Reviews => Storm => Topic started by: admin on December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM
GO "ALL IN"! The difference between absolute confidence and a mere poker face is what you have in your hand. The all new X Factor Ace™ featuring RAD3™ technology with ACCU-Tread™ pearl particle coverstock will make you down right cocky! The Ace’s high... flaring that is, and has a strong preferred spin axis that will give you impressive mid-lane roll without sacrificing the sharp backend move. Always have an Ace™ in the hole!
X FACTOR ACEâ„¢ Technical Specifications
Coverstock ACCU-Tread Pearl Particle
Weight Block RAD3â„¢ Triple Disk Technology
Ball Color Cherry/Royal/Lime
Ball Finish 1500-grit Polish
Radius of Gyration 2.52 (Low)
Differential .055 (High)
Durometer 75 - 77 Rex D-scale
Flare Potential 6 (High)
Fragrance Wintergreen
Weights 10 - 16 lbs.
The newest X-Factor by Storm is indeed "an Ace in the hole". The combination of the ACCU-Tread pearl reactive with a medium particle load to complement the RAD3 core is pure genius. The X-Factor Ace is a definite improvement over the Re-Loaded.
I used a 4 1/2" X 2" layout on this light sixteen-pounder with nearly four ounces of top weight. I set the pin over the ring finger, RAD at sixty degrees on the VAL 3" down from the PAP. A 3/4" diameter X-hole was drilled on my axis point. This layout gave me some length and good roll with an early, yet readable breakpoint on those heavier-than-normal oil patterns.
After testing the waters for a few frames (trying different lines from the deep inside angle), I proceeded to roll a 289 game in practice (first ten with a solid 4-pin) on a freshly-oiled lane. The pin carry is tremendous on both flush and light hits... lots o'messengers! I also found the ball and drill layout to be quite versatile. I could hug the middle with speed, or I could send the ball out to the ditch and watch it boomerang back to the hole!
I don't own the Triple Xtreme, but I believe the Ace has a slight edge in terms of length in the front part of the lane. However, like the Xtreme, this ball needs oil in the heads AND the midlane to be most effective. Bag it when the track begins to dry out.
Overall, another great addition to the X-Factor family... perhaps the best one ever...
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
The Storm X Factor Ace is the strongest ball on the market today. This ball is the hardest charging ball I have ever threw. It doesn't stop! It clears the heads, picks up a nice midlane read, and then makes the turn harder than anything I have used.
I drilled mine with the pin above the bridge, 4" form my PAP, Mass bias just right og the thumb hole.
I am very impressed with Storm because this ball does everything they say it will do. I have already ordered two more to try some altered layouts.
IM still out on this ball. i have it drilled according to the storm reccomended drillings #1 with the b option. the ball does get down the lane and the move to the pocket is great, but i ahve trouble getting a consistent shot. it might be because i reecently changed to vaccu inserts, i think im going to go back to the old ones and try them out. i also applied a littl polish to the ball only because i first threw the ball on a senior shot (big mental error there) and now it doesn't have the movement i want. i will post again in a few weeks when i come to another conclusion.
When all else fails?STRAP THE LANE!
Drilled mine 2 1/2" pin @ 12:00 with a 1/2" shift and pin above the fingers.
Kept this drilling, because it worked well for all X-Factor line balls.
I have posted before, so I won't go through my speed & revs.
Ball react similar to the original X-Factor, hits the same, maybe a little more arc in the back. The first night of 7 to 7 36-38 ft oil and carrydown, I really had to make the ball work. Mover left, slowed down, tried to rev it more, and had the whole lane. After 2 - 190's, I shot 259 after the move.
2nd night of the same pattern, less work involved, but I started immediately to the left about 35, crossing 15 to 5 and back. Had the whole lane, hit the pocket all night, couldn't carry the 1st game for 208, but came back with 257 and a 299. YES!!! I squeezed the 12th shot and went through the face lucky to get 9.
Recommendation - The ball needs hand to throw it, not a strokers ball in my eyes.
Still gets a B+ from me
The Perfect Fit Pro Shop Port Jeff Sta., NY
Got my 15lb ACE on September 20th, I absolutely love this ball. I have since gotten rid of my FEAR FACTOR and RE-LOADED, this ball easily replaced these two. Ball is drilled using STORM pattern 1/B with a small weight hole. The ball is like they advertised, very continous through the whole lane and demolishes everthing in site. By far to date the best in the X-FACTOR line!
Great job STORM! Can't wait for them to top this one!
Pat Patterson
14# 3" pin. Pin is in ring finger. MB is 2" right of the thumbhole and down 2". 5/8" hole into the weightblock from lower right quadrant. RH delivery, semi roller track. 1500 out of box means length, with a pop on the backend. Used on dry heads and midlane with a little carrydown. Didn't work, had it refinished with a 600 grit sand and polish. Ball showed some promise then. Wasn't getting a good hit from an UI(rolling out), and switched to this ball. Carry came back. Ball in box condition should work well with a little friction in the back. High speed and spinners, look elsewhere, unless backends are screaming.
