I'm no expert, and I don't do a lot of buying from ebay, so you'll have to forgive my ignorance. For me, however, I would probably only be willing to pay around normal NIB pricing for it. Therefore, I'd say somewhere in the neighborhood of $100-130 shipped. Now, maybe there's some kind of demand for these balls of which I am unaware. If that is the case, I guess the sky is the limit. From my experience, however, unless the ball is one that saw huge success, you really won't get much more than the original retail pricing. In most cases, you actually won't even get that. I hope that I'm wrong and that you get a great price for it, but that's just what I've seen in my experience. Good luck selling.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )

I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws