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Author Topic: Anarchy Initial Thoughts  (Read 1244 times)

storm making it rain

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Anarchy Initial Thoughts
« on: November 23, 2010, 04:35:13 AM »
Intents:  I got this ball in the Storm Forecast deal along with the Roto Theory.  I never picked up an Invasion mostly because my ROF was plenty of ball for what I normally see.  As of late the first ball out of the bag is my Virtual Energy, I wanted the Anarchy to fit above the VE and below the ROF.  My VE is laid out pin under bridge with an extra hole just past my PAP.  I went with a pin over layout on the Anarchy barely right of the bridge center line, mass bias just to the right of my thumb.  As of right now no hole is needed but one may be added in the future after some more use.

On the Lanes:  38' THS on AMF HPL9000 lanes/ used during a 4 person mixed league

Bowler Stats:  16mph at the pins/ higher rev rate

I didn't have time to throw any balls before practice started as I was drilling a couple balls for customers.  To start I threw a couple balls from my normal starting position. As I get older it takes me a while to get loose so the practice balls didn't really mean all that much to me, although I did move in about 3 boards from normal using the same breakpoint.  

First game XXXXX6/XXXXXX= 276 with a wash-out spare and a couple lucky breaks
2nd game 9/XXXXX80XXXXX= 254 ring 10 & light pocket 7/10
3rd game XX9/XXXXXXX90= 267 4 pin and a light 7 pin

So OOB for 797 was a good start.  For me compared to the VE I thought the Anarchy is easy through the front and has more pop on the back part of the lane.  For me the VE is smoother through out the lane.  I was also impressed with the continuation through the pins with this ball. Like I said this was only one set with this ball so far so I need some more games with it, and I may add a hole depending on what I see in the future. I think this will be another solid product from Storm.  I'll update after I get some more use out of it and may possibly throw a video up.



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Re: Anarchy Initial Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 04:20:07 PM »
Great Post!  I love Storm products, and as you throw, the first ball out of the bag for me is always the VE.  I was extremely excited when the Invasion came out, but haven't had the thrill that I was expecting.  I've been waiting for someone to compare the VE and Anarchy specifically.  I've been looking for a "snappier" pearl and it sounds like the Anarchy is the ball.  Thanks for the post and let me know how it continues to work!
Balls in the bag and order they come out:
#1- Virtual Energy
#2- Invasion
#3- Virtual Gravity
#4- Gravity Shift
#5- Big Hit (spare and really dry)
#6- Teal Rhino Pro (oldie but a goodie)