I Love this ball, got it drilled stacked, over a 9 game span, i have bowled a 2050 pin total, this ball is awesome, it has a slight edge over my extreme, by far the best in the x factor line.
simple solution to that if u have a problem with it being rough, get a thumb insert. i have them in all my balls.
I just purchased the ball but haven't drilled it yet. Any advice on how to drill it? pin is 3-4 if you have any advice please respond back. thanks
depending on what type of player you are will help on what type of layout you should pop on the ball.... its a 3-4 inch pin so if u hook the ball at all it would be a great ball to go pin above your ring finger and kick the cg about 1 1/2 inches.... great layout right there.... (right handed) .... left do the same thing but opposite of course....
Well.... how do you say.... YER DONE!
WOW what a ball!!! Threw it for the first time tuesday night and all i can say is WOW. This ball has a very strong move to the pocket and hits like a frieght train and makes mince meat of the pins. This ball carries much better on light hits then it does high. This ball has almost zero deflection which makes it easier to leave 9 pins as you go higher. All ten pins left with this ball have some messenger pin near it.
Now for the specifics, 15 lbs and had this ball sanded so no polish shows. That made it make the hard move to the pocket. I have the pin about 1 and a half inches about 1:30 from the ring finger. Cg about 3 and a half to 4 inches at 5:30 below the pin. RAD about 5:30 3 to 3 and one half inches below cg.
This ball is awesome and I would recommend this ball to any stroker. It seemed like the smoother I was with the ball the more powerful the ball got. Had 668 with it first shift and 717 honor match with it second shift. The lanes didn't dry out that much and carrydown was a big factor in me keeping this ball out. This ball hit much better light and made me very cocky as I was walking back after i threw the shot even though I knew it was going to hit light. I have much confidence in this ball now and I hope to keep it in the future. If you leave this ball shined you will leave a lot of clean tens and sevens for no apparent reason. I know this because a guy was throwing an ace still shined next to me and all he did was ring corners. So dull it up a bit and you will get a big reaction. This ball is playable from any angle as well. Good luck and go all in.
Seven basic mottos of bowling:
1)Versatility leads to greatness
2)Be a man, stand up for yourself, blame the balls or the lanes
3)When you get a lucky strike, flex the big muscles of steel
4)Always have a deadeye approach to spares
5)Always have a backup plan
6)When you bowl bad and someone that wasn't there asked you how you did, just say i was bowling with a hot chick, so i bowled bad
7)Sex and bowling do go together somehow
I should have posted earlier and thought I did on this one but regardles here we go again. The ACE has to be one of the best balls Storm has every come up with, I tried the Fear Factor and it didn't matter how I drilled it the core cover just didn't line up as the ball was burned up at 40 feet. The ACE on the other hand has just enough cover to get the ball through the heads, pick up an earlier roll in the mid section but still have enough pop on the backend to come back from any angle. I drilled this one up 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 and it pushes as easy as anything I have but recovers better when I miss out than anything I have. This has to be one of the best cover core combinations that I have ever seen, if you liked the Fire & Smoke inferno then you will love this ball. I was looking for a replacement for one of my high line balls and found it. If your 220 looking to go 230+ you better hook up with one of these unless your satisfied staying there.
I have been looking for a new ball for a second shift league with dry heads, and carrydown, and after reading many reviews decide on the Ace. This ball is drilled with Storm layout #4 very aggressive to get back to the pocket from the carrydown, but what I have seen is that it hooks harder then my Track Freak in box condition, but I can throw the Ace eaiser. I glides through the heads and then WHAM!!. I bowled this past weekend with my ball driller and 3 other bowlers and easily beat them 4 out of 6 games, I never switched balls except to compare my reaction with my other equipment. The others were using the Animal Untamed, Roto-Grip Oracle, Sheer Havoc, Phenom and others and I was clearing the heads when they were burning up, and just kept moving slightly left and crushing the pocket. This ball is new and therefore still pricey, but worth it. Hope this helps someone decide.
Layout: 3 1/2 (pin to PAP) x 4 3/4 (rad to PAP), Pin 2 1/4 above midline, 15/16 balance hole in VAL drilled 3 inches deep.
I have quickly become a big fan of the X-Factor line. Now that I use Asymmetrical layouts I find I get the exact reaction I expect once I choose the layout for that reaction.
The Ace gives me a perfect fit between my Triple Extreme (great on heavy oil) and Triple X (great on medium oil). I find when the Triple Xtreme begins to hook a little to early that the Ace is my next ball to go to.
I also, took my ACE and scuffed it up with a grey scotch pad on the spinner. This greatly increased the overall hook, but still not as strong as the Xtreme.
Picked this one up yesterday.
3.5" pin to cg
3 1/8oz top weight
15.6 lbs.
drilled Pin above ring finger 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" with the Rad on the VAL and a 7/8" weight hole on the PAP.
I have been having a problem with over/under with my other equipment. My XXX would over under unless I fluffed it to the point where it wouldn't carry. My Fear Factor would roll so early that it would hit like a marshmellow.
