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Author Topic: Anarchy  (Read 3551 times)

93 montero

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« on: February 14, 2011, 07:19:34 PM »
I used to be a big time cranker but it really hurt my hand afterwards. I got a anarchy 16lbs not quit sure of the drilling but im pritty sure its 4x4x2 cg in the middle of hand and a 2 inch round 2 1/4 deep p3 hole ball still has oob finish with  50 games on it and one resurfice to oob. My new style of bowling is with my hand starting on the side of ball with about about 250 revs 17mph throwing over the 10 to about the 8 on a THS. My question is im not getting a good snap to the pocket till about the 3rd game i can adjust but with slower speed and hand position and dosent just feel good. i was thinking of taking it down to a 1000 grit with a light polish. Im also have the same prob with my virtual gravity its pin next to ring stacked layout double thumb 2000 abralon. The extra holes  were drilled for a snappier back end but just not enough umf on the back end. What do you guys recomend.



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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 05:10:31 AM »
 Sounds like with that sideways hand position that your ball is not reading the lane.  Try concentrating on keeping your hand a little more behind the ball and generate your roll with your ring finger.  Go practice and when you do walk up to the line and roll the ball using a one step approach.  Concentrate on keeping your palm under the ball as much as you can.  Also concentrate on keeping your ring finger on the inside quadrant of the ball.  Naturally let your wrist break down to allow the ball to cleanly roll off your palm.  This should get you to read the lane and have more down lane motion.

Billy Trudell
Storm PBA regional staff
Drilling Tech Next Level Proshop


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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 06:33:05 AM »
Two things, first off, if your bowling ball has a 2" round balance hole, it is illegal! Balance holes CANNOT exceed 1 1/4" in size.



Second thing, balance holes are used to make the ball more dynamic, thus creating an earlier ball motion. This ball motion, generally equates to less back end, as the ball is spinning stronger/quicker, to produce a stronger change of direction. Skid snap reaction is created by using higher pin placements, with generally smaller holes, especially in asymmetrical weight blocks allowing the ball to retain energy for the back end of the lane.

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!

93 montero

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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 07:16:52 AM »
I'm sorry it is a 1inch hole not a 2inch.  The thing is I broke my hand not to to long ago so and trying to find a comforable release but ill try it out I mean its kills my game going from a 217 ave a year and a half ago to a.179 I'm willing to try anything though.

Storm anarchy

Storm virtual gravity

Storm X factor re-loaded

Columbia rage (spare ball)


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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 07:45:54 AM »
My suggestion would be to take the ball to a true 4000 abralon finish. Start with 500, all four sides, next 1000, 2000, and finish with 4000. What that will do, is cut down your RA values on the ball, allowing it to retain a bit more energy, while still not clogging the pores with any kind of slip agent found in many polishes. You will have to close your angles through the front a bit, but you should find more "pop" on the backend, as the cover on the Anarchy although pearl, is very aggressive and wants to use up energy throughout the lane. I drilled 4 Invasions, and 4 Anarchys, and the two (1 of each ball) with the most backend, are the weakest layouts. The two with the least backend, are the two with the biggest x holes, and strongest drillings.

Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA
God creates us with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to us. Paint a picture you like and love!

93 montero

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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2011, 02:02:42 PM »
If I would go to 4000 were would you recomened my target of release would be,maybe the 13.  its weird on the night we bowl people with high to simi rev the ball is perfect and then to aggresive bye the end of the 2nd game but I just speed it up. Just for giggles what would it do at 1000 grit with light polish. Thanks for all the advise though.

Storm anarchy

Storm virtual gravity

Storm X factor re-loaded

Columbia rage (spare ball)

Cobalt Bomb

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Re: Anarchy
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2011, 02:17:17 PM »

 1000 Abralon with light polish would probably be close to box finish. I agree with Tommy's suggestion.

93 montero wrote on 2/15/2011 3:02 PM:If I would go to 4000 were would you recomened my target of release would be,maybe the 13. its weird on the night we bowl people with high to simi rev the ball is perfect and then to aggresive bye the end of the 2nd game but I just speed it up. Just for giggles what would it do at 1000 grit with light polish. Thanks for all the advise though.

Storm anarchy

Storm virtual gravity

Storm X factor re-loaded

Columbia rage (spare ball)