It is my pleasure to congratulate my Coach, Randy Cook Sr. for shattering the house record of 855 and breaking the Louisville City record of 869. I am pretty sure he was throwing his Paradigm Passion.
He started the night with a 300, then a 279(solid 9) and finished with a 297. He went striaght through the face leaving the 3-6-10 in the 297 game. I was working and got to watch him bowl 34 of a possible 36 strikes. His wife and 3 kids were there to watch him.
Congrats Randy, thats one helluva series!!!
Ten Pin Lanes Pro Shop
St. Matthews, KY
All the New gear, All right here!
Trinity High School "A" Bowling Team
Louisville, KY
State champs- 2002 and 2003
Since I only throw Infernos, just call me the Flamethrower.

Pimpin ain't easy-it's mandatory.