This was a pretty good video. I liked seeing the different styles throwing the ball. But I still see a few issues. For the most part, each bowler threw shots that were wildly different at the breakpoint. For example, the shot of Q....he missed at least 5-6 boards at the breakpoint between his shots. Now because of the angle and distance the video was shot, it's hard to see if any of the bowlers missed at the arrows by these same margins. So there is no way of knowing if the break point miss room was because of the ball, or because it was THS. Which leads to point #2, if possible, especially a ball as strong as the Crux is supposed to be, show it on a more challenging pattern. I have read/saw numerous reviews saying the Crux was too strong for most THS...yet here we have 5 people throwing it on THS. It would show more of the balls potential if we saw people having miss room on a tougher shot, versus THS. But overall a solid video, good use of multiple styles. Just a few tweaks and I think you will have the chance to make some really excellent videos. JMHO.