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Author Topic: are you throwing an egg?  (Read 1278 times)

Mr Track

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are you throwing an egg?
« on: February 10, 2006, 01:57:41 PM »
Hey guys,

I've been trying to drill up a Diablo and so far, I found 2 of them that aren't round.  The ball wobbles like and egg on a flat leveled surface, and also wobbles on the drill press...I also have the Brunswick ball ring that shows the size of the ball(8.324 or something), and it gets stuck in certain angles....

One of my fellow bowlers also has an egg shapped Diablo that he just drilled, and he never knew why this ball would not roll up for him...till he found out it wasnt round.


anyone else wondering why their Diablo wont hook or roll up?

SHOP OWNERS/EMPLOYEES...check your Diablo's....wiggle it on the drill press cup, use your brunswick ball ring, place it on a leveled surface....check it somehow!

Bowlers Pit-Stop

stormwick bowler!



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Re: are you throwing an egg?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2006, 07:31:25 AM »
Got no problems with mine...hooks good and rolls up strong.  You sure it was a "Diablo" and not a "Robo"...haven't seen one of those roll good yet, especailly on TV...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Mr Track

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Re: are you throwing an egg?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 10:49:19 PM »
im pretty sure its a Diablo when it says: DIABLO on it

I just drilled up one...not as oval, but its still good...moves like a homing missile to the pocket and hits like a ton of bricks. more to come....
Bowlers Pit-Stop

stormwick bowler!