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Author Topic: X Factor  (Read 36064 times)


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X Factor
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Color: Blue/Red

Coverstock: Reactive Pearl

Core: 2-piece Asymmeterical

RG: 2.53

Differential: 0.058

Factory finish: Polished

Weights: 14 thru 16lbs



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Re: X Factor
« Reply #106 on: January 07, 2005, 03:58:39 PM »
I've had this ball for a while now, but never posted a report.  I guess there were so many reports on this ball, I figured what's the point.  But after about a year with this ball, I think it's time.

My ball was drilled somewhat stacked with the pin about 5" from PAP.  I wanted to stack this ball, but the rad was a little off to the left from pin/cg line, so we put the rad slightly to the right of my thumb to avoid drilling into the rad.  This ball was left with a lot of finger weight.  A weight hole on the PAL brought the side to about 3/4.

Pretty much status quo.  This ball has tremendous length for such a low rg core, even on dry.  I would love to see Storm use this coverstock on more balls.  Anyway, while most balls have the typical skid/roll/hook, this ball takes the roll out of its vocabulary.  Looks like skid/hook on every shot.  Despite this, I was surprised by its versatility.  I have used this on many different shots, but always seem to find a shot to the pocket.  

It almost always hits with power with very good carry.  The only time carry is an issue is when there is a longer oil pattern.  Heavier oil concentration does not seem to matter to this ball as long as you have dry backends.  Pretty good on carry down as long as you make the proper adjustment.

All in all, almost everyone should have one of these balls at some time in the bowling life.  The reason I say almost is because, I have a friend that got one and so far it's been a stinker for him.  He is a low track, below average rev, below average speed bowler.  This ball just went too long and broke too late for him.  In fact, on conditions with a little more oil, his ball broke so late that you could barely even see the break.  Hitting the pocket is not usually the problem, the carry was just horrendous.  Too many weak 10 and wrap 9.  The break was so late that it was either too little or too much too late.  After redrilling it to more midlane reaction, it is now acceptable but just not why you would want an X-factor.

Mr Pantera

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #107 on: February 18, 2005, 11:17:58 PM »
Storm X-Factor
2½`inch pin
3 oz of top weight
Drilled stacked leverage
Sarge Easter Grip

This has been my milestone ball.

Lane Conditions- I used this ball on various different conditions. The X-Factor can pretty much be used in everything but the desert. It will definitely over hook unless you have polish on it or a weak drilling, unlike me. When theres oil just take a Scotch Brite pad to it. Very versatile.

Reaction- Skid-Snap all the way. Even when I have this ball dulled down and im bowling on a flood, it will go long and turn hard. I absolutely love this ball polished with Diamond Gloss and using it on a pattern like E.

Hook- With the drilling on this ball it obviously is going to be a monster. And yeah it is a MONSTER!. This ball relates in oil to the Freak-A-Zoid in my opinion. It just cranks hard and wont stop turning.

Control- Since ive been using this ball for about 2 1/2 years now, I always know what its going to do. Once the ball is released off my hand I can visualize the path of the ball before it even gets down there.

Hit- It seems that I leave ALLOT of 8 pins with this ball. Also, allot of pocket 7-10`s. Its probably just me though. Other than that, this ball is a train.

OVERALL- This ball is my pride and joy. I still have it, but it will either be sold, or put in a glass container when the season is over. If you like the Storm Factor line and haven't tried the Original, do it, or I will shank you!


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #108 on: March 13, 2005, 07:03:22 PM »
got my storm x-factor used from a lefty. I plugged the ball, then resurfaced it. I hit it with diamond cutters, and burgendy pad, then grey pad, and then went up to what i think is box condition (1000 polished) but i only had 1200 so i went up to 1200 polished. drilled it with pin above and in between fingers, with the mass biad *RAD* 1.5 inches to the right of my thumb.

