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Author Topic: X Factor  (Read 36057 times)


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X Factor
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Color: Blue/Red

Coverstock: Reactive Pearl

Core: 2-piece Asymmeterical

RG: 2.53

Differential: 0.058

Factory finish: Polished

Weights: 14 thru 16lbs



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Re: X Factor
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2002, 01:14:50 AM »
Pin 4.5" from PAP
RAD in strong position
small hole below midline even with thumb

I haven't had a chance to throw this ball very much.  However I have to go ahead and post a review....WOW.  I have not been this impressed by a ball out of the box in a long time.  Everyone and their brother in the area where I live (Atlanta GA) has drilled one of these so I figured I'd be a sheep and follow.

Very impressive breakpoint move.  It reminds me of the Too Hot the way it keeps coming around the breakpoint...just quite a bit earlier....and more of it.  I can not get over how smooth the breakpoint is for how hard the ball comes around on the backend.

This truly is a great ball for anyone with hand that wants a ball to turn the corner in a controlled motion.  Or for anyone lacking hand that wants a good skid/turn corner hard ball.

Truly a fine piece of work by everything else.  I hope everyone enjoys this ball as much as I will.
Lane 1 = David Koresh of bowling


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2002, 08:46:26 PM »
I hate to be the dissenting opinion but here it is.  Bought this last Friday and drilled it 4x4, based on drilling #2 with the RAD just right of the thumb in the A position.

This ball is a ten pin machine.  I left 9 out of 20 ten pins the first two games in a tournament and switched to my Frenzy (Drilled with pin in the bridge) and left 5 for the last 4 games.  League tonight, give it another chance, 9 ten pins in two games.  Switch to Frenzy, 279.  The Frenzy was intended for dry lanes but it rolls so strong that I can throw it on dry or oil, etc.  I will put up a separate review for that ball.  Also this is in a house I am averaging nearly 220 in one league and have been high average in the city in.  I usually leave 2 or 3 10 pins per night here.

All in all I used to be a HUGE storm fan as I had my first two 300's and first 800 with Storm but they haven't put out any quality equipment in a while for me.  This ball will be given another couple weeks but will most likely be sold as another loser for me.

BTW just for info I throw about 18-20 MPH with about 18-20 revs so I am by no means a cranker but not a fudge master either.  Just my .02 but that is what this is for.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2002, 09:23:35 AM »
I have the ball drilled in a storm #2 pattern rad in d position.  I bowl on heavy oil with at most times a week or two of carrydown and about 8 coats of oil from lack of striping sometimes.  Ball cuts through the carry down and rolls heavy.  If I pull it inside it will hold a tight line really well, and if you swing it and it finds any dry it can find the pocket.  This has been my go to ball since it has been out and left minimal 10 pins and minimal splits.  The ball goes long and seems to hesitate before it makes its turn which makes it very readable and easier to find the breakpoint of the ball.  Overall I have found this ball to be able to play almost anyline as long as there is oil on the lane.  i would have to give the ball a 9 out of 10.
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Re: X Factor
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2002, 12:33:22 AM »
well the first thing i have to say about this ball is "WOW." i got this ball last night from a ball raffle that our leagues has once a week. So i have a total of $10.00 in the ball so if i don't like it oh well. but no no no i love this ball i have never had a ball hit the pocket so hard and carry the corners with no problem, it is wonderful. i don't know if it is because of its smaller weight block or what but for me it carries the corners great. If u like storm products and are looking for a great rolling ball then i suggest the X FACTOR. Cause like they say don't get mad, get rad.

Rating 10/10
"What does it mean when i throw 36 of them X things in a row???"

Billy Ray

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2002, 12:38:22 PM »
Just a comment to everyone who seems to not love this ball. Don't be afraid to try a different surface on it. Especially those who are having trouble kicking corners. I have 2 and had to change the factory surface on both to really customize the look and carry I wanted. So dont be locked into the factory surface. I actualy shined them both more than they came from the factory!

Again just a suggestion.
Billy Ray
Billy Ray
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Inside Sparetime Lanes-East Greenbush
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Re: X Factor
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2002, 09:04:33 PM »
Well I have had this ball for about a month now.It has a 3in pin and 3.6 oz of top weight.The pin is located just outside and below my ring finger.All the top weight was left in the ball to get it to go down the lane further.The first couple of time with this ball I didn't fare to well.I guess I was in shock on how hard this ball hit and hooks.But this past week I shot very well.A 193,289,214.All on burned out lanes.This ball is very forgiving.Hopefully more good games to come.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2002, 08:02:07 PM »
I just punched one of these babies up. It had about a 3 in. pin. We layed it out 4x3 and put the mass bias just to the right of my thumb for a little bit of strength. This ball rolls very well. For me the hit or carry was (for me as good as any ball in my bag I say no difference) we left the box surface on it. For me this ball rolls a little better when the lanes have carried down some, it gives me a little more hold and not as much of a turn on the end. I think this is a good all round ball. I think it could fit anyone from a cranker to a stroker.

Good Luck and Good Bowling,


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2002, 08:27:00 AM »
stats: rh power stroker, 16mph, pap 5 1/2 over 1/2 down, medium revs

WOW! We just got a few of these balls in and have nothing but praise for them. I drilled my X-Factor 4x3, mass bias in a strong position, cg in thumb positive quadrant, pin above ring finger and wow! This ball is truly versitile, and performed well on synthetic lanes, wood lanes, medium oil, light oil (just watch out for burnt heads) pushdown, everything! I am amazed with this ball and thank Storm for another great bowling product.

On a side note we've drilled about 4 of these balls for customers already, and they too have been quite impressed with the X-Factor.

