure it's not a replacement at all. It's a great
go-to ball when squaring up with my Nano results in too much backend
reaction. The Vivid smooths out the reaction without sacrificing any
hitting power whatsoever.

This ball feels much stronger overall than the Nano. The Vivid reads the
 lane sooner and does not cover as many boards on the backend of the
lane as the Nano will. This is mostly due to the 2000 abralon finish of
the Vivid versus the 4000 abralon finish of the Nano.

I have used the Vivid on the 2012 Nationals shot at the end of our PBA
Experience league (on Brunswick Pro Anvilane) in addition to a few
practice sessions on the same surface getting ready for our Nationals
trip this year. Each time I've bowled the Vivid provided a very good
look early on. I expect the Vivid to provide a great one-two punch with
my Modern Marvel on the fresh this year.

Scott Widmer
Storm Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Vivid
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 07:10:00 PM »

Pin Length: 3-3.5

Starting Top Weight: 3oz.

Ball Weight: 15lbs.



4 3/4 x 4 3/4 x 2 w/ weight hole on PAP 


Rev Rate: 325

Ball Speed: 15-15.25


PAP: 5 7/16 over 3/4 up



2000 Abralon (oob) 



What I was looking for was a ball with some grit that doesn't start up too fast for me, I was deciding between the Defient and the Vivid and my driller and I chose the Vivid because of it's higher RG that would allow me and my higher track/med. speed some length.

The ball is exactly what I wanted, great length even at 2000 abralon and nice backend reaction. It seems to handle the heavier oil with ease as I had to move about 5 boards over my from my usual area on the approach to get the ball to the pocket. I will say it needs some head oil to rev up, otherwise you will need to put some shine on it to get it through.

To compare to the last few Storm/Roto oiler's I've had. It's much cleaner than my Storm Invasion ever was, little more pop on the backend, revs up better, but about the same overall hook. Compared to my Roto Grip Mutant Cell, the Vivid has more overall hook and maybe a little less backend but gets through the heads about the same.

I could see having 2 of these at different surfaces or drill patterns to compliment each other. Looks like winner to me.

The smell is amazing, every time I use it I want to go get a Shamrock Shake from McDonald's.




Chris Orgeman 

Maude Lebowski: What do you do for recreation?
The Dude: Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around. The occasional acid flashback.

You stop laughing right meow!


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Re: Vivid
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 04:52:50 PM »

Storm Vivid Ball Review

by Storm Staffer Casey Murphy


Rev Rate: 400 rpm

Ball Speed: 17 mph

PAP: 4 5/8 straight across


Where:  Enterprise Park Lanes, Springfield MO

Pattern: 40 ft, medium volume, 4:1 ratio (close to sport)


Vivid layout (Dual Angle Layout): 50, 5 1/2 , 35


With a  little higher RG than most of Storm’s or Roto’s asymetricals I was a little apprehensive about how the new M.A.D. core would matchup with the strength of the Nano’s NRG Solid Reactive coverstock.  I drilled the Vivid similar to the first Nano I drilled last year which I was very successful with.  I bowled on a very tough “house” pattern at my home center.  The Vivid was extremely strong out of the box.  So much so that I wasn’t able to throw it effectively until it had soaked up a little oil which didn’t take long btw.  Once the cover tamed down a little bit I’m a big fan of the result.  The new M.A.D. core clears the fronts very cleanly and leaves a lot of reaction for the backend.  One trait my Nano had was it rev’d up very quickly with the lower RG and tended to stop after it hit the end of the oil pattern.  The Vivid continues more off the spot.  More energy, more recovery.  I find I can play further right if I want because I can get the ball through the friction easier.  It’s a very versatile ball and a must have for tournament bowlers.


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Re: Vivid
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2012, 11:27:21 PM »

39ft Modified Kegel Easy Street


The Vivid is a strong ball, to be sure.  The cover finish at 2000 abralon is pretty aggressive, but still capable of getting some length.  You do need some oil in the heads otherwise you will be fighting this ball.  
The ball reaction is very readable, offering a nice arc in the midlane while still have a heavy roll in the backend.  I found this ball a bit earlier than the Nano, with a smoother and a bit more readable midlane.  The backends are going to be a bit stronger on the Nano, but the Vivid has a very true and heavy roll.  Despite this being a ball more suited to heavier conditions, I was able to strike at will on the Easy Street THS.  It didn't take a ton of effort to get it through the heads, but I did have to get deeper to find some oil.  It makes a consistent move and seemed to always put a lot of energy at the pins, scattering them.  On the same condition, the Nano drove very hard into the pocket finishing with little deflection.  It's a bit longer and drives through the pocket.
If you have the Nano, it might be a bit hard to justify getting a Vivid as well, but for me I really liked the distinction in the ball reaction with the MAD core shape.  The phases of the ball are just that much more readable with the MAD core, which to me makes it a different enough offering from Storm.  