First shot:
Wood lanes, oil everywhere, lots of open bowling and kids on before me, and there were fried heads.
Oil is usually 10x10 there, but the only way to hit the pocket was to throw straight up 15 board, or standing on the left throwing over 5 arrrow. The carry was very nice. Not very aggerssive on this condition with lots of cary down, yet it did move. On this shot i would rate it a 7 out of 10

Second shot:
Same wood lanes, fresh shot, fresh backends, 10x10
playing up second arrow with this ball worked great. Good length, with a nics storng ark/flip in the back (It was a mix of both, if i revved it more it flipped more) If i also played over third arrow out to 10, it came back for the first 2 games. But that line went bye bye with the carry down. So i moved back to up second and it worked great still. It also worked great playing over 5-6 arrow. Give the ball a 9 on this condition.

I like this ball because it has the ability to get through the fried heads like it did on my first shot without burning out, and have enough ability to fight through the slop on the back ends. I like it much more of a nice clean fresh 10x10 house shot, I can basically throw it anywhere and it will either hold if i keep it inside or turn the corner if i let it rit outside.

i think this ball was worth 35 bucks, plus 15 bucks for resurfacing, grips, slug and drilling since i did all the work I believe that anyone that it competitive should have this ball or any of the x-factors because they are great bowling balls.
High Game- 287
3 Game High Series- 808
4 Game High Series- 901


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #109 on: March 18, 2005, 08:58:49 PM »

Well i want to update on this great ball. I used it today on a semi-old wood house that lays med-heavy oil with dry as all hell in the back. Well, i couldnt use this monster in a box on this shot because no matter where i played, deep or up second, it took of in the backends. So, i used my sharp blade for 2 games to get some carry down and kind of break up the oil (FYI, heads dry quickly) Anyway, i picked this back up on the second game, and it was still a bit spotty and jumped off the fry tooo much, so i used my throttle up for 5 frames. That wasnt cutting it anymore so back to the x-factor and this shot was perfect. No matter where i placed this thing, it struck. If i tugged and missed inside, it held the line and struck, and if i missed right, it would jump off the dry and make it to the pocket and take out a good 9 count or strike. I used this for teh rest of the third and the fourth games. I shot 211 and a 245. Man, this ball just flipped so hard on the back that it was something i had never seen. Im really starting to like this ball, and i dont even have a track on it.(not a really visable one). Once i get a track onto this bad boy, im going to re-re-update and let you guys know how its going again.

High Game- 287
3 Game High Series- 808
4 Game High Series- 901


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #110 on: October 18, 2005, 01:13:31 PM »
i recently traded this ball in for a storm fired up and i will say this i thought it was an old ball but i do like the rection it does have, my first game i shot a 258 so the series was like 703, i have it drilled so pin is above the ring figer cg is at palm, anyway i really do like this ball i waon my first abt shooting in the qualifying a 232, 235, and a 210 putting me first seat at finals just to win $3800 i really do like this ball i would recomend anyway who loves backend to check this ball out.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #111 on: December 22, 2005, 03:29:07 AM »
This ball pretty much changed the way I look at any ball I buy nowadays. I've had mine for a couple of years now and like everything about it.

Storm equipment just seems to agree with me better than most. I still use an old Thunder Storm when the lanes totally blow up in my face.

The X-Factor is marked by a couple of characteristics other balls probably just wish they had. For one, this is a surprisingly versatile ball given its high factory polish. I bought it while I was bowling in Scottsboro, Ala., in a 12-lane house with older Brunswick synthetics. The house liked to change up the shot every now and then and the building's physical integrity was terrible in regards to humidity and temperature control.

I was able to use this ball no matter what the oil conditions were. From dry to flood -- and you would bowl on both in the course of a single month -- I never had to put this ball in the bag.

The back end reaction is just dominating. The ball carries well, and it's an easy ball to cross the lane to shoot the 7-pin with. Like all my Storm balls, it has great flare but it's predictable. Even on bad tosses, I never catch the thumb hole with this ball.

