Well... a couple of mentions....
It's the Virtual Gravity, not the Hy-Road that I'm having trouble with. Though, this WAS a post about the Hy-Road and I kind of jumped in cause it seemed a similar issue to the original poster.
And... the Virtual is drilled --- or supposed to be --- the same as several other balls in my arsenal. However... last night was rather warm inside the bowling center, and even after removing the last piece of tape from the thumbhole, my VG WAS a tad too snug. I am reluctant to mess with that aspect, though, cause [at least in theory] it's an exact match of the other balls. Except--- the thumbslug appears to be a slightly different material than the rest, so maybe it's a tackier feel and that's making it more difficult for a completely clean release?
It's not as if I was in danger of not being able to exit the thumbhole, but it was a smidgen snugger than optimal. And that surely would cut down on revs and cause the kind of inconsistency I'm experiencing.
So... at first I was going to say that it can't be the drilling, since it's supposed to be the same as the other balls and it ---for the most part ---FEELS the same. But it wouldn't hurt to have the thumbhole compared to one of the other balls. I am VERY sensitive to minor differences in the fit of the thumb, therefore, it wouldn't take much to affect my delivery.
Or... I could just leave the ball alone until the fall, when the cooler weather will cause my thumb to shrink in relation to the hole and if I suddenly start bowling "lights out" with the VG, it will be interesting.
Anyway...Thanks. Although I really dont want to admit the fit may need some fine tuning, I am glad you mentioned it.