Equipment Boards => Storm => Topic started by: kevinb30 on February 06, 2005, 11:47:47 AM
i worry if anyone can help me please,i worry if anyone is throw Storm
X Factor Ace,i would like to known how good it is and how much it
hook on very oily lanes and oily lanes,becase i think about get
one,so message me back if u anyone can help me
It is not an oily lane ball.
Why do you need my signature?....You know who I am. 
The ACE is not a true oil ball, if you would like to stay with STORM products then I would recommend the XXX-Extreme or hold out for a VERTIGO.
Pat Patterson
Sorry to disturb but what type of lane is the Ace best suitable for ?
What Greg said.....
Why do you need my signature?....You know who I am. 
From what i have seen the ace will be a great ball for anyone that gets their hand on the side of the ball. If you roll closer to a 90 degree angle the fairly agressive cover with a large agressive weight block could create problems.
I love my Ace. Drilled it pin over bridge, CG out about 2 inches, RAD an inch to the right of my thumb, no weight hole to keep it at an once of side weight. Ball goes long and revs really hard with an incredible snap and hits a ton. Can handle some heavy oil, but needs backends to recover unless you line up and square up to pocket. Its an awesome ball. Think I might get on for next year and drill in stacked leverage to see if it would roll up earlier.
i also recommend the vertigo or the xxx-extreme
my ace is nice on a medium shot, and i rev about 550rpm at with quite alot of power, but i use my atomic charge for heavy oil lane, due to my high rev rate.
anyways, i agree with everyone who posted so far, the ace is not really a heavy oil ball
Storm RoCkS !!! Anything else: Your Resistance is futile...
i USE:
I throw the Ace and it is not a real oily lane ball, it is more of a dry lane ball. Also, if you are looking for a storm ball that hooks on oil, check on the new X-Factor vertigo it is supposed to hook alot! I hope this helps you out.
Edited on 2/10/2005 9:44 PM