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Author Topic: Cell vs Virtual  (Read 1241 times)


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Cell vs Virtual
« on: March 26, 2009, 11:59:21 AM »
Hi all would like to know how will the CELL be compared to the Virtual in terms of ball reaction ? Thanks !
In my bag :
Virtual Gravity
Buzzsaw Clear Diamond



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Re: Cell vs Virtual
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 02:39:38 AM »
By nature the original Cell (and the pearl Cell’s for that matter) have a very smooth ball motion and I would think many would agree that they are good control balls in that they work more effectively on the tighter flatter/tougher patterns. The Rogue Cell being a hybrid fits in between, although from what I've seen is the most angular of the three by far.  One thing with the cells, (maybe others can chime in) is that I don't think it's a good ball to try a 'flippy' layout.  Trying to make the ball do something against its nature doesn’t always work out as well as you would think.   Also the kind of ball motion that the Cell’s give, they don’t match up with everybody.  I think for players that have more side rotation they will benefit more from the cells smoother ball motion than somebody that comes up the back of it.  For the guys that have a ton of forward roll, they can difficult to get 10’s out as they won’t tip hard enough off the spot.  
The Virtual Gravity on the other hand isn't nearly as smooth off the spot as the cells.  For some people they have a lot of difficulty with control with this ball so it takes some getting used to.   It’s one of those pieces that you will just have to fiddle with the surface a lot (they will shine up with lane oil very quickly) to get the right motion off the spot.  You also need use the ball at the right times which might be less than you like, but when it matches up, you really have a unique look on the lanes you just need to know when it can benefit you.   Obviously ball layout can change the ball motion of the VG but just know by nature it likes to change direction very quickly.   The Virtual Gravity is definitely one of those balls that people either love it or hate it.  If you have a lot of side rotation and slower speed the Gravity might not match up as well for you as the cells.  Also the VG is pretty sensitive to your release if you miss it at the bottom it’s not very forgiving.


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Re: Cell vs Virtual
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 08:31:46 PM »
I would agree with dursty.  I have two on my team that own both and I own the VG.  The Cell is more "rolly" and much smoother off the break point.  The VG has more back end.  

All three of us have the VG at different finishes to match up to our games.  We all like it, but it took a little to get the best reaction for us.  I also agree that it isn't very forgiving.  I have shot several large games, but it is pretty condition specific and normally I don't use it a whole lot.  


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Re: Cell vs Virtual
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2009, 01:27:20 AM »
i just drilled a virtual a few days ago. i have never rolled a ball that is that strong until now. by nature, i get alot on the ball. the reason i drilled the virtual is to train myself to 'roll' the ball and let it work as opposed to getting a hand full at the bottom and struggling when conditions aren't condusive to that. i used the virtual in league last night (probably not optimal conditions as it started out kinda dry) and played all 3 games with it. what it forced me to do was control how much hand i got in it at the bottom of the swing. when i was loose and rolled the ball, i couldn't do anything but hit the pocket and this ball hits like a freight train!!! when i grabbed it at the bottom of the swing, it hooked at the arrows. i have rolled the cell and it just isn't as strong with a similar drilling. it was alot more rolly and didn't respond the same a.k.a. i could still get a bit of hand in it and not have it want to turn left out of my hand. both are great balls but it depends on the reaction/strength you want as to which one you use.
Ben Jones


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Re: Cell vs Virtual
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 07:25:22 AM »
Have thrown/owned all 3 once upon a time. The virtual is the most angular of the three and overall most aggressive. The rogue has impressive length, then a smooth reaction on the backend. The cell is as most would agree, a control ball. It is designed to be used in oil and be easy to read. With that said, If you are looking for something that has a big hockey stick backend, the Virtual is your ball. If you need length but want more control on the backend, get the Rogue. If you want something that will help blend out tigheter patterns, and be your read ball, get the original cell!
Hmm..Lets see what I have in this bag...some magic, some hot sauce, a rogue cell,a liberator, and a saw.. how can I loose....

....HG-300(2006 w/Desert Heat)...299 (03/15/09 w/Agent Orange)...HS-776 (Hot Sauce Pearl & Ebonite Magic)


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Re: Cell vs Virtual
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2009, 11:44:46 AM »
I got my virtual about a month ago and haven't thrown anything but.  Even in a cosmic leage that doesn't get oiled from the high scoring league before.  Ive thrown two 700s and the rest I still went plus.  

I am pretty revvy though, which you think wouldn't work with this ball, BUT, I haven't had a problem.  I just chase the oil in.  I think it might be that I am starting inside of where other people even end on the lane.  

Does it make sense that the Virtual can be thrown longer if you have more hand in the ball?  That is what it seems like to me.  People with lower revs will have to be out where its dry, or they will be inside without enough revolutions to hit hard.

I feel that if there is juuuust enough oil, I have such an advantage, even though the ball hooks more than anything.  I feel like im cheating sometimes.