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Author Topic: Anyone ever tried this?  (Read 1211 times)


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Anyone ever tried this?
« on: September 07, 2010, 06:08:06 AM »
Posting this in a few places as it kind of overlaps...

First off, a little background.  I have been bowling for about 20 years and am more of a tournament bowler than a league bowler.  In the recent years I have thrown Storm and Brunswick products and have noticed that I am using my lower end equipment more often than the higher performance stuff and am wondering if the higher performance stuff is too much ball for my style.  I prefer to play outside of 15, mostly between 6 and 12, decent revs/speed (similar to Parker Bohn), and I am a lefty.

My intentions this season:  Most if not all of the tournaments/9 pins that I will be bowling this year are on THS in several different houses on several different surfaces with different lane machines etc.  

My idea:

I am completely retooling my gear this year as I have some stuff that i never use, stuff that is well used, and overlaps.  Just want to start over.  My theory is for a 5 ball bag, 4 resin and a plastic/urathane spare ball.  The resin balls would be 2 identical solids and two identical pearls (like the 2fur/2fst line from storm) that have the same cover/core combo but a solid and a pearl.  I would drill 1 solid pin down (5" pin to pap is my best pin down drilling from experience) and 1 solid pin up (5.5" pin to pap).  I would drill the pearls the exact same way, 1 down and 1 up.  From there I would adjust the covers as needed for whatever house I would be in that week.

In theory I should have a look just about anywhere I go right?  Thoughts?
" or do not, there is no try."

St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
Best Bowling Pro Shops Inc., St. Louis MO.
"Bowl the best....bowl Brunswick."