win a ball from

Author Topic: arsenal  (Read 898 times)


  • Full Member
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  • Posts: 182
« on: February 21, 2009, 08:02:49 AM »
How does my arsenal look? do you think i have just about everything covered i bowl a lot of sport shot and long tourneys 6 games plus. any gaps?

uprising same 5 inchpin to pap pin down heavy oil smooth and rolly 500
virtual gravity-5 pinpap pin down light polish  med to heavy oil opens the lanes up
hy-road-same layout as virtual box finish med to heavy shorter shots etc pin down
Rapid fire-5.5 pin to pap 4000 albralon. benchmark ball smooth as hell great on transitions
dimension- 4.5 pin to pap pin 2 inch above ring. controls friction great on short sport shots cheetah etc.
hy-road- 4inch pin to pap pin up med to light 2nd shift
avalanche slide- light oil 5in pin to pap polish

High Score:300(3)
High Series:766
arsenal:virtual gravity, hy-road, rapid fire, spare ball
400 revs:
power stroker
gotta hate the 9 pin