This ball gets through the heads well and doesn't shoot through the break point.
It makes a hard continuous move to the pocket and responds well to wrist adjustments ie if I go more up the back of the ball it rolls earlier and doesn't over snap on the back end and if I get my hand around the side, the Ace skids a little farther and snaps harder. Some of my other equipment would still snap too hard even if I went almost straight up the back of the ball.
The carry is tremendous I have been leaving double digit 10 pins the past 3 weeks, but last night only 4 and 2 of those were in the first 5 frames when I was figuring out where and how to play the lane.
Versatility seems to be good, I was able to use this ball the whole night while others changed balls every game. I was bowling on Brunswick synthetics with a 7x7 oiled to 32ft and buffed to 42ft with a lane walker machine. Not sure what oil they use probably the cheapest. I will review it again when I throw it on different conditions.
This ball will come back from anywhere as long as you have enough side rotation and head oil to keep it from hooking too soon.
I give the Ace an "A"
Control, Control, Control!!!
Ball Drilled with Storm Layout #1
15 lbs, 3 oz
3.58 oz top wt
3" pin, 5 1/4" from PAP
Mass Bias in B position (5 o'clock)
Weight hole on PAP
Synthetic 38' med-heavy oil
Box condition didn't match up well with this shot. Ace tended to squirt past break wich resulted in weak hits and poor pin action. Scuffed with Grey Scotchbright and ball came to life. I am able to play anywhere on the lane with simple wrist adjustments. Have seen no sign of over-under with this ball, it has great control and is very easy to read lanes with this one. I can see this will quickly become first ball out of the bag. Another great Storm product!
Look at the bright side....if your breathing then Life Is Good!!
This ball, WOW great ball. This ball goes nicely down the lane and comes right back and hits real hard, sometimes too hard. I don't leave really that many ten pin i leave the 9 pin now. Great ball, It is giving me what i want out of it.
i would give this ball a 10!!! WOW!
I drilled my ace pin 4 1/2 inches from my axis, pin above my ring finger, with the RAD strong. I have thrown this ball on a variety of conditions and have fund it to be very versatile. I normally play a fairly deep inside angle as i have slower ball speed with good hand. This ball gets down the lane with ease and makes a very strong move to the pocket. The Ace throws messengers like no other ball i have thrown this point it is by far the strongest ball in my arsenal. I plan on drilling a second one with a lower pin and will post a review on it after drilling and throwing it
Pin is 4 1/2" from the PAP
RAD is in the strong position (position B)
This ball is truely amazing.
It seems to have the same basic reaction for everyone I have seen use it. It is a very skid/flippy ball, but a very useful one I must say. It will sit in the oil and do nothing all day long if the break point is left in the oil. All you need to do is get it to the dry, anywhere. It is so strong off the dry that I find myself playing angles I have never found myself using before. When lined up the ACE will drive and finish like non other. Very strong, powerful, and continuous backend. A normal line for me using this ball would be 20-25 with a break point out around 5 or 6.
I would definately recommend this ball to any competitive bowler looking for a skid/flip ball to use when there is a decent amount of oil.
I can't wait for mine to get hear. Common arrive already!!
The power of Lefties is unbeatable.
Got the ball;
Drilled it.. pin over and to the right of my ring finger; RAD to the right of my thumbhole. A weighthole slightly off my PAP.
I am a .. slow/medium stroker and this ball works amazing. I bowled a 5 game tournament here this afternoon and hit a 1100. It absolutely ignores the oil.. and snaps hard and continues hooking into the pocket. Definately need a dry part to launch the ball towards the pocket; and be careful of long oil patterns.. may need to bag it.
This ball is my first ball out of the bag now.. rather than my Deuce.
Another great STORM ball.
I just ordered the Ace and am waiting on it to get here....I have thrown the Ace once before and got ALOT of backend reaction out of it... Even though the ball wasn't drilled to my fingers i was still getting a constant strong hit to the pocket... It goes down the lane and just when u think it isn't going to come back it shoots across the lanes to crush the pocket.... i bowl my league on med. oiled wood lanes so I'm gonna have to swing it a lil more than the ball that i throw now... i got this 1 because i needed a ball to use when i go to trnys with alot of oil... the balls i have now just wasn't cutting it there, i was changing my line too much and it was starting to get uncomfortable...But over all with the little bit that i have thrown the Ace, i give it a 10!!!
I ordered this ball about a week ago. I drilled it with the pin above the bridge and the RAD to the right of the thumb. I knew from the first shot that this was a hooking ball. When it looks like it isn't going to make it to the pocket, it suddenly snaps and blows the pins away. If you want a heavy oil ball with a lot of backend, the Ace is your ball!
I got my ACE in bout a week and a half ago...and i love goes long amd has a sharp hoop back to the hits soo hard that if u r anywhere close tot he pocket it will strike....this ball is great!!! i shot a 624 the 1st 3 games with this ball... and since i have only been bowlin 4 boiut a year and half thats ptety good...overall GREAT!!! 10!..
