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Author Topic: ABC/ Storm / Bowlers Journal  (Read 1040 times)


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ABC/ Storm / Bowlers Journal
« on: July 20, 2004, 10:53:01 PM »
Much to my suprise, I rec'd a certificate in the mail yesterday for a new Storm ball. It said that my score in the recent Bowlers Journal tourney at the ABCs qualified me for a new ball. So I checked the website and sure enough in the "non-pro open singles" the cash scores from 683 to 709 have prize listed as "ball". Cool. The choices are from the Charge series : Depth, Power and Super. I might go for the Super.

In case you're interested, the site for the standings is :

Anyone else get one of these?


         got mule?

Edited on 7/21/2004 1:50 PM
Where's my Mule?



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Re: ABC/ Storm / Bowlers Journal
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2004, 03:40:22 PM »
That was a total screwup on the part of the hosting center, as I understand. They mistakenly put out that shot for the first few squads - guess what - now you're stuck for the duration.

The ABC AND the BJ have acknowledged that screwup, and I don't believe it will happen again.
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before they are easy.
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Re: ABC/ Storm / Bowlers Journal
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2004, 03:55:40 PM »

The contract stated that any ABC tourney held in a bowling center had to be the house shot....

don't worry...this shot will not be there next year....

And who really cares to be honest?? Go out...shoot it.....and that is that??

AS for me....received some money and a ball certificate thingy.......though posted I would sell the ball I can order to anyone interested as I don't throw storm much at all..

My personal savior is common sense.
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