Need advice on building a storm, rg arsenal. After using ebonite for awhile realized storm just matches up better for my game. Stores more energy and makes a better move off the spot for my slow speed, approximately 14 mph with medium tilt, rotation, revs. Benchmark ball right now is a pin up hyroad that works on all the medium patterns. Use it 80% of time. Always loved the high rg core going back to the black thunder, blue, and thunder roads. It’s a proven core that just works for me. Need to rebuild my arsenal with storm around this hyroad. Was thinking hyroad nano for oil, step up. Hyroad pearl and rg hustle ink as my two step downs. Is there enough of a gap between hyroad, hyroad pearl, and ink to fill my arsenal? Not a fan of asymmetrical, they burn up to much for my slow ball speed. Any advice would be appreciated. Btw I have an original blue thunder pearl nib that has a one inch pin that I think I’m going to drill and use for the burn.