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Author Topic: ANARCHY review by Storm Staffer Jeff Richgels  (Read 1629 times)


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ANARCHY review by Storm Staffer Jeff Richgels
« on: October 10, 2010, 12:49:43 AM »
ANARCHY – 4 1/2 Pin-PAP, 4 1/2 Pin-Key, 4 3/8 pin buffer. Pin is below ring finger with key kicked right in about a 60 degree drilling. Small weight hole on VAL and grip center lines. This essentially copies an all-time favorite PARADIGM that I still have. Goal is power – a pearl ball that can be used on oil, especially heavy-in-the-middle easy shots.

The ANARCHY is a pearl version of the INVASION -- R3X pearl coverstock with the Origin core.

Unlike some bowlers who complained about being unable to throw the INVASION because it was too strong, the INVASION has been one of my favorites since it came out. I've used both a strong drilling and a control drilling. For anyone who watched our 2010 USBC team event webcast, that was my strong INVASION.

So you can imagine how excited I was to hear that Storm finally was going to come out with a pearl version of the INVASION, which is called the ANARCHY.

I decided to drill my first ANARCHY similar to an old favorite PARADIGM that I still use. Other than that PARADIGM, I had no current pin-down strong pearl  ball.

I also figured that a pin-down strong drilling would allow me to use the ANARCHY on fairly heavy oil where rough surface balls struggled to get down the lane.

So far, so good.

I've used the ANARCHY on three conditions: a modified house shot on Brunswick synthetics in an original wood house, the PBA Dick Weber pattern on very hooking Brunswick synthetics in a center built in 2003 (I've written about the unique hooking nature of this center before), and a USBC White pattern on old wood.

I was somewhat surprised that the ANARCHY was usuable on all three shots, since all three conditions hooked quite a bit and balls with surface were totally unsuitable.  

The ANARCHY provided early, strong roll but I had little trouble getting the ball to the break point.

In the first tournament, I switched to a pin-up drilling in a REIGN SUPREME to get a better shape and reaction to the pocket. In the league, I used a NATURAL the first game and then the ANARCHY the last couple of games. In the wood tournament, I used the ANARCHY for two games before switching to the REIGN SUPREME. This White pattern featured just 17.9 mls of oil and my best reaction probably would have been an old TROPICAL HEAT that I left at home, yet even as much hook as there was the ANARCHY was very usable.

I can tell, though, that the ANARCHY will be plenty strong for heavier oil by its strong and early roll – at least to the point where surface would work better.

I would say the ANARCHY is maybe 3-5 boards stronger than the VIRTUAL ENERGY, although I've never thrown a VE with a pin-down drilling. The ANARCHY pin-down is definitely a smoother shape than my pin-up VE. I would expect that a pin-up ANARCHY would make a sharper move but probably not as sharp as the VE because of its overall stronger nature.

I would recommend this ball for just about anyone, but particularly for those who struggled to throw the INVASION but wished they could use it more.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here: