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Author Topic: Anyone know anything about the Absolute Domination or the XTACY Domination?  (Read 1291 times)


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I ordered an Absolute Domination because I couldn't find the orgiinal Domination.  Anyone have any experience with these bowling balls?

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Same core, same cover, different colors and finish between the two you mentioned -

R2S is a stronger cover than the original Reactor found on the Domination, and my local pro shop still has the original Domination in stock I believe...


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I agree with J Mac, both balls are the same.  Its basically a T-Road Pearl with a different inner core density shape.  Reaction will be close to a T-Road Pearl, at least my World Domination was(same ball, different colors and name)
Carry the 5!

Gems(to me)->


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I did not match up with the T-Road solid or the Hyroad.  Is the weight block in the Absolute Domination stronger or just different then the weight block in the T-Road?

Thank you for the responses.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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The weight block in the Domination and the two overseas Dominations you mention are BOTH asymmetric RAD+ cores, they have nothing in common with the T-Road pearl other than the coverstock.

In the right hands an asymmetric ball can be a lot more versatile than just a symmetric one, and I'm merely talking about layouts.

Astroman - Was the reaction close between your WD and T-Road Pearl on a house shot?  If so, the significant differences between the two balls were probably hardly apparent with your style.

Domination's have a core that is lower RG than the HyRoad/T-road series.  RAD+ core should start rolling/reving earlier and be smoother (relatively speaking) than the symmetric core in the T-Road cores...



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So the outer core body/shape in the T-Road's and Dominations are different?  Huh...Comparing them side by side, they both look like mushrooms with a different density puck being the stem on the bottom.  The RAD+ used in the Domination balls are Thunder Road cores with dual density pucks inside, instead of the little inner ball and stem in the T-Road's.
Carry the 5!

Gems(to me)->