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Author Topic: Agent vs Doom Raw?  (Read 1766 times)


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Agent vs Doom Raw?
« on: May 03, 2006, 05:17:42 PM »
Hello all, currently I have a Doom raw, and with the introduction of the Agent, I have taken it into consideration.  My question is, how does it compare to a Doom Raw?  I currently have a Doom Raw and am choosing right now between the Agent and a Columbia Action.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2006, 11:58:29 AM »
I've said it before and I'll say it again...don't get sucked into the equipment game at this stage of your game.  The Doom is a great, versatile ball, and should be all you need as you learn the game.  I and others have made that mistake, and I wasted a good deal of development time.  I have 10 different balls sitting around, and I only really need one or two.

Edited on 5/4/2006 11:56 AM


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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 12:16:38 PM »
splendorlex I think that a great deal of todays game is all about equipment !

With my speed and revs I can create ALOT of area with the right ball... so you gotta find the right ball (s) that match up to you
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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2006, 12:21:52 PM »
I agree, but I know that Noy is just starting out.  The last thing He needs to worry about right now is whether or not he should switch balls.


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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2006, 01:22:28 PM »
Agreed with Splendorlex.

One ball is plenty to just start out.  Heck, for 6 years, I carried nothing but one ball in my bag for strikes and just adapted.  My senior year of HS, bowling for the team, had a 194 average in what was basically a travel league with one ball.  Only now am I expanding to a multi-ball arsenal (took a year off).

It's much better for someone to get a decent ball and learn how to play many different lines with one ball than it is for someone to have to learn equipment first, then adaption later.  I'm glad I learned to 700's this year have all come on different lane conditions, and it was all because I knew how to shoot different lines.

Stick with your Doom, Noy.  I'm not a fan of Hammer, but it seems to be working for you.  Keep on your mechanics, fundamentals, and mental game.  As soon as you are consistantly shooting 170's to 180's, then worry about getting more equipment.  Until then, it's all on you.
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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2006, 01:27:13 PM »
hey splendor, thanks for the concern and I know where you're coming from...but heres my side:

The Doom for me is very specific.  I love this ball, but when I go play late at night after all the leagues have finished and the backends are flooded with carry down, the Doom just doesn't make the move I want it too.  I know this because when I go out to play during lunch and there is nobody in the alley, with squeaky clean backends, the Doom is great!  So I really need a ball that will make a move through the heavy carry down conditions.  I usually get most of my play time at night when the backends are flooded, and the Doom just doesn't move enough for me.

Splendor, if you're worried about my progress, I'll tell you that I have taken the time to think about all of this.  Because of your guyses help, I have been able to raise my average every time i play and I cannot be more grateful.  Trust that I will NOT go equipment crazy and would like an extra option or two.  After this ball and a spare ball, I dont expect myself to buy another ball for maybe another 6 months to a year.

Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2006, 01:37:33 PM »
Late at night, it may not be a carry down issue, but rather an issue of all the oil being gone.  If the head oil is out the window, the Doom or anything stronger may just be burning up.  Here is my new suggestion:  get in a league, and don't worry so much about what your ball does during practice.  You will find the Doom a great ball for league conditions.  I've also learned that when it comes to practice, don't worry so much about your ball reaction.  You never know what you're going to get in practice, unless you're sure that the lanes are freshly stripped and oiled.  As far as practice times, that's a rarity.  Late at night it's most likely not so much about carrydown as burnt heads and spotty conditions.  During your practice time, focus on executing a good shot, and don't worry what the ball does.  Also, take any money you may have considered spending on new equipment and spend it on coaching, instead.

One more little tale.  Here is what happens when you focus on equipment early on.  You never really know if you are doing anything right, or you're just getting movement because you just bought a "hook in a box" like the Action.  Honestly, seriously, I can't stress this doesn't matter.  If anything, buying a new ball could just be disguising problems.  If you think you're having trouble with carry down, try a more direct line to the pocket.  There is NOTHING wrong with a relatively straight strike ball.  Heck, you can take this opportunity to learn to play ANY line with your one ball, and in a couple years time you can then worry about whether you could use a particle pearl or a solid reactive with a lower RG.


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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2006, 01:41:26 PM »
I haven't gone equipment crazy either...thank you for your concern!

I have 67 bowling balls.

5 for this house...5 for that one... 4 for this tournament...4 for that one..
a few drilling experiments(layout)  5 for surface testing comparisons.  About 10 for different grip tests...
A few for other houses in Florida(I don't bowl there but in case).  About 6 if I decide to go to Nationals(I haven't) and if I start going to regionals I have an arsenal for that.  Just a few set aside if I go to the National tour also.

I'm glad I'm not obsessed like you all....good luck with all that!


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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2006, 05:05:33 PM »
Yea, I'm actually starting my first league this 17th so we'll see how I do then.  but yea, back to the main question...anyone have any comparison between the Doom and Agent?  I went to my proshop yesterday and he said the Doom is very much like the Action Packed just cheaper.  So yea, I dont wanna get something that's similar to my Doom.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

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Re: Agent vs Doom Raw?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2006, 05:21:38 PM »
Back to your question, though, the Agent is so new that there isn't a whole lot out there yet.  If you WERE to buy another ball, I'd recommend you get something that is established and you can figure out EXACTLY what you're getting from it.  I would recommend a solid reactive.  Some good, versatile solid reactives include the DynoThane Vendetta Black Solid, the DT Vendetta 44 Mag, the Ebonite V2 Sanded, and the Track Slash.