I have yet to find anything I don’t like about the ACE. Often, when it comes time to put it away I’m surprised by how long I have used it. That for sure doesn’t happen with all of the balls I drill! Just the special ones that stay in my bag for quite a while.
Check out the full review and other cool articles at's+Junction/725.aspx
Just got this ball for my Xmas present. Drilled it according to storm layout#3.
Im a stroker with a medium ball speed and very high rev. I absoutely love this ball as it goes long and hooks right back with a strong finish.This ball is also very consistent in its hooking so,YOU CAN DO NO WRONG with it.
I have played on heavy and medium oil lanes so far and the ball still works perfectly on both condiditions.I would recommend anyone who wants to increase in their average.
Keep making those balls Storm.
Ive had this ball for a while now and all i can say is that this ball is awesome at times very forgiving in missed shots and very controllable...
i have this ball drilled to play as my down and in shot...
with this drilling a can play straight up down the first or through the second arrow depending on how the lanes are oily and/or broken down...on drier conditions i can move in more and swing out...but i love the reaction i get with this on synthetics because it will have a more snappy backend...on would id avg about 200 with this ball on wood and probably 210 on synthetics...even on games where id struggle for a lil bit id still manage to throw at least a 190...i cant wait to get my xtreme and have it drilled more aggresively and try to play a more open up shot on oily the scent is a plus but i dont thik it helps your game in any way
I have had the Ace for about a month now and i love it...well that was until i bowled with it in a trny this past weekend and the lanes took a chunk out of it in the track... needless to say i was mad..through the 1st 4 games i had a 801, so ave. bout 200...I'm 15 and have only been bowling for about a year and a half now so that prety good...well after that i went from 1st to 6th within 3 games and that where i finished....but this is a GREAT oily lane ball and is great to use with carry down... it eats through the oil as if it wasn't even there...Now I'm waiting on my new Ace to get here... "the bowling alley and to pay"
Got this ball 3 months ago. I am a lefty, medium revs, medium speed, and a medium axis of rotation. I have been bowling in 2 different houses with it, 1 league in each house a week. Pappy's Pro Shop (Garden City, NY) layed it out stacked for me, 3 & 3/4" from the Pin to my PAP, with the Mass Bias in the strong position.
In the first house, there is light-medium oil from 8 to 8, outside of that completely dry. As with most balls, if you get the Ace to those dry boards, you have an incredible breakpoint that will take down all 10 pins. I find myself swinging almost 15 boards on this shot. In the second house, there is a medium amount of oil in the middle from 7-7, outside of that has a very light layer of oil. This is the shot that the Ace has most impressed me on. Even though every board on the lane has oil on it, the Ace has no problem being able to play straight up the second arrow or swinging it from about 15 to 5.
This ball has a very consistent roll, a great preferred spin axis, and incredible hit and mix at the pin deck. The match of coverstock and core puts together a great package that is versatile to many conditions. Recently, after the ball had about 110 games on it, I noticed a lack of performance on the 2nd house shot I described above. To compensate, (being that I did not want to retire this ball that early) I had the ball dulled to 1200 grit with scotch brite, just enough to remove the storm Moonshine Polish and add a stronger grab for the ball. Since doing so, the ball has been rolling like it originally had and I bought a Recharge yesterday to compensate for the lighter oil that this ball might have too much traction for now. See my other reviews for that one. Overall, I give this ball a 9 out of 10. It lost a point only b/c I wish the surface had held up a little longer.
"Storm is # 1!"
Have used this ball two nights and have come to one conclusion. This ball needs oil. Hooks like a monster and you don't have to put alot of finger in it to get it to move. When it hits the pocket light sends pins mixing all over the place. When it hits flush the pins better have life insurance cause they don't stand a chance of survival. Not a ball for dry lanes. I play inside fairly deep , throw out to about 8-10 board and have it come back in nicely. Last night got one out to about 6 came back screaming to the pocket hit a little behind headpin left the solid 6pin. A six pin! Unbelievable! Didn't think it would recover to come back that far. Can't wait for Tournaments to start. Love this ball would recommend it very highly for the higher too more advanced player.
Drilled with Leverage. Pin to the right of ring finger. The ball reads midlane like no other, then has an exceptional backend reaction. It also has great carry. Another great ball by storm. The only thing that I dislike about the ball, is the smell. Wintergreen it smells like chewing tabacco. First choice out of my bag. Right out of box 296 series 764.
AWESOME ball! I love it! I drilled this up for a regional and although I didn't win I'm impressed. Layout was 5x3.5 b/c I expected it to be oily and I have quite a bit of hand. I hesistated to drill this ball b/c I saw Jeff Carter throwing it right after the masters and it was moving a lot. The reason I say that is I put a lot more speed and rev on the ball so I thought it would be another ball that I would have to polish the snot out of or not be able to use.
I was wrong this ball rolls excellent. I could obviously get length at a regional in comparison to a house shot but its great on both. I would reccommend this ball to all types of bowlers who come in my shop.
