Think about this for a second people...a 900 is 36 consecutive shots in a row that carry. I'm not talking about hitting the pocket every ball, I'm saying carry. There is no way in all hell do I believe that this kid could carry 36 consecutive shots FOUR times, none the less in basically a 2 month span. Lucky, enough with the crap about golf analogies, FOUR times, THIRTY SIX straight shots carrying. I don't care if he thinks or not, no one has that much luck/skill, even on the wall of china x2 I don't see him CARRYING that many shots built as well as he is or not, I'm just sorry, I don't buy it. The first one I could believe and it was quite a feat. When I heard he had one in practice that was fishy. Now 4? Come on, be realistic. Wouldn't we have heard of him before at least?
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.
-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
-90 percent of the game is half mental
-Yogi Berra