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Author Topic: AGENT first impressions...  (Read 4068 times)


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AGENT first impressions...
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:06:48 PM »
All I can say is WOW!!  I got this ball drilled according to Layout #3 on the drilling instructions (too lazy to look it up right now, its late).  Anyways, again, WOW...this ball hooks like a dream.  Just the right amount of hook I was looking for and that was missing from my Doom.  Not to say that the Doom isn't great coz it is, but this ball...speechless.  I thought this ball was going to have a very even arc, but it was very angular...just right.

I also discovered the beauty of the 5 step approach.  It gives me better timing, power, and more revs...more to come...
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2006, 08:14:59 AM »
i could not agree more...this ball is a hook MONSTER...since putting holes in it, i have left alot...i mean ALOT...of 9 i took the shine off of it to control it...much better now
Carry the World by STORM!


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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2006, 09:12:42 AM »
Just a thought (and noob thinking)..if you take the shine off something, doesnt that increase the friction between the ball and lane?  I always thought something more shiny wouldnt grab as much.

Anyways, to add to my previous post...the person right next to me was using a Paradigm so here's a comparison from observaion:  The paradigm has a later break point, but hooks right back to where you need it.  I was scared at times that the guy would gutter, but the Paradigm knew what was going on.  While still angular, the Agent is stll more even down the lane than the paradigm while at the same time giving all the hook you need.

My only gripe about the ball is the "citrus" scent.  Kinda like citrus lysol or something.  While I dont mind it, I would have prefered the "orange" scent like the Fired Up...oh well, what can ya do...

If you dont have an Agent, get one...
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 03:34:45 PM »
So yesterday I bowled one of my best series to date with this ball.  186-141-138.  Again, this ball really knows how to hook.  I use this ball in combination with my controllable Doom to pick up spares.  My spare game has gone up considerably and I'm making progress.  For those like splendorlex who were on me about getting lessons, my friend's dad came out with us (he averages over 200 and has been playing all his life), he basically turned the bowling session into a clinic for me and my two friends.  According to him, I have all the fundamentals down and just neet to work on concentrating and hitting my mark, and finding the right lines to bowl.

I also found out his dad had his own ball spinner, so i went over and couragesly took the shine off with a green scotch brit for an earlier and more even break.

My first ever league starts tommorow, I'll keep you updated.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Jeff Carter

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 09:16:36 PM »
First round of qualifying for the Midwest PBA regional in Willowbrook Il last weekend using 2 different Agents ( similar layouts, different surfaces )
265 267 280 300 227 260 279 235 - +513 8 game total on PBA pattern #5 ( Shark )

For the last 2 regionals i havent used anything but the Agents. That in itself should tell how much i like this ball
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter


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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 10:06:41 PM »
hey Jeff, if you dont mind, can you tell me what surfaces your agents are and why?
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Jeff Carter

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2006, 11:42:22 PM »
i try and keep everything very simple and let the ball characteristics work for me. I think people get too caught up in "trick" layouts and forget that the cover/core combo along with the ball surface is what really gets the job done. With the right ball in your hands with the right surface on it, the layout is a non-factor.

Agent #1 - 5 1/2" pin ( above the middle finger ), CG kicked about 45 deg, extra hole 2" past and 2" up from my axis, surface - light burgundy pad on the track area

Agent #2 - 5 1/2" pin ( under the middle finger ), CG kicked about 45 deg, extra hole 2" past axis straight over, surface - box finish  

I used Agent #1 for games 1-5 and Agent #2 in games 6-8. The main reason for the scotch brite on #1 is to get the ball in a roll sooner and blend out the backend reaction on the fresh
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter

Edited on 5/17/2006 11:40 PM


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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2006, 12:36:40 AM »
Hmm, so you use the OOB finish on broken/carrydown situations?  Thats interesting, I would have thought it would be the other way around =)...Anyways, I love this ball, if you find any to throw away, send it my way! ill pay shipping =)
Bowling Since March 2006

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2006, 07:58:34 PM »
i have never reviewed a ball...but i will tell u this...i came to miami to visit a fiend of mine...i bought 2 bowling balls the pyro and the road hawg ...i did not get the agent because people told me it was too agressive
Today on the alley they put the usbc nationals shot...y shot 910 in for games with my 2 balls...and then i ask a friend of mine if i could throw his agent...i got a 290 and it seemed that i was bowling on a house shot...amazing midlane and so smooth but strong in th backend...i am gonna try to get one before i live to my country


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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2006, 01:41:32 AM »
So today was my first time out after dulling it down to 600 grit with a green scotchbrite.  We were supposed to bowl our first league day today but it was postponed (which kinda pissed me off).  Anyways, this house has a much easier shot than the house i practice at which is the reason why I practice at the house with the harder oil pattern.  This house has the classic THS shot, soooo damn easy compared to the house i practice at.  Anyways, this ball found the pocket every single freakin time I threw it.  I threw my best series yet at 168-171-135.  Whether it was brooklyn or flush, it hit hard every time.  Lovin this ball, way more than my Doom.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160

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Rick Wunder

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2006, 09:29:08 AM »
When I arrived at the center for league last night, I stopped in the shop and found out that I have an Agent.  It doesn't have holes yet, so I haven't thrown it.  However, I'll drill it up on Monday or Tuesday and post my impressions.

Rick Wunder

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2006, 03:55:15 PM »
I drilled the Agent yesterday (Monday).  See my profile for information on how I throw the ball and how it is laid out.  I threw a couple games with it yesterday and more today.

It rolls great, and the pro shop owner agrees.  It is clean through the heads, and is very angular off the end of the pattern.  Both yesterday and today, I was throwing it on a fresh PBA Viper pattern.

My first shot with it yesterday just seemed to go forever before making its move, but when it finally did - left turn!  It left a 3-4-6-7, which is not something a guy who throws the ball as straight as I do usually leaves.  Of course, that was my first shot of the day, which is always an adventure.    After I got loose, I didn't get quite the sideways back end that I had on that first shot.  As angular as it is, it seems quite controllable.

For more information, see my post under "Agent vs. Big One" in this forum.

Platinum Bowler

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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2006, 09:37:58 PM »
I have thrown about maybe 20 games on my Agent, and I still am not sure enough about it to do a review yet. Maybe after this weekend, if I get to throw it in the tournament. One thing that I can  say about it now, is that it sure carries like a beast.
Farewell Tour 05'-06'

This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill...
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will...
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain...
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name...



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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2006, 12:13:20 AM »
Mmmkay, where do I start on tonight?  I practice at the house with a medium oil pattern.  Remember how I sanded my ball down to 600 grit?  Well, I was under the misconception that the lower grit would give me more hook, when in fact, my low rev rate was causing it to burn up right away.  So i took it to the shop to get it refinished at 1500 polished, what a freakin difference!  At 600 grit, unless shot was really dry, it would go straight with 2-3 boards of hookage.  Now that I can clear the heads with 1500 grit, this ball is clearing a good 15-20 boards when bowling down and in.  Posted a 130-159-180 series today...good stuff, great ball!
Bowling Since March 2006

Storm Agent
Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

See my bowling scores online here:
Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)


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Re: AGENT first impressions...
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2006, 11:27:46 AM »
see...taking the shine off..helps control the ball by making it use energy early...rather than all in the backend...making it a bit less angular...i used storms recommendation to hit it with 1000 grit abralon and i like it alot...i think i might drill another one and maybe hit with the 4000 abralon just to ee how it layout 5 inch pin and cg .5 inch out...with no extra hole...
Carry the World by STORM!