Got a hold of a second Ace (this time a fifteen-pounder, 3" pin, 2.6 oz. top), drilled pin above ring finger 4 7/8" from PAP, CG 3 1/2" from PAP, RAD between thumb and strong (a.k.a. a benchmark layout). I want to thank Lizcano's Pro Shop in Toledo, Ohio for drilling this ball.
I tested the Ace on a pair that had been used by an early-morning ladies league (broken heads with carrydown). First game out of the gate I rolled 279 (solid 4-pin in the seventh frame!). Rolled this ball in league play at Harbor Freeway Lanes later the same evening, and the Ace was way too aggressive on the backend during shadow balls, despite getting some decent length and read!
Switched to the Depth Charge for a straighter trajectory and a tamer backend. After two games, I then decided to give the Ace another try, standing on 30 and aiming between 15 and 20. Finished the last game with seven strikes for a score of 246 and a respectable 659 series.
This Ace (versus the sixteen-pounder from last October) is more to my liking: better control, greater versatility, and strong pocket action from a deep inside line. Along with my Depth Charge, the Ace will provide a 1-2 punch for normal league conditions long or short.
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
First off let me tell you that for the past 4 years I have thrown nothing but Storm balls. The X-Factor Ace has been the latest addition to my arsenal. I have the ball drilled at my leverage drilling with a balace hole. Before getting this ball I was starting to stagnate around a 210 average. I couldn't seem to raise my game any more with the balls I was carrying (Core Power HRG, X-Factor, Eraser Pearl, XXXL Buzzsaw) So I went to my local pro shop and picked up the ace. After I was drilled up I went out onto a fresh synthetic lane and the ball was hooking off the lane. For about the first month I was unable to throw this ball in league and in tournaments I had to put this ball away after about 3 games. I was getting very frustrated with the Ace. During my Winter Break from college I decided to really work on my game and work with the Ace especially. I knew I could amke this ball work for me somehow. So in a week I threw about 150 games with this ball and learned every little tweak I could make with it. After the ball cooled down for a few days from that week I brought it out at league. After learning the ins and outs of this ball and after the ball was able to get a track on it, it calmed down enough where I could control what I wanted it to do everywhere.
My normal house shot allows me to play from 20 to about 5 with this ball and it carries everything. In the past two months I have not thrown under 650 in league and only twice have I been under 700. My average has gone from 209 to 217 since Winter break and I mostly have this ball and alot of practice to thank for it. I give this ball a 5 out of 10 out of the box but a 9 out of 10 after getting games on it. The ball is sometimes a little hard to handle but if you can make perfect shots with this ball you will never leave much behind.
Last year I had an average of 204. My Primary bowling balls were the Core Power LRG and the EL Nino. This year my average dropped to a 184 (depressing). I purchased the X Factor Ace and it was awsome. I bowled a 615 out of the box. And that was with careless mistakes. This ball jumps from the backend. Great pin action from this ball also.
I am new to the reviews but i am a 197 ave bowler and I just purchased this ball after hearing so much good stuff about it had it drilled close to the #2 layout on the storm drilling table.Ball has great pin action if you're in the pocket but this ball is a little jumpy right out of the box is easily adjusted with ball speed my first out of the bag just not as forgiving as my throttle or alter ego.But this is on the gaurdian overlay with mild oil I will get to try the ace saturday on real lanes(ha ha)and see if it is any better.
Right handed
15-19 mph
Ave amount of hand
2-3 inch pin
Pin set up above the fingers to the right and cg kicked in and mass bias by the thumb weight hole as well. This ball is very nice, gets good length and revs up nicely in the mid land and hits very hard. Good for med oil if u have some dry. This is a very nice ball from storm. I give it a 7 out of 10 just somethings I think could be better great job storm.
Not sure what to drill, drill a Storm or a Track there is no better.
I've tried 2 Aces, one with the Pin above, one below.
Both pins were at 4.5 inches from PAP with the RAD placed 2" from VAL both times, with holes on my PAP.
#1 with Pin down goes against the general trend, losing its axis rotation very quickly on encountering friction and rolling out unless there was sufficient carrydown or oil on the outer part of the lane. I couldn't get on with this ball at all and found it far too condition specific, where often I had better options in the bag to deal with those conditions anyway.
#2 with the pin above is a different story. I love this ball. I couldnt believe it was the same one! I can use a lot more surface and still see better axis retention and corresponding down lane reaction. I like to use this with 1500 or 800 + Ultimate Quick-Cut and Polish and see a very even and strong, continuous reaction on the backend.
Maybe putting the pin down on strong PSA balls is a bad idea?
Ace - great ball, just make sure you drill it right for you.
279 259 234 = 772
The Ace has quickly become my #1 ball now (although I still love my Triple-X) The reaction on the pins is tremendous. I've had the ball for about 2 months. Have had the following games: 279(2) 278(1) 250-260 range(5) and shot my first 300 this past week. I know that having the ball drilled right is also important. Thanks J.D.!!!
