We demonstrated the Surface Factory at our center during the World Youth Championships.. The machine was amazing in what it can do. There are different things to consider.. You have to consider your traffic and how busy your pro shop staff is during business hours..and you have to figure out how it would work after hours when your pro shop is closed..
During the world youth championships and tournament of americas, we were so busy in the shop with drilling on two presses that we didn't have a free hand to do any sanding and polishing or the potential resurfacing work. After putting the machine into demo mode and showing the results,we saw some traffic with the machine being used.
Now after the tournament bowlers had left the center, we saw little to no interest or use of the surface factory. Even with showing it to our local customers, the feedback was not to pay the different pricing points for what they wanted..I think out of the two weeks we had the machine, local customers dropped maybe $20-$30 into it, while the WYC and ToA bowlers dropped more into it mainly out of interest and appreciation of new bowling technology.. The local customer just wants the quick sand and polish on the spinner.
The other issue arises with having the machine on the concourse. If you or the pro shop owner has a good relationship with center management and can trust someone to keep an eye on it after hours when the shop is closed, you can definitely benefit from having the machine.. If you don't think the center staff is capable of playing security, you'll never want to have it operating outside of your shop hours.. the abralon disk and polishing pads are exposed and easy to take, you can lock the door but then you're not going to do yourself any good as the machine is sitting idle when you could be making a few extra dollars during the league night or after...
Overall I was very impressed with the Surface Factory, but felt that our shop does not see the right amount of local interest to purchase it. It does great work, quality work. Just not worth the money right now for our shop to invest.
Justin Buford
Rich Gibson's Pro Shop at Boardwalk Bowl in Orlando, FL
Good Luck to my housemate T. Reeves and good friend Dave O'Sullivan out on Tour this year.
Edited on 9/16/2008 8:23 AM