I've not found one thing to complain about yet. Kudos to Storm.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #112 on: February 26, 2006, 03:12:02 PM »
I'm a tweener with an average ball speed of around 16-17mph

I received this ball from a friend of mine that wasn't have much luck with it so he asked me if I wanted to get it a go. I in all honesty wasn't really impressed with it.  I never could get the ball to enter the pocket at the right angle.  I have never left as many soild 7 pins in my life with this ball. I just wasn't very impressed with this ball.  I know many of people out there loved it, unfortunately it's not the same to me.  The best about this ball was that I made money off of selling it.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #113 on: April 12, 2006, 01:59:25 PM »
I have owned this ball for a few years now and let me say that when I throw it right, it hits very good.  If I get to the side of it too much, I leave a lot of 10 pins.  I threw my one and only 800 with it last season.  This year, I started trying to get more forward roll on the ball and it hits much better.  I have lost some of the hook on the ball but it has worked out.  Because of the reduced hook of this ball, I just picked up a Paradgim.
HG:  300
HS:  826
Paradigm, X-Factor, Erase-IT

Pat Patterson

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #114 on: April 14, 2006, 03:38:30 AM »
Purchased this ball on eBay, ball is laid out pin above fingers, RAD in the thumb.  The ball with this type of drilling combined with about a 3000 grit polish(Storm xtra-shine) is very smooth, it is great for when the lanes are extremely dry.  

Excellent ball from Storm
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #115 on: June 05, 2006, 10:32:39 AM »
I was cleaning out some old bowling balls and found a NIB X-factor, so I decided to drill it up. PIN over ring finger with a stacked cg. Took it to my home lanes and the results were amazing. Played around 23 at arrows out to about 8 at the break point.  Very smooth to the pocket. Only problem was leaving solid 9's. Great ball... if you can find one I would recommend.

PS I am a power player with high revs and speed.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #116 on: February 14, 2007, 09:02:50 AM »
Ok......Ive had this ball for a long time now, and sorry Im way overdue to review on it!  I guess better late then never right?!  First off, I would have to say this ball is a legend and IMO the best ball that storm has ever made.  I have over 200 games on mine and it still hits like a mack truck! It has a very predictable nice roll to the pocket with awesome carry and mix of the pins.  I would have to say that this one and my widow will never leave my arsenal!  P.S. Love the chocolate scent, YUMMY!


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #117 on: April 01, 2007, 10:13:00 PM »
I got this ball in 2003 and never had any luck with it, I would throw a good game with it now and then but never stayed with it consistently until a month ago. I went to it in the 3rd game of the league after struggling in games 1 and 2. I shot a 211, and have not been under 200 since. I have shot 15 straight games over 200. The ball hits very hard, and rolls strait thru the pocket. I am a stroker, shoot around the 8th board, it just drives into the pocket and destroys it.
I also have an Ebonite One, the X factor BLOWS the One away. There is no contest. The One is a good ball, but NOTHING HITS LIKE AN X FACTOR....NOTHING!


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #118 on: May 07, 2007, 10:57:51 PM »
The X-Factor is amazing. Since going to it on Feb. 25, 2007, I have only 2 games under 200. Its amazing, drives thru the pocket, and hits very hard.
I don't leave splits, and it leaves me easy spares. I have 4 open frames in the past 3 weeks. Since going to this ball, I went from 193, to 199.
I was using a One, and an Infinite One. The One is ok, but very inconsistant and I left a lot of splits.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #119 on: October 15, 2009, 10:31:21 AM »
I have a medium to high rev rate and speed from 17-18mph. The X Factor has proved to be an extremely versatile ball. I have the ball drilled to go long with a strong backend and the ball does not fail in doing so. I have used it on patterns anywhere from Cheetah to Shark, as well as some Kegel patterns and the ball has been strong on all of them. I definitely recommend this ball if you can get your hands on one.
Paul Garwood
Storm Sponsored
William Paterson Bowling