Just Stormin' through!
it dies to early my don't hook no more first day it works great and then i go up to vegas i go front 9 i had to wait for the rack to go up i waited 45mins just to throw my next ball i leave a solid 10pin and then i throw that ball the next day it dies on me.
purchased week ago to replace my x factor deuce that had seen better days. Was averaging around 195 with my duece. had it resurfaced and it lost all power. was looking for a ball to push me over 200+. in the first two leauges i bowled a 676 and 656. two of my highest ever. ball snaps and hits with less effort from me. very forgiving when you hang it out. would give it a A++++
med to heavy oil with storm pattern #1
I got this ball drilled around December, and its great! I got it drilled with a balance hole for topwieght reasons. Its great on medium to heavy oil. If its dry and you throw crosslanes it wont come back and it will die, and if its dry and you throw straight down 2nd arrow or something it will just got far on the brooklyn. Besides that it is a great ball on medium to heavy oil and synthetic lanes. I am a 15 year old freshmen and i thought it worked great. I took 20th in Michigan with this ball down in Muskegon out of 105 bowlers. I would give this ball a 9 out of 10 because besides the dry oil, it isn't great on extra heavy oil unless your going straight down the 6 board or so
UPDATE- I took my ball and had the coverstock resurfaced/refinished and it is the best thing i ever done. Before i had it done, the coverstock along my trackline was getting very worn because i had played over 350 games with the ball and it had many little nicks... afterwards the roll was very consistant and the ball looked like new with no more nicks. It rolled VERY nicely on extra heavy oil without having to go straight down the 6 board like i stated above and also held more energy when i got back into town and bowled on our crummy *cough* drier lanes haha. Ball reacts just as good as when i got it
10 out of 10 
UPDATE- It has been about 2 weeks sense i got the coverstock refinished and it is back to crap... this ball refuses to hook and is my next ball to visit "The Shelf of Retirement" Great well it lasted, 10 for 10 new, 5 for 10 after my 3-4 months with it...
UPDATE- I just got this ball resurfaced AGAIN by my highschool bowling coach, he used a different method besides sanding it and such and it is EXACTLY like when i bought it, 10 for 10!
Get your ball drilled at Country Lanes in Ishpeming, MI today! for information, msg me
Hello, just curious if anyone has used this ball on the PBA Shark pattern and what the reaction was like. Thanks. Desertsnake
This is my second review with this ball. I reviewed when it was new and now this monster has over 200 games on it. I keep this ball well maintained. I clean after every series with the reacta-clean from storm. Okay ball cleaner not great but it gets me through a tuesday night.
This ball over the 200 games has ceratinly defined its place over the course of a 6 game night (3 league then 3 practice with college team). This ball seems to only work well in the first game to a game and a half and then the last 2 games of a six game night. I consistently shoot scores in the 240-270 range the first game, but then after that the lanes change drastically for me resulting in that I switch to my polished up super charge until games 5 and 6 in which I switch back to my ace and throw inside. The ball is still pretty versatile. In the first game on the house shot it seems to want to be outside. I usually play from 9 out to 6 with about a 15 foot loft. Then in the last two games after the lanes get too dry for the super charge, I switch back to the ace and play around 17 to 12 as the ball will hook up too much from the outside so I have to keep the ball in the inside oil as long as I can.
This ball has storm layout number 2 on it. Over the course of the 200 games it has not lost much hit on it. It takes a little cleaner ball rotation to be able to hit with a loud noise and send some messangers but I can easily make that adjustment. This ball is still not a straight players ball, I am a semi-stroker with some power loft in my game and I am forced to play a little belly with this ball even after 200+ games on it. The smell is pretty well gone.
Overall, still a pretty good ball, I would give it after 200+ games on it an 8.9 out of 10 because I can't use it after the first game until the last two in a six game set because of hit and ball reaction.
Seven basic mottos of bowling:
1)Versatility leads to greatness
2)Be a man, stand up for yourself, blame the balls or the lanes
3)When you get a lucky strike, flex the big muscles of steel
4)Always have a deadeye approach to spares
5)Always have a backup plan
6)When you bowl bad and someone that wasn't there asked you how you did, just say i was bowling with a hot chick, so i bowled bad
7)Sex and bowling do go together somehow
Man, this ball likes to hook. I find that it loves to roll in oil,and not matter what condition will hook with ease. You can play any shot with this ball whether it be straight down the guts, or coast to coast. bought this ball, it weighed around 15.4. The top weight is 2.78 oz, and the pin placement is 2.5-3. Ihave my pin above my finger hole, the CG between my thumb and finger holes and the RAD is positioned to the bottom left of the thumb, maiking this ball very aggresive. I like this ball because you can virtualy play any shot with it, whereas my other bowling balls can be harder to play shots with. Always have an ACE in the hole.
