You guys need to keep something in mind. Duke only bowled one game. I'm not at all surprised that he tested different areas on the lanes. That's common practice for all the PBA players.
I remember Duke bowling in the Columbia 300 tourney in 06'. He ended up bowling 4 other PBA players in route to a win. I believe they bowled on the shark pattern. He bowled against Fagan, Ciccone,

?? and Shafer. All of these other players were playing inside except for Duke. Randy Paterson said during the telecast that Duke took a 360 grit spit fire and burned up some bumper area for himself outside. Duke could of went inside and tried to burn up Fagans line then but didn't.
Earlier this season Rash tried to burn up Dukes line at the World championships. Duke didn't try to mess up his line.
So Duke was using a sanded ball trying out inside lines before his match against Fagan. Was his intenstions to screw up Fagans line or see if that was the best area to play? No one will obviously know. Duke hasn't shown a history of effing up others lines. He could of done this to Rash but didn't.
So i'm giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.