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Author Topic: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road  (Read 7272 times)


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14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« on: March 24, 2018, 05:54:18 PM »
The diff in the 14lb Hy-Road reduces significantly so I wondered if the ball loses any of its legendary hitting power ?

Comparisons using 14lb between the Motiv OG Venom Shock and the Storm Hy-Road would help me choose my next ball for a medium THS.



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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2018, 10:32:02 PM »
The diff in the 14lb Hy-Road reduces significantly so I wondered if the ball loses any of its legendary hitting power ?

Comparisons using 14lb between the Motiv OG Venom Shock and the Storm Hy-Road would help me choose my next ball for a medium THS.

You are always going to lose some hitting power going down to 14lb.  The change in diff from 16 to 15 wasn't that noticeable for me so assume largely the same for 14.  In general the Hy-Road is going to be able to handle a bit more oil and will be more angular than the Venom Shock.  The Venom Shock tend to read the pattern a little better and handle drier conditions better.  Venom Shock is the better control ball but the Hy-Road has better carry for most styles.  Either is a fine choice and honestly easy for me to recommend having both in your bag.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 10:35:03 PM by HackJandy »
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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2018, 06:57:47 PM »
Let me correct myself.  Had a terrible league night last week so decided to try something different and use my Venom Shock today to start.  I recently got some gold scotch brites and decided to try one out on my Venom Shock.  Wowsers was that ball strong with that surface (started as far left as I would with my polished Green Quantum).  Ball was hitting as well as my Hy-Road until about the middle of the second game when I hit pocket and got an 8 10 split.  Have a feeling ball was deflecting due to standing up early due to more transition friction.  Switched to my polished Hy-Road which I actually had to move right with (with Shock was 5 boards further left with feet, same target down lane) and finished strong.  So honestly I think I sold the Venom Shock short on how much oil it can handle (fresh fairly heavy THS the usual for this league).  Probably going to be my first out of bag ball from now on and my polished Hy-Road will be for the transition.  Right move might even be to move more inside with the Venom Shock and not change balls.  Will have to experiment as I really struggle to get carry much inside at all but Shock will carry when other solids won't.  Shock is a deceptively strong ball with right surface.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 07:22:23 PM by HackJandy »
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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2018, 08:41:21 PM »
I got a shock drilled up yesterday and took it to open play with the kiddiewinkles. It’s a 5” pin to pap drilling but at 3000, it did great on what I would call light oil. I would class myself as rev dominant but it worked to get me 226. I had 4 ten pins when I got a little fast and failed to pick up one. As a 156 league average bowler, I was impressed.

I will take it to league to see how it does on fresh oil but this could be one of those versatile pieces that can do anything with the right surface and layout.

I will likely get a Hy-Road soon as well but with an RG of 2.58 and a diff of .037 for the 14lb, I can’t see it being used in the fresh.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 09:08:49 PM by Mister300 »


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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2018, 08:59:43 PM »
It is versatile for sure and I sold it short (got too many balls, easy to get distracted and not use what I have to their full potential).  The Hy-Road can handle the fresh especially if your rev dominant but it might require knocking the polish off.  Still I do think its at its best after at least some transition especially with polish.  Have both of them drilled pin up leverage with a double thumb hole.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2018, 09:09:51 PM by HackJandy »
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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2018, 11:17:03 AM »
>> I hit pocket and got an 8 10 split.....Switched to my polished Hy-Road

You changed balls after one 8-10 split? Seems like an overreaction to me. Were there other signs that the Shock was losing hitting power?
Balls: Motiv Trident Abyss, Motiv Golden Jackal, Motiv Hydra and Motiv Hyper Sniper. All made in the USA.


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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2018, 11:30:30 AM »
I don't have the original hy-road, but I have the pearl and nano. The balls still hit hard at 14lbs. In fact, I do not agree with the loss of hitting power at 14. Since switching nearly two years ago, I do not leave more corners pins than while throwing 15. I also seem to carry more light mixers. My averages have gone up as well. All things being equal, maybe 14 carries less. But let's face it, they usually aren't equal when dropping weight. I have a far easier time manipulating my release than I did at 15.

As for the Shock, I have one waiting to be drilled up. Finally getting one in 14 after owning two at 15. One of the best balls I've ever had. I just got my VSP about a week ago. I can see using the combo on a lot of conditions, particularly the house shot.


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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2018, 12:37:20 PM »
>> I hit pocket and got an 8 10 split.....Switched to my polished Hy-Road

You changed balls after one 8-10 split? Seems like an overreaction to me. Were there other signs that the Shock was losing hitting power?

Yes.  That is just what finally got me to make the switch.  The right move was probably to go more inside but was kind of just trying out something new and jumped to my comfort ball instead of more experimentation.  Ended up getting no other splits (what I really love about Hy-Road) but less strikes as well (first ball wasn't very sharp towards end, but second ball was luckily).  As for 14lb not losing much I will take Jaz's word as I only have one 14lb an old Viz a ball spare ball I retired because I was muscling it too much so can't speak to personal experience.  Plus he is a significantly better bowler.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 12:42:49 PM by HackJandy »
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Re: 14lb Motiv Shock versus Storm Hy-Road
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2018, 12:50:08 PM »
>> I hit pocket and got an 8 10 split.....Switched to my polished Hy-Road

You changed balls after one 8-10 split? Seems like an overreaction to me. Were there other signs that the Shock was losing hitting power?

For me, I would have definitely put up my Venom Shock after a flat 8-10.  For me, the Venom Shock is not a ball I can jump left and wheel.  I have to keep it in front of me with the low diff core.

I can manipulate my release some if I don't have a viable option to jump left with.  But for me, the carry percentage drops once I move inside of 17 or 18 unless it is polished significantly.