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Author Topic: a queston???  (Read 2356 times)


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a queston???
« on: January 10, 2007, 05:33:35 AM »
Hey Im a new bowler.  I just started bowling in leagues this season.  I've been open bowling for maybe a year before this but am really just starting to get into it.  I have been throwing the domination and the spit fire for the last 7 weeks or so.  I bought them around the same time.  When I bought them I loved them both immediately.  However the last 2 weeks they have just seemed like they have died and they have nothing in them anymore.  I used to be able to throw them as hard as I wanted and never have to worry about them coming back even if I threw them out to the 2 board.  Now I am having trouble making it to the pocket even if I move over 4-5 boards from where I was throwing it when they were new.  And yes this is the same condition I was throwing on before..  Anyone know why it might be doing this??



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Re: a queston???
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 01:40:54 PM »
Yeah Ive cleaned them regularly after every series.  I thought that might be the problem too, so I've spent extra time on cleaning them and it hasnt seemed to make a difference.


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2007, 01:43:44 PM »
Seven weeks old and already dead?  On a coverstock that's supposed to be in the new long-lasting family like Activator?  Unless you bowl 50+ games a week, or typically bowl on very heavy shots (doesn't sound like it), it doesn't seem like they'd be dying so soon.

I'd either clean them with a good ball cleaner (Clean and Dull works well and won't take the polish off in spite of its name) or wonder how much oil is really on the lanes and where that oil is.



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Re: a queston???
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 01:47:32 PM »
I would have a hard time believing that both balls are DEAD after only 7 weeks or even 10 weeks..
What are you cleaning them with ?
How offten do you clean them ?
Are you SURE it's the same shot ?
Sure your not coming out of the ball different ?
Can you get a video ?

There could be numerous variables to what might be happening here.. I just can't believe they would be DEAD already.. Hope other can add to this I'm sure.. Good luck..
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Edited on 1/10/2007 2:47 PM


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2007, 01:49:03 PM »
I bowl in 3 leagues so 9 games a week so maybe 90 games between the 2 of them and I usually switch between the 2 balls depending on how each ball is carrying not based on oil.  The one league I bowl on has a quite a bit of oil.  One is a sport shot.  And the other doesnt have much oil and it is wood lanes.  Even on the readrier wood lanes the ball isnt acting like it was before.  But the heavier oil league is the same freshly oiled conditions every week.  So I doubt its the changing of the oil.  And I took them to my pro shop guy and had him clean them yest. and it still didnt seem to make a difference.


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2007, 01:53:44 PM »
I clean them with the storm xtra clean all purpose cleaner and after every series I clean them.  And I wipe them with a towel before each shot.  Also if I change my tilt on the domination I can move all the way left and it flies back to the pocket.  Its just hard for me to be consistent playing that shot.  So another thing I was thinking was maybe a bad track??  But I dont know how to tell that.


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2007, 02:00:32 PM »
Based on what you just said, I bet you've burned a nice track onto them (especially because you're using them on wood lanes). If you're right handed and look on the left side of the ball as you're looking at the holes, there's probably a dull spot where the ball has been rolling.  With all of those games on them it should be easy to see.  It looks kind of like a bow tie as you follow it.   This will cause the ball to roll earlier and turn and hit flatter because the balls aren't storing enough energy to turn the corner like they did before.  Either buy some polish and do them by hand or go to the pro shop guy and ask to have them polished and that should solve your problem.  Based on your usage and what kind of surface you're bowling on (wood), you should probably polish them weekly (every 2 weeks at the least) to maintain the surface of the bowling ball, which will maintain the ball reaction.  

Best of luck

Edited on 1/10/2007 3:02 PM


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2007, 02:13:59 PM »
Thanks a million, I will try that and hopefully it works out for me.  If not I'll be back.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: a queston???
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2007, 03:05:25 PM »
I am going to chime in with some personal experience.

I know for a fact that the reactor lasts way more than 7 weeks of HEAVY use.  I use Track Powerwash to clean after bowling and Storm Reacta Shine to polish regularly.  

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Re: a queston???
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2007, 10:26:08 PM »
Ok, so after taking my balls to the pro shop and getting them polished I'm still having issues with my domination.  The spit fire is rolling just like when it was new and I am happy with what I am getting from that ball now.  However with the domination it seemed to make things worse Ive been trying to get out and make a video but I have had no time.  The only video I have with this ball is on dry lanes and it was before it stopped hooking.  Now reminding you I am a new bowler I might not be right but what it seems to me is that the ball is wasting its energy on the front half of the lane.  The guy at the pro shop watched me throw it and he seemed to think it was the lanes, but Im 95% sure its not.  All the people I bowl with in the leagye have even noticed that it doesnt hook like it was.  Where when I first bought it it seemed to get throgh the heads and fly back even on heavy oiled lanes and now it seems to be a more gradual and lesser hooking ball.  Anyone have any more ideas??

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: a queston???
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2007, 07:40:41 AM »
Well it could be a number of things unfortunately.  I was having a problem where my stuff seemed like it wasn't hooking as good and it turned out to be a bad habit I developed in my release.  

As far as equipment goes, I have used balls with the same coverstock (Reactor) and put hundreds of games on a couple of them and they still seem fine to me.

What did your pro shop say about the Domination?
Lane 1 baby.  Lane 1 baby.  Lane 1 is on the rise and here we come baby!


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Re: a queston???
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2007, 01:36:02 PM »
He said there didnt seem to be anything wrong with it.  What could be done to the surface to make it hook more on the backend instead of through the middle of the lane??