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Author Topic: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?  (Read 8955 times)


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Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« on: February 11, 2009, 05:08:35 AM »
I'm just curious if the rumors about Duke burning up Fagans line during practice before the final match are true?

I wasn't their but watched it on TV.  I saw Duke practicing the outside line on TV right before they broke for commercial.  After the commercial time out the players were done practicing.  



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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2009, 07:31:51 AM »
schlem said it has happened earlier this year so it's possible..


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2009, 08:06:38 AM »
I think what Anthony was talking about was how when he came on for his match, they had changed a TON from the pre-show practice (heat and lights do that) and he only had a few balls and ended up jumping in and kind of being in fishing mode.

The Bigun story was practice before a doubles match of us against two lefties in a local tournament and he threw 6 of his 8 practice balls (I think) at the 4-7 with a plastic ball. I don't think that was enough shots to make a significant difference in the shot but it seemed to make a difference in the mindset of our opponents. Needless to say they got a little bent and we won the match. For the record, that one kind of bothered me although again it's not against the rules. However, local tournaments are not the PBA. We won by more than 100 so I doubt it was difference.

Edited on 2/12/2009 9:07 AM


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2009, 08:24:19 AM »
if i had been in norm dukes shoes i would have tried any method within the confines of the rules to better my chances of winning. that is the whole yourself a legitimate chance in winning.


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2009, 08:28:24 AM »
If he did, good for him, it is all about winning the tournament, and if thats what it takes and there is no rule about it, than so be it.
I was just surprised nobody else moved out to the gutter
Dale Williams
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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2009, 09:01:16 AM »
"I don't agree with this" Voss wrote". "Unfortunately, there is no rule to prevent it. Nothing against him, just the rules that allow integrity to be destroyed".

This about sums it up. Just think the announcers should do a better job of explaining to the crowd and TV audience what the bowler is doing and the reason they are doing it is they could not beat the other bowler if they did not blow up their line. Interesting how Fagan was getting stronger each match especially on the right lane that was giving everyone trouble then all of a sudden in the title match he didn't have a reaction.
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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2009, 09:19:29 AM »
I could be wrong but if he did play the line Fagan was playing that would make perfect since to me, how many of us would think to create friction down the lane near or around the break point.  The line Duke was playing is like a signature move he is almost unbeatable when he plays that straight with just enough hand behind the ball to finish.  If he didn't try that line in practice to help him get the ball to move just in case the ball floated to the right and went light, and or to help the ball move just enough to go high flush then I am completely wrong.  This is just what I think.
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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2009, 11:28:24 AM »
Really I have no problem with Norm doing this since with the balls of today and the amount of practice they allow, it's just another way of gaining an edge. Is it "ethical?" Probably not but it's part of the modern game.

My beef is with the people who are defending Norm but absolutely killed Chris Loschetter and Rick Benoit over the same idea just because a big name bowler threw a fit over it. No hypocrisy there...


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #38 on: February 12, 2009, 12:04:46 PM »
Well, a person of some renowned here told me that some of the guys are "show ponies," but he was decent enough to not name names. I'm willing to bet he may have meant Norm.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #39 on: February 12, 2009, 12:28:47 PM »
Col Nathan Jessup, have you seen ANYBODY in this thread support Duke for allegedly causing an opponent to stick on the approach and foul?  NO!  They're addressing the one issue of burning up someone's line in practice with a sanded ball (which is completely legal, completely acceptable, and completely unrelated to the one issue you can't seem to get over).  I've never met Duke, I have no idea what he's like (he could be the greatest guy ever or the biggest a-hole ever, and I wouldn't know!  Or really care!).  I don't even know whether your story about the tape on the shoe is true or not.  All I know is you're apparently obsessed with it and you're basically being a dick about it to everyone else when it's not even the original point of this thread.

