I drilled the Agent yesterday (Monday). See my profile for information on how I throw the ball and how it is laid out. I threw a couple games with it yesterday and more today.
It rolls great, and the pro shop owner agrees. It is clean through the heads, and is very angular off the end of the pattern. Both yesterday and today, I was throwing it on a fresh PBA Viper pattern.
My first shot with it yesterday just seemed to go forever before making its move, but when it finally did - left turn! It left a 3-4-6-7, which is not something a guy who throws the ball as straight as I do usually leaves. Of course, that was my first shot of the day, which is always an adventure.

After I got loose, I didn't get quite the sideways back end that I had on that first shot. As angular as it is, it seems quite controllable.
For more information, see my post under "Agent vs. Big One" in this forum.