Kyle -- Premier Pro Shop

Chicago Bowlers Sho

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2002, 11:53:22 AM »
Hey there. Here's my experience with the X-Factor. The stats on the ball are. 14lb. Pin out 4" top weight 3.75 rad in a straight line with the pin/cg.
I drilled the ball with the pin at 12 and the cg in the center of my grip. The rad ended up directly under my thumb. I had no complaints with the first set. 740 out of the box. The next 4 weeks went like. 675, 740, 674 and last week 725. The ball reads the lane surface cleanly. I could go straight with the ball. This how our league starts out. As the night goes on, I'll move my feet depending who played before us. Sometimes I'll need to move only a couple of boards, then some nights there might be a 15 to 20 board move. At either of the angles I'm playing, the ball hits hard. A GREAT ball from STORM.


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2003, 05:18:27 PM »
I swore to myself I would never buy another storm ball again, but the X Factor shouldn't even be called storm. Its like anything I've ever thrown. It's great on long oil sport shots for playing inside and when the lanes wide open, you can swing it anywhere. Awesome ball and if storm keeps making great balls like the X Factor, I would definatly buy another one.

Storm On Three

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2003, 09:33:47 PM »
Drilled In #2 Position, With RAD Position In D Position. My Current Average Is 164 And That Was With A 15 Year Old Columbia "Yellow Dot". My First Couple Of Games With The X-Factor Was Ugly, The Backend Was Breaking So Much I Had No Control Of It (Lanes Were Dry). After Talking To Local Pro, He Suggested I Move Way Right And Throw Cross Middle Arrow. After Working On It For A Few Games, I Bowled A 219, 220 And 246. The Ball Is Awesome, Even If I Missed My Mark A Little The Ball Compensated For My Mistake. I'm Bowling In The ABC Masters Pro-AM In Reno On Jan 11-12th And Can't Wait To See What The Ball Does There. Happy Bowling And New Year....


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2003, 01:38:18 PM »
Test ball: 15 lb., pin 2-1/4", 2-1/2 oz. Top wt. - Modified "pin-down" layout: Pin 1/4" above midline and 3/4" right of center line; cg at 30 degrees down from midline, extra hole on line with grip center and CG, on vertical axis line. After extra hole, ball is approx. 1/4 oz. Thumb, 1/2 oz. Positive side. Smooth- and even-rolling, moderate-reaction drilling; drilled as a 'go-to' ball, for use when things begin to break down on a house shot and particles begin to move too much.

So far, the ball has done exactly what it was laid out to do: It rolls very evenly and somewhat early, after it clears the heads, and its reaction is a mellow 'hook-set' kind of reaction, sort of like an original Danger Zone on a high dose of Prozac. VERY predictable and controllable, and usable until the lanes get so fried that the next step is urethane. With this layout, and in my aged and rotationally-challenged hand, it is NOT strong enough to start a league on fresh oil; it doesn't have the back-end or recovery for that. But with a stronger layout, and/or with a few (dozen) more revs, I have no doubt this coverstock would do very nicely for a starter ball on fresh oil; the cover is VERY strong, and the weight block compliments it very nicely. As to HIT and PIN-CARRY, the ball is exceptional. It can be played very direct, and it will hold beautifully; or I can move inside and swing it out and it will come back, but CONTROLLABLY. Corner pins are slapped out reliably and firmly. Until the lanes are extremely fried, there is no trace of over/under with it. When it's time to put it away, it obligingly starts leaving you 4-9's, which is a pretty clear message. Very forgiving, hard-hitting, versatile, and it smells like a Tootsie Roll. Who could ask for more?

OVERALL RATING: 8 out of 10.

David Lee Yskes

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Re: X Factor
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2003, 10:27:32 PM »
OK, First off, this ball hooks, and NEEDS OIL!

I have mine drilled with the Pin above the fingers, and Cg in a Positive pos.  Its like a 4X 3-3/8 and it has 3.84 oz's of topweight too,,,, to get it down the lane farther, but it still hooks.  I used it on my Saturday night league on 12-28-02, and the lane conditions are kinda crappy, cuz they oil the lanes for the junior leagues in the morning,, and then there is open bowling, all day,,, so there is a ton of carry down, but this ball still hooked like crazy. Now i used this ball on my monday league on a fresh shot, and well,, playing 5th arrow out to 10 was tough.  I had to give it alot of speed and anything slow went left once it hit dry.  Now i used it tonight 1-02-03, in a different house that puts down a lot more oil, and i started out going up 2nd arrow, and the shot started to burn out after a about a half game so i just kept on moving left, and by the end of the third game i was shooting inside of 3rd arrow out to 10, and crushing the pocket.  i only shot 579, cuz i kept of leaving 4pins, and had a couple of shots that went high so i got several 7 counts, but besides that, i only left one tenpin, and one 9pin, all night, on pocketshots.  So this ball does need plenty of oil, in the heads, and will hook when it hits dry. But the carry with this ball is great
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2003, 01:21:36 AM »
Great ball to replace those older models in the bag!


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Re: X Factor
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2003, 12:03:22 PM »
Punched up a 16# one of these babies the day after Christmas. I have it set up 4-1/4", pin above and slightly right of ring finger, CG and RAD stacked in line. I consider myself to be a finesse bowler (stroker?), with good revs, and low side of average speed.

I am averaging 191 at a house with med-light oil with some carrydown and all I can say is WOW. Right out of the box and onto the lanes fired a 646 standing 22 with my feet and throwing out to 13-15. This ball revs up and just destroys the pocket. I left 2 10's and 1 9 pin on pocket hits all night. Just a nice versatile ball that has backend that will not quit and the carry was outstanding. To top things off, I hardly had to move to keep the strike line I was playing from frame #1. Amazing.

I couldn't have been much happier with the performance of this ball. This is my first Storm ball and I will be looking for others in the future!

The assault on 200 continues...