Zef Olantar

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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2009, 02:43:02 PM »

Norm is a lowlife two faced scum of an opponet that would throw his best friend under a bus if it meant he could win a match, then cry on tv for all of his adoring fans so you can continue to love him so much.  Sorry to ruin the image of your idol but he's nothing but a dirty two bit POS in real life.

How about at the 2005 Masters where Norm Duke drew Art Brown first match of matchplay? At the end of warm ups Norm took a few slide checks at the line where Art Brown was sliding.  The first shot art brown fell over the line and fould at the line and was complaining about a sticky residue.  Weeks later Norm said amongst some fellow bowlers in the bar about how he took two pieces of white tape on a sliding sole he wasnt using and intentionally made the approach sticky where Art was playing.  Norm won that match by the way.   Have anything to defend your hero with now?  Ask around, people were there, eyes were watching.  Or was this a tactic that people use all the time too?  If someone was to stoop that low in the little tuesday night beer drinkers mixed leagues that some of you bowl in, you would be on this forum in 2 seconds crying and ranting about foul play for 21 pages.  Get over Duke, he's a backstabbing lying cheat!
-Col. Nathan Jessup

Edited on 2/12/2009 1:20 PM


Get over it already!
Proof is in this thread from people who were at the tournament to watch Duke NOT do anything illegal or unsportsmanlike!
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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2009, 02:52:00 PM »
duke was in the bathroom bumping rails, then he went out and socked the dude in the knee w/ a pipe wrench, then he went to the ball storage and sprayed wd-40 on everybody balls, then went back to the bathroom and pumped him some roids just for good measure, but no he didn't burn the other guys line, and even if he did its part of the game. learn to deal with it of go flip burgers

p.s. Zefo you gotta leave norms leg alone
just playin

Edited on 2/12/2009 3:52 PM


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2009, 03:57:12 PM »
I swear to you that it's completely true. I sat right behind Fagan, and if you don't believe me, I'll send you a picture of the sign that I made that was on TV to prove that I was there.

Duke took a sanded as he11 ball and threw it ALL OVER Fagan's line right before coming back from commercials, at which point he pulled out his hyroad and moved out before anyone could see him playing on Fagan's line.
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I saw that,  can't remember what the sign said, but I remember seeing it.
And I saw Duke taking about 4 balls off the rack when they came back from commercial.   You were sitting near his wife  You devil

She looked hot.


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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #43 on: February 12, 2009, 04:27:44 PM »
You guys need to keep something in mind.  Duke only bowled one game.  I'm not at all surprised that he tested different areas on the lanes.  That's common practice for all the PBA players.

I remember Duke bowling in the Columbia 300 tourney in 06'.  He ended up bowling 4 other PBA players in route to a win.  I believe they bowled on the shark pattern.  He bowled against Fagan, Ciccone, ????? and Shafer.  All of these other players were playing inside except for Duke.  Randy Paterson said during the telecast that Duke took a 360 grit spit fire and burned up some bumper area for himself outside.  Duke could of went inside and tried to burn up Fagans line then but didn't.

Earlier this season Rash tried to burn up Dukes line at the World championships.  Duke didn't try to mess up his line.

So Duke was using a sanded ball trying out inside lines before his match against Fagan.  Was his intenstions to screw up Fagans line or see if that was the best area to play?  No one will obviously know.  Duke hasn't shown a history of effing up others lines.  He could of done this to Rash but didn't.

So i'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #44 on: February 14, 2009, 09:04:21 AM »
This thread is LOL-tastic.
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Re: Are the Duke rumors true or BS?
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2009, 10:31:55 AM »
Most of you guys must not have competed in any other sports. If it is within the rules, and gives you an edge, do it. Everyone can pick up a sanded ball and throw it if that is how they want to use their warm up time. I doubt it would give most any advantage.

Ducke is one of the best. Probably the most accurate bowler on tour right now. He won because he was the best on Sunday. All of you Duke haters need to quit crying.
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