i've had the xfactor for about a month and a half and have put atleast 100 games or so on the ball and i think i can finally do a review on this lil monster...
i have it drilled with the pin under my palm, cg is somewhere to the right i think (i'm doing this off of memory the ball is at my coach's house at the moment) with the rad about an inch under my thumb.
this ball is one crazy ball. At first when i got it, i had a tournament 2 days after i had gotten it and had never thrown a ball with such hitting power. Ended up taking second place with the ball over all. Awesome awesome ball.
Although, ever since then, i have actually learned to throw the ball better and have uped my average a lot with this ball. This ball is very forgiving if you miss your mark by a few boards right of your target (righties). If you hit left, it'll go head pin or go brooklyn. It doesn't leave 10 pins that much, mostly 9 or 4 pins over all.
I stand 1 dot left of the center, throw over the 3rd arrow from the right gutter at 15.3 mph (hehe i love allies where they clock your ball speed). If you pull this ball to much, it'll over hook if you hit your mark. This ball glides through the oil, and once it hits dry, say goodbye to the pins cuz they stand no chance at all.
Although, this ball is terrible on dry lanes. It'll always over hook and go brooklynn if not hit the 4 pin instead. Better put this lil monster away. It's awesome on medium-heavy oil if you know how to play your line.
This ball gets an 8.5/10 from me. Hope this helps!
i'ma shoot you if you don't start bowling properly!"
words of wisdom that help a youngin like me bowl better