15# ball drilled with the pin above and between the fingers and the rad in between the strong position a side hole was needed for this kind of layout...
all i have to say is that this ball loves to hook and then some...its nice and smooth on the heads and will clear it with ease and starts to rev in the midlane and the moment it hits the dry spot of the lane it takes off in the other direction like a racehorse coming out of the gates and will cover a good amount of boards in a short distance which is good from extreme angle entry...the only problem is, from my experience at least, is that sometimes the ball will flip too much on the backend and will at times hit high or worse leave nasty splits...i would definitely not recommend this ball on shorter oil patterns with fresh backends as the ball would tend out to hook early and burn up once it hits the pocket...hits the pins pretty well as they seem to explode from the point of impact...some players depending on how they play may have to play around with the cover of this ball to tame its aggressive backend reaction
another great ball by storm....
overall rating 9/10
"bowlers and thier balls are like women and thier shoes...never question how many they've got"
I have this ball with the pin about 4-5" from the CG, and with the pin about 2" above my ring finger. At first I wasn't sure about it b/c of the amount of corner pins I kept leaving, but after about 3 weeks of working with release on this ball, I found the power and potential of it, and am extremely impressed! I finally found the spot and stroked a clean 279 with it leaving a flush 9 in the 8th frame. This is an excellent ball that has an extreme clean, but profound roll to it. I highly recommend this ball for those who don't like the extreme angle balls!
River Lanes
Titusville, FL 32796
You sound like me When i Threw my Blazing Inferno, i threw a clean 289 game leaving a flush 8 pin in the 10th.
The Bowlers Company!!!!!!!
oops my bad wrong post sorry guys...
The Bowlers Company!!!!!!!
My personal specs are in my profile...
Balled is layed out pin above ring finger, I believe 4 3/4" from my axis. MB in the strong position, with a weighthole drawn 6" from my center of grip through the CG.
The Ace clears the heads exceptionally well due to the particle pearl cover. But that's about all the cover can do for the ball, in my hands. I've found with this ball, that the cores just dominates the ball in the midlane, and makes this ball early with a hook set reaction for me. I don't mind this reaction, I just find it extremely conditional in my hands. The condition that I can use this ball best on is patterns with some type of carrydown. This allows the ball to get exceptional length, with a strong reaction on the back. This is what I was looking for out of the ball on fresher conditions.
I wish I could go back and lay the ball out with the pin higher and above the bridge, with the MB just under and to the right of the thumb, to gain a little more length. I would re-drill it, but I have a friend who wants to buy it from me, and with my latest craze in MoRich balls, The Shock and Awe is right up my alley!!
Overall, the ball is great, but too conditional for me. Have seen is work for a lot of bowlers in this area, and has worked for me before just not as much as I would like. This ball hits really hard, as do most storm balls, but loves to snap tens when missed right due to the shininess of the cover. Great ball from storm, I just didn't have the layout match up with my game.
*Erie Community College bowling*
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.
Overall, the Ace is a pretty good ball. At times it can hook like a monster and at other times not hook at all. It reads the lanes well and it's carry is outstanding. It seems that anywhere I play on the lane, the ball hits like a truck, for ten in the pit. I recommend this ball for any stroker with med-low revs (of course on oily lanes). That's what I am, a stroker with med-low revs. It seems to be an excellent oily ball for me.
Hook- 8/10
Lane read- 8/10
Carry- 10/10
Two thumbs up! WTG Storm!
It's better to die on your feet than to live a lifetime on your knees.
You cannot win without learning to lose.
-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
-Michael Jordan
Would this be a good ball to through on medium conditions? If any1 wants to let me no email me at
All of the other storm balls I have are excellent. Storm is da best company
This is yet another review that needed to be dusted off...
Got a hold of a second Ace (this time a fifteen-pounder, 3" pin, 2.6 oz. top), drilled pin above ring finger 4 7/8" from PAP, CG 3 1/2" from PAP, RAD between thumb and strong (a.k.a. a benchmark layout). I want to thank Lizcano's Pro Shop in Toledo, Ohio for drilling this ball.
I tested the Ace on a pair that had been used by an early-morning ladies league (broken heads with carrydown). First game out of the gate I rolled 279 (solid 4-pin in the seventh frame!). At my home bowling alley (Harbor Freeway Lanes in Port Clinton, Ohio) I finally achieved some goods results with the Ace in league play. I was able to play a comfortable inside line without a fear of rollout and checking up early. When there is significant carrydown on the backend, this ball will provide the necessary reaction to break the migrated oil.
This Ace (versus the sixteen-pounder from last October) is more to my liking: better control, greater versatility, and strong pocket action from a deep inside line. Along with my Depth Charge, the Ace provides me with a 1-2 punch in regular league competition.
Behind the approaching front, the perfect Storm is about to be unleashed...
I finally got one and i got it drilled up to roll up early, and its awesome. I bowl at a walled up house shot, and hit about 20 pushing to around 9 10 and comes right back to head pin. Its awesome.
i just got this ball yesterday and bowled with it for the first time. My first game with it i rolled a 190 (my avg is 161)Later that night i rolled a 212 also. This Ball Is Fantastic! Very nice hook to the ball and hits like a ton of BRICKS! I would recommend this ball to anyone
Awesome ball!!! It hits like a truck. This is the 3rd week that I've had it to bowl with. First night in league shot 646. Should have been more but missed a couple easy spares and on top of that had too much to drink.
