Lets see...which balls have had this forum syndrome of ball death? The original One, top seller, Total NV, sold piles, Black Widow and BW Bite, sold tons, Cell, leapt off the shelves, and now the Virtual, can't keep it in stock. The balls experienceing the "ball death" are all the top sellers that everyhone buys and everyone uses on all conditions whether it's designed for that or not. Not coincidence to me. The more balls out there the more might see some slowdown from improper cleaning, wrong surface change, too little oil, or just plain dumb luck.
We've been over this enough as a forum. Those that have been here know better...CRX...and don't have to stir the pot. Blanket statements - "This ball died quicker than snap bracelets!!!!" - don't help anyone. There's a reason why it happens. It may be your fault, but there's a reason.
Storm Staff 2009
Professional Approach Staff So Cal