See the complete review, video, and Digitrax analysis at:

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Re: Vivid
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 03:39:50 AM »

Hand: Left


Ball Speed: 16-17mph


Ball Weight: 15lbs


PAP: 5 left 7/16 up


Degrees of Tilt: 17


Layout: 5 ½ x 3 x 1


I drilled the Vivid with the pin up really high above my ring finger. Drilling the Vivid in a weaker state and keeping it strong was a total surprise! I could not believe how strong the Vivid is. It has the Virtual Gravity Nano cover but with a new weight block. I have not seen a ball that goes through the pins with so much power and keeps driving through the pin deck like it does. This is probably the earliest reading ball I have seen from storm. I have rolled it on many different sport patterns and the Vivid made it look like a house shot. It for sure likes oil. It is not a ball that goes down long with a strong snappy backend. This ball is really smooth and controllable. It for sure fits in between the 2 nanos. If u want something smooth for oil this is the ball for you.


I have a video on youtube and a picture of my ball and the layout on facebook. If you have any questions about the Vivid email me at


 Garrett Richardson
 Storm/Roto Grip Amateur Staff


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Re: Vivid
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 02:36:15 PM »

Check out this reaction video for the Storm Vivid, featuring three bowlers with very different styles. Enjoy. @david brown

DeadWood Pro Shop
9307 Boone Road
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Re: Vivid
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2012, 11:12:21 AM »

The new Vivid is the latest addition to the premier line of bowling balls for the Bowlers Company. Everything about this ball is innovative. The NRG cover is the latest technology from the masterminds of Storm products and made its debut on the Nano. This coverstock provides the highest RA values that the industry has seen thus far. The factor finish also comes in at 2000 abralon giving the ball more surface texture than the 4000 finish of the Nano. The Vivid also has a bright new look for Storm, with its black, green, and blue colors. It glows in the dark, too!


The RG of the Vivid comes in at 2.52, with a .050 diff, and a .017 intermediate diff in 15lb bowling balls. The M.A.D. core is a new core shape for the Storm line of bowling balls that provides a little more “lope” through the front of the lane than the lower RG cores like the Shape lock HD and Centripetal core. By combining this medium RG weight block with such a strong cover, the Vivid has a very high hook potential (just keep in mind, hook potential is all relative to the amount of revs and ball speed each individual bowler applies to the ball). What I have found for me personally, is the Vivid covers more boards than the Nano because of the core not revving up as early. With this type of reaction, I have a ball that can handle longer patterns with a more constant move in the backend of the lane.  Many of the longer patterns, like the PBA shark pattern, of today has less volume of oil than some of their shorter counter parts, which makes low RG, strong cover  bowling balls good for only a few frames, or a game or so at the most. Often times, there is just not enough oil in the front of the lane. Once the pattern breaks down, which happens relatively quickly because of the less volume of oil in the front of the lane, the lower RG super cover bowling balls hook too soon, and do not retain enough speed down lane to make the correct motion to get the ball to face up to the pocket the correct way. The Vivid is the answer!!


Two other patterns I have found the Vivid to work really well on are the USBC white pattern of 39 feet, and also this year’s USBC national’s pattern.  On the white pattern, I am able to start out going up the boards around 7-8, and just chase it in with parallel moves(finding more oil), opening up the pattern as the session continues on. With the Nationals pattern, I am closer to 9-10 area, again just chasing the pattern in, but with 2 and 1 moves (the USBC nationals’ pattern for this year is flatter than the white pattern, thus meaning I need to get the ball to project to the hook spot with angles). I am really looking forward to seeing how the Vivid will perform on all the PBA animal patterns now that the east region will be getting busy with its schedule.


The specs:


I drilled the Vivid with pin in my ring finger, and MB in strong position, halfway between my VAL and initial ball track (5 x 3.5). I placed the balance hole (3/4” x 2 ½” deep) in the P3 position, using the gradient line theory. I kept the ball at the factor finish of 2000 abralon.

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
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Re: Vivid
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 04:04:49 PM »
Hey guys, thanks for reading and as always the video review that goes along with this video is here :

What can I say bad about the Storm Vivid.  NRG Coverstock makes a major comeback with this addition.  I drilled it up with a 70 x 5.5 x 50 layout.  No matter what this is a strong ball and takes to many surface adjustments well.  We threw this ball on the Shark pattern and we were able to get a smooth reaction back from around 10.  This ball is so smooth and predictable on any pattern and cuts through the toughest of oil patterns.  This ball does not overreact on any condition including some torn up house patterns.  Hitting power is second to none.  So if you are looking for a predictable ball reaction that can handle a good amount of oil well you have found the right one.

UF bowling

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Re: Vivid
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2013, 11:29:35 AM »
I wanted a ball for heavy oil patterns, and the vivid delivered.  This balls by far more aggressive than any other ball I’ve thrown, and is still taking some getting used to.  But it encourages me to try playing the inside more (around the 20 board) to get the nice arc reactivity.  So far it delivers in that department, and I look forward to throwing it in next season’s tournaments.  Plus the color scheme looks awesome.

Eric Salaices

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Vivid
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2014, 10:53:45 AM »
The Vivid is a very interesting ball for me. It doesn't do anything that wows me, but it's smooth, strong, and consistent. It's almost like a benchmark ball for heavier patterns. For me, this ball is very rolly. That is probably due to the long pin distance I have on it. I have had the most success at 1000-2000 surface and on heavier patterns or on patterns that have flying backends because the smooth nature of the Vivid blends them out. All in all, this is the ball that never wows me, but it.'a also the one I can't get rid of because it's just so consistent.