I have it drilled with the pin above the ring ringer and the RAD is to the right of the thumb with a balance hole. All I have to say is don't use it on flooded lanes. I did 2 weeks ago in a 3 free game session for the league and it didn't move at all. Last week though the lanes were on the dry side and I was playing between the 2nd and 3rd arrow and standing on the 25th board I think, 2 dots left of the middle. I was swinging it out to about 8-10 and it crushed the pocket. Even a few times I got it out to like the 5 board thinking I was gonna miss the headpin and surprisingly it came back and I struck. Great ball though. Cant wait to bowl tonight with it, I'm going for a 300, hopefully my 6th.
I bought this ball out at ABC Nationals this year (Baton Rogue) and had it drilled for a little more length (pin over ring). I'm a medium rev/speed stroker and this is one of the best balls I've thrown recently. On a medium/medium-heavy oil shot this ball is great even with a bit of carrydown (as long as it's not in the breakpoint area.) It does need to get into the dry to make it's agressive move to the pins.
It has a very sharp breakpoint even with a more mellow drilling and it hits very hard. I definitely carry more "mixers" with this ball than anything else I throw. Even with the sharp breakpoint, it is still a very controlable ball with good forgiveness. On several different medium oil house shots, I've been able to find a groove of 5-7 boards where I can reliably get into the pocket for strikes.
This ball is NOT good for heavy oil unless you really crank it up. I've found that it just skids right past my breakpoint. But what did you expect from a 1500-grit shined ball?
Overall I'm very happy with this ball and would give it a 9 out of 10 as a medium oil ball. I've found no reason to switch to any other ball on a range of conditions from medium-dry to medium-heavy oil.
This is the best ball I have ever used. I like the layout on it it arcs more and come in very nice into the pocket. I stand on 30 and release at 27 then goes out to 10 board then back in.
William Esau
Lafayette, IN
What a ball. Just got used to it and the last two weeks of league play I shot 762 and 704. My average went from 209, when I got the ball, to 218. This is my first storm ball and I will never buy anything other that storm ever again.
This ball is the ball for bowler who can throw hard to med but i can`t throw that hard and have to play the angle alot but when i find the shot its awesome when it hit the pocket.i`ve shot some real good scores with it lately nd it seems to be rolling even better now then when i brought it last year.
gary bush
Another Great X-Factor. Shot 772(279,258,235). I would compare it to the Triple Extreme.Very similar reaction for me. I loved the way it rolled and hit. Hits hard.Another Great ball by storm!
Wow, this ball is sick. Had it to give me length and it did just that. I'm a right stroker with a pretty modest release and I was throwing this ball through 17, out to around 10-5 and then just crushing pocket (granted the lanes were pretty worn down). Great ball, I can't wait to use this on some oil though. This ball works great with my fired up, this one rolls a little early and after it makes it's turn it just keeps on going. Great ball, great carry with it too. I had too shots that I thought for sure were going to be wicked splits. All the sudden I watched it hit the head pin almost dead on and there was just a spray of pins like I hit pocket. Needless to say but this ball is sweet. I would recommend it to anyone.
I have had this ball since it came out and liked its reaction at first. After about the first 20 or so games it started rolling out instead of retaining energy. So needless to say it's been sitting for quite some time. The other day i cleaned it up fixed the thumb hole and decided to give itt another chance or plug it and put it on the used ball rack.
Well The first game with it was not good same bad qualitys as i'd remembered . I thought i'd try one last thing i squared up and played right down seven and bang i found out that this is where the ball should be played. I went 165 the first game then front eight the second for a 268. Then front seven for a 246. I've never seen this ball hit so well. So if your Ace is almost ready for the muck you might try this first.
Ps. The grit is 500 abralon with a light coat of polish good luck
This ball hits hard. Haven't left many 10 pins with it, but have noticed that when there is carry-down on the lanes tends to not want to comes back to the pocket as offend. Only bowled one time in heavy oil and this is not the ball for it more Med. to Med-Heavy.
I have had an Ace since the week it came out and all I can say is this is ONE OF THE BEST BALLS EVER MADE. Even PBA Pro Jeff Carter says it is like a Get Out Jail Free Card! I just love this ball from the flare to the power. I have used this ball on every shot possible and it does a EXTRAORDINARY job. You can also play with this ball and give it a little more. I consider this one of Storm's best balls ever made and would recommend this ball to anyone and everyone!
Great action at back-end. Rolled my first 800 series with this ball. Games of 289, 268, 258.
Had this one drilled awhile back, but never threw it til now. Another great ball by Storm! Once I got comfortable with it, I strung the first 7 and shot 255 with it third game out of the box. And I'm only a mid 170's average.
Strong ball - drives to and through the pocket, doesn't know the meaning of the word deflection. Hits like it was shot out of a cannon. I'm looking